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(LifeSiteNews) — A pro-life video tells the powerful story of Angela, a young woman who chose life for her baby after being raped.

In a June video by Students for Life, Angela recounted despairingly calling Planned Parenthood to abort her baby conceived in rape, only to change her mind after receiving support from a pro-life pregnancy center.  

“Fear led me to my initial reaction, which was to call Planned Parenthood and schedule an abortion,” Angela recalled after learning she was pregnant after being raped by a relative of a friend.  

“The lady from Planned Parenthood took down my information and told me that I could book an appointment for that Friday afternoon,” Angela recalled. “She assured me that they would help me ‘take care of my problem’ and no one would ever have to know.”  

Angela, who was raised in a Christian family and was involved in the pro-life movement, felt overwhelmed with shame and fear, questioning, “How could I choose to do something that I believed in my heart was wrong?” 

However, Angela’s father’s work as the vice president of the Rockville Pregnancy Center helped Angela know where to turn in her difficult situation. Angela decided to call a pregnancy center in New York, just days before she was scheduled to abort her baby.   

“When the lady answered the phone, I could barely speak,” Angela recalled. “She said, ‘It’s okay honey, take all the time you need. I’m here with you.'” 

“I began to share with this stranger everything that had happened to me,” she continued. “I shared with her my fears. I confessed that I had scheduled an abortion, and I was terrified.” 

While Angela was scared as to what the future would hold for her and her baby, the lady told her that sexuality “doesn’t make babies. God does. For some reason God is choosing to give you a life out of this terrible situation.” 

“God knew that you would be a great mom, and I know that you can do this,” she assured Angela. 

Immediately, Angela felt a wave of peace and knew “that God had a plan and a purpose for everything that I had been through.” 

On Friday morning, Angela called Planned Parenthood to cancel her abortion; however, the Planned Parenthood staffer gave Angela a completely different response to the one she had received at the pregnancy center.  

“Instead of speaking words of encouragement and empowerment she spoke to my fear and my shame,” Angela recalled.  

The Planned Parenthood staffer tried to convince Angela to go through with the abortion, telling her, “If you go through with this, you’ll never be able to travel the world like you said you wanted to.”  

“We can take care of this problem for you, and no one would ever have to know,” she continued.  

However, Angela boldly responded, “I would know, and God would know, and that’s enough for me.” 

Angela marveled at the difference between her two phone calls, saying, “The woman from Planned Parenthood told me, ‘You can’t’, but the woman from the pregnancy center told me, ‘You can.'” 

“The woman from Planned Parenthood spoke to my fear, but the woman from the pregnancy center spoke to my faith,” she said. “The woman from Planned Parenthood left me feeling hopeless, but the woman from the pregnancy center left me feeling hopeful.” 

“I chose life that day, and my daughter just turned 10 years old,” Angela declared, encouraging other women in difficult situations to seek help from pregnancy centers.  

“Many women in the same circumstance as me don’t know about the help that pregnancy resource centers can offer, so they choose abortion because Planned Parenthood is the only voice that they hear at their most vulnerable time,” she explained.  

“I know many women who have chosen life even after rape and not a single one regrets that choice,” Angela revealed. “I know many women who have chosen abortion, and they live with the regret of that choice every single day for the rest of their lives.” 

“You can do this,” she encouraged. “You can choose life. You’re not alone.” 

