WASHINGTON, DC, June 6, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with AIDS deaths data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).

In an interview with lifesitenews.com, Dr. Paul Cameron, the President of the Family Research Institute and the scientist who headed the study, indicated that he was not at all surprised by the findings. Rather he said that it only served as further confirmation for what had long been known and other studies have already shown.

One such study was conducted in Vancouver British Columbia and published in 1997 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 26, 657-61: https://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/26/3/657). It almost exactly mirrors the findings of Cameron’s research.

The Vancouver study was conducted by a team of pro-gay researchers, who, upon finding that pro-family advocates were using the results of their research as confirmation for their beliefs about the risks of the homosexual lifestyle, issued a statement trying to curb this unintended after-effect. “The aim of our work,” said the research team, “was to assist health planners with the means of estimating the impact of HIV infection on groups, like gay and bisexual men, not necessarily captured by vital statistics data and not to hinder the rights of these groups worldwide. Overall, we do not condone the use of our research in a manner that restricts the political or human rights of gay and bisexual men or any other group.”

Despite their attempts to downplay the practical consequences of their research, it is difficult to ignore that the study concluded with the statement that “under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre [Vancouver, BC] are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871.” Corresponding almost exactly with Cameron’s study, the Vancouver study indicated that “life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.”

Dr. Cameron indicated that he hoped the sobering results of the new study, in addition to such similar past studies, would finally cause a “reexamination”, saying that “our society needs to reassess what it’s doing with those who engage in homosexuality.”

The schools, he said, are doing a fine job educating children about dangerous activities such as smoking and the use of illegal drugs. But they are increasingly teaching that homosexuality is the same as heterosexual behaviour. “It certainly isn’t,” said Cameron. “Here we have homosexual activity, which, literally, is much worse than smoking,” and yet the schools continue to teach that it is normative and safe behaviour.

Cameron dismissed accusations of bias on account of his pro-life, pro-family beliefs, indicating that if the scientific objectivity of his research methods as well as the correspondence with the results of other similar studies isn’t evidence enough, his selection by the highly prestigious British medical journal and the Canadian medical association journal as a peer reviewer should serve as sufficient proof of his commitment to scientific integrity.”[The British and Canadian journals] wouldn’t even think of using someone that they didn’t think was both skilled and fair at analyzing and recommending which articles ought to be published” said the doctor.

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The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

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