Help brave therapist being attacked by Southern Poverty Law Center: LifeFunder
(LifeSiteNews) – A U.K. survey has shown that record-breaking numbers of young adults in Britain now identify as lesbian, gay, or bi-sexual (LGB), with numbers doubling over a six-year period.
New figures from Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that the proportion of people in the U.K. aged between 16 and 24 identifying as “LGB” in 2020 stood at 8 percent, or almost 1 in 12.
The most recent figures, taken from the Annual Population Survey, represent a jump up from 6.6 percent “LGB” identification the previous year, in 2019, and just under double that of the 4.1 percent result garnered for the same age group in 2016.
While there has been “an increasing trend for this age group since 2014” towards identifying as “LGB,” the ONS writes, the overwhelming majority of respondents, 87.3 percent, told surveyors they identify as heterosexual. That number has dropped by just over 6 percent from 2014.
The Annual Population Survey results showed that the 16–24 group contains the highest single category of “LGB” identifying individuals, with the proportion dropping gradually as the age groupings get older. In 2020, just 0.8 percent of over 65s identified as anything other than heterosexual, slightly up from 0.6 percent in 2014.
More broadly, 3.1 percent of all British adults surveyed said that they are “LGB” in 2020, almost double the 1.6 percent from 2014. Meanwhile, those identifying as heterosexual, though still overwhelmingly high, has seen “a decreasing trend,” going from 95.3 percent in 2014 to 93.6 percent in 2020.
Regionally, London reported the highest proportion of “LGB” identifying individuals over the age of 16, at 4.6 percent, while the east of England has the lowest number, at 2.3 percent.
Meanwhile, the Protestant Church of Scotland (CoS) has voted to allow so-called same-sex “marriage” within its churches at the 2022 General Assembly in a move described by former CoS minister Dr. William Philip as “trying to reflect wider society, rather than leading the nation in the path of truth against error.”
In the process of endorsing same-sex “marriage,” the church has rewritten its Recognition of Marriage Services Act to now refer to the two parties of a marriage as “each other” instead of the original “husband and wife.”
Nigel Kenny, the Scotland officer at pro-family lobby group The Christian Institute, noted that “the Church of Scotland has committed itself to the bible as its supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice” but that “the bible is crystal clear that true, God-honouring marriage is only between one man and one woman.”
“Jesus is extremely clear on this in Matthew 19,” he added.
Recognizing the latest move to incorporate same-sex “marriage” as a departure from the Scriptures, Kenny said “it seems that the majority of the Kirk’s [CoS] presbyterates are more keen take their cue from culture rather than Christ.”
While the CoS attempted to quell backlash by guaranteeing “freedom of conscience” for those who would object to presiding over same-sex “marriage” ceremonies, its legal questions committee confirmed that it “could not future-proof any such legal protection” for dissenters.
Help brave therapist being attacked by Southern Poverty Law Center: LifeFunder