We are only a few days into our Spring Campaign, and I would like to share with you some of the feedback we have been getting:
- “We absolutely rely on Life Site News for daily reports on the important moral issues of our day. Thank you so much for what you do and who you are!” – Jan, KY
- “Great job – keep up the good work. We need you! God bless you and all you do to promote the sanctity of life at all its’ stages!” – Mary, NY
- “We are so grateful for the “real” news and are so grateful for your faithfulness to the truth.” – Eileen, IL
Many people are awakening to the fact that the mainstream media cannot be depended on for reporting our side of the story.
These organizations operate on anti-life and anti-family principles. Their mission is to normalize the message of the Culture of Death.
We know this. You know this. But the question is, what can we do about it?
As Fr. John Hollowell readily admitted in his recent video, “I Have a say,” the enemies of the culture of life have all the worldly advantages in their favor. They have the money and they influence the culture.
But they will never be able to destroy the human desire for truth and goodness.
And though we live in an age where a child could conceivably grow up having never been exposed to the truth about the destructive realities of abortion, contraception, homosexuality, or any issue that plagues our culture, when the truth is spoken it has a profound effect.
We are seeing that truth being exposed and spread to many through grassroots pro-life and pro-family organizations.
But we need to give the invaluable work of all these organizations the national and international news spotlight they deserve! We need to report on what they are achieving and planning to improve the culture.
LifeSiteNews.com is reaching more people around the world than it ever has.
We just broke yet another record, this time for the number of new subscribers in one day to our daily news emails, and the last month has seen a record monthly increase of new email subscribers. As well, our various Facebook page “likes” are going up and up.
Folks, all this momentum reflects a rapidly growing hunger in the public for the straight goods – that is, they want honest to goodness, truthful news.
Because we provide exactly that, we need to keep moving forward and expand our services!
But, as you depend on us to provide information and news stories on those issues that affect our lives and our families, we depend on you to reach more people and be more effective in our efforts!
There are three ways you can specifically help LifeSiteNews to continue its success:
1) Share our news stories with friends, family, and co-workers and invite them to receive our daily news reports through our invite-a-friend tool.
2) Make a donation to our Spring Campaign. Consider making a recurring gift. These gifts ensure that we continue operating throughout the year.
3) For those that are able, LifeSiteNews is looking for supporters to help take our services to the next level with a significant investment. (Even if you are not in that position, perhaps you know someone who is and could talk to them about the importance of our work)
These are some of the most effective ways to support the mission of LifeSiteNews.
Please be generous, as we always try to be in providing you with the absolutely very best that we are capable of.
Our entire team is very passionate about this mission. Become a part of that passion – for life, family, faith and truth.
God bless you,
Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director
U.S. and International Donors
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Call our office at (888) 678-6008 x. 923 between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.
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