June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Big Tech, mainstream media, and the abortion industry are now colluding to make us an even bigger target than previously reported – because they see that LifeSite’s articles are too effectively exposing their lies and evil deeds.
They are doing everything they can to shut down this truth mission and silence us forever. Our mission to utilize media as a platform to speak the truth is a direct threat to their agenda and you won’t believe the lengths to which they’ve gone in their persecution.
We are in imminent danger of being shut down and silenced by most of the platforms that have been reaching people with our news. Our banishment thus far from the giant social media outlets Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook and the now near total absence of LifeSite reports from Google searches, is proof of this.
Additionally, we are seeing increased legal threats and technical attacks on our website!
In order to ensure our website can withstand and respond to the onslaught of censorship and direct attacks, your immediate support is vital. We must meet our Summer Fundraising Campaign goal of $500,000 by July 2nd in order to continue providing this alternative news source to you and your family 24 hours a day – 365 days a year.
Since we are 100% reader-funded, please prayerfully consider a gift of support to help offset the costs of keeping our news reporting available despite the attacks and persecution we are facing. Use this link to donate: give.lifesitenews.com/truth.
Cancel culture has really ramped up their efforts to cancel conservatives over the last year. When the main LifeSiteNews Facebook page was removed last month, we learned that four of the top U.S. anti-life and anti-family organizations were actively behind our removal from Facebook.
In a joint statement, Media Matters for America and LGBT powerhouses such as GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, and NARAL Pro-Choice America said in part:
It took pressure to get Facebook to remove LifeSiteNews’ page, including calling attention to the flagrant COVID-19 and vaccine disinformation on LifeSiteNews’ page, compiling more than 100 posts that proved LifeSiteNews’ repeated violation of Facebook’s related policies, and outreach from GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, and Media Matters to get Facebook to finally act.
Let’s be clear: together, these four organizations form an axis of evil, seeking to eliminate all voices who oppose their inhuman ideologies, and right now we seem to be public enemy #1.
Their statement concludes by revealing their next move: “LifeSiteNews still has three pages that remain on the platform — which Facebook must be committed to removing.”
As we’ve experienced, Big Tech corporations like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter have used the global virus situation to double down on their efforts to silence those of us who are fighting for a pro-life and pro-family culture.
And now, we are experiencing first-hand exactly how Big Tech is in cahoots with the abortion industry.
The external threats that we face are stronger than ever, impacting our ability to deliver our unique news reports to the world. Therefore, our efforts to become completely self-sufficient and not rely on Big Tech at all is especially crucial, and also very costly.
If we expect LifeSite’s mission to continue, we must meet our Summer fundraising goal. Can I count on you for a gift of $500, $250, $100, or even $35 to help us offset the costs of completely moving away from freedom destroying Big Tech – before we are shut off completely? Please use this link to donate now: give.lifesitenews.com/truth.
The censorship we face is all part of a cultural and spiritual battle – all for the sake of ensuring the world hears the truth. But with God’s providence, and your help, we will not be defeated.
We are currently acting quickly and efficiently to detach from all mainstream companies we use to process donations, send out daily news emails to our millions of subscribers, and the hosting and operation of our website. Unfortunately, the cost of these platform changes is significant.
Several of the third-party companies that we have used for years have already de-platformed other pro-life and pro-family activists and organizations. Now, based on the evidence of Big Abortion actively seeking to silence us, it’s clear that we would be next on the chopping block!
We are reaching the highest level of readers in our history. A shut-down of any of the mainstream services we rely on would severely affect our ability to reach readers with the critical news and information that we provide every day that you will find in fewer and fewer other news sources.
Truth is being deliberately crushed to pave the way for an anti-life, anti-family, even anti-human (de-population) and anti-God New World Order.
Since switching to alternate platforms will incur increased monthly costs, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. To make a monthly pledge, click here.
Your generosity will ensure we can switch to alternative, mostly Christian vendors who will not cave under the pressures of progressivist organizations like NARAL and GLAAD who are determined to silence us (and you) forever.
With your support, and the support of all LifeSite readers, we are confident that our news service will not only survive but continue to thrive and expand to reach an ever-increasing demographic of people seeking the Truth in news!
Though the abortion industry is set on silencing us, what they haven’t considered is the army of LifeSite readers who will stand with us and provide us with the means to continue speaking the truth and not back down to their bullying tactics.
I hope you will join our army of supporters today to help us take a stand in the face of persecution and send a message that we will not be silenced. Use this link to donate: give.lifesitenews.com/truth.
Despite the serious odds we face, your investment in our news and video journalism efforts will help advance our mission and the trajectory of Christian conservative news at this critical time in human history.
And by the way, there are many non-Christians who also regularly read, rely on and praise LifeSite because they see that everyone’s freedom and social stability are threatened by the developments we report on.
I hope you will join us.
In an effort to protect ourselves from the shutdown of basic services like donation processing, we now offer Bitcoin donations as a way for you to support our mission! Make a BTC donation today by using this secure link: https://give.lifesitenews.com/bitcoin