By Hilary White
CAMBRIDGE, MA, April 26, 2007 ( – A video has been removed that was posted to the online video service, YouTube, showing teachers using homosexual materials in class to promote the normalization of homosexuality to young children.
The film, “It’s Elementary”, was made in 1996 by Women’s Educational Media, a San Francisco-based group that claims the film “has served as a catalyst for schools all over the world to become more proactive in addressing anti-gay prejudice in the classroom.”
The link to the site on YouTube where the video was, now carries a message saying, “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Women’s Educational Media.”
The videos were cached on the website of Mass Resistance, a pro-family lobbying organization.
Read previous coverage:
MUST SEE VIDEO – Homosexual Propaganda Fed to Elementary School Children
The video can be viewed at
YouTube Pulls Videos Showing Homosexual Indoctrination of Elementary School Children
By Hilary White CAMBRIDGE, MA, April 26, 2007 ( – A video has been removed that was posted to the online video service, YouTube, showing teachers using homosexual materials in class to promote the normalization of homosexuality to young children. The film, “It’s Elementary”, was made in 1996 by Women’s Educational Media, a San Francisco-based group that claims the film “has served as a catalyst for schools all over the world to become more proactive in addressing anti-gay prejudice in the classroom.” The link to the site on YouTube where the video was, now carries a message saying, “This […]