
Dear friends of life and family,

With only 10 days remaining in our annual Spring fundraising campaign, we have only raised 10% of our necessary $175,000 goal.

I am hoping you will stop what you are doing right now to make the most generous donation you can to help us reach that absolutely essential minimum goal.

To be clear, this is not a RED ALERT appeal – yet.

Hundreds of our readers have donated already, and we are most grateful for their support. But we need many more to donate to keep this international truth in news agency fully functional.

With over a dozen full-time journalists, editors, and support staff, and numerous other part-time and freelance writers, web designers, graphic artists, not to mention the legal, accounting, and equipment costs, it takes everyone to chip in to keep this global pro-life and pro-family news agency humming along at full speed.

But let me tell you: it’s worth it!

Already this year over 10 million people have visited our website, where they have read inspiring stories like:

  • how courageous mothers and fathers are choosing life for their babies even when doctors are pressuring them to abort

  • how some babies have been saved from abortion by literal miracles

  • how some pro-life heroes are causing little miracles every day simply by being there to help abortion-vulnerable men and women choose life

We desperately want to bring these kinds of life-changing, and life-saving stories to tens of millions more people this year!

Will you be one of those who will help us make this possible by bringing us closer to our goal today? Click here to donate.

You can also make a donation by phone or mail. Our team just loves hearing from you!

The simple reality is that the only way we are able to sustain this unique news and information service, keeping it on track to serve well over 30 million people around the world, is to have a proportional level of support from our readers.

Here’s something to think about: today, over 150,000 people will visit our website to access our news reports.

They will be leaders, activists, parents, politicians, and everyday readers who want to stay informed on breaking, always reliable, professionally-researched news related to life and family issues.

If even just 1% of the visitors to our website today alone donated $100 or more, we would reach our goal in a single day!

(Click here to donate)

If just 10% could give as little as $10, we would reach our goal!

As we enter the last half of our campaign, will you consider a donation to support our important work?

Thank you in advance for your continued support!