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December 7, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – YouTube has once again censored LifeSiteNews, this time for an episode of The Bishop Strickland Show in which Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas discussed why he will not be receiving an abortion-tainted coronavirus vaccine.
The episode of the bishop’s was labeled “medical misinformation.” LifeSite will appeal the decision, which suspends our YouTube account that boasts more than 200,000 subscribers for two weeks.
The last time LifeSiteNews was banned from YouTube – less than a month ago – it was a one-week suspension of our account. That censorship came almost immediately after LifeSite uploaded audio of a Canadian doctor slamming lockdowns and discussing the ineffectiveness of masks.
To continue watching our videos, please use the following alternatives:
- The John-Henry Westen Show YouTube channel – but be advised this could also be suspended at any time
- LifeSiteNews Rumble channel – for all of our videos
- LifeSiteNews Catholic Rumble channel – for our daily live rosary and other Catholic-specific content
Most importantly, subscribe to our video list by clicking HERE.
No matter what happens with our YouTube channel, or what censorship we face on any platform, LifeSiteNews will always report the truth – as is our duty as journalists. And we will continue to provide our followers with information about life, faith, family, and freedom.
We've warned that this type of shut-down censorship was inevitable. The only way forward is to find an alternative platform to reach the hundreds of thousands of people we reach through our video content.
But this will prove to be a long and drawn out process that will require many resources.
We are asking all of our readers to prayerfully consider a small chip-in monthly gift of even just $10 to help us raise the necessary funds to not only keep our mission fully operational, but to also help us navigate new paths for reaching our audience as censorship of our news continues to increase across social media platforms.
If you would like to become a monthly sustaining donor of our work, or even if you can make a one-time gift to help at this time, please visit