December 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – You’ve heard us warn about ideologically motivated Big Tech censorship and the consequences of not being able to reach you and our readers with the truth. We knew it was only a matter of time before it affected our platforms in a big way. And now it has.
A couple weeks ago YouTube deleted a video that we posted in which a prominent Canadian physician protested the “unfounded public hysteria” over COVID-19. Our channel was subsequently shut down for seven days. Then just two days ago, we were censored again because of Bishop Strickland’s comment that he would never take the unethical COVID vaccine.
We are currently shut down for another two weeks! We now face the threat of being removed from YouTube permanently!
The problem we face is this: the financial costs of switching to an alternative video platform could, unfortunately, end up being very great. Our initial conservative quotes for providing the same level of content to our audience on a few platforms we researched came in at from $10,000 to over $25,000/month!
There are also many other expenses involved in transferring our videos to the new platform, linking them back to their original articles, and trying to move our 200,000 YouTube subscribers to come over to the new LifeSite video platform. And that is only for our current volume of video traffic.
This is an incredible burden for our mission – but one we must find a way to overcome for the sake of reaching as many people as possible with the truth.
This is where you come in.
Today is the FIRST day of our Christmas fundraising campaign. I hope you will consider, not only helping us reach our minimum goal of $350,000 by December 24th, but help us surpass it so that we can expand our content to alternative platforms and continue to reach as many people as possible with the truth.
Please click here to join the LifeSite giving family and make the most generous donation you can today:
You have the power to help us overcome this very real and present threat to our ability to reach millions of people with the truth on issues related to life, faith, family, and freedom. If you want to help us withstand censorship, and ensure our mission can continue, please consider a donation today to offset the enormous costs in front of us as we face more and more threats to freedom.
Our video team, and therefore, our audience have grown explosively in the last year. Many of our video stories on YouTube reach a far greater audience than even the written stories on our website. This is why our video efforts have become so important! Losing our YouTube channel and the ability to share truthful news with hundreds of thousands of viewers on that platform would be a huge hit to our mission.
The cost is not just a financial one though. The cost is a spiritual and social one as well. Without your support, fewer people will receive our on-the-ground news reports, podcasts, and other video content. It would mean fewer culture changers who rely on our news reporting, like Fr. James Altman and the Benham Brothers, having the platform they need to impact change in their spheres of influence.
We can’t afford to switch to an alternative video platform unless our funding increases significantly. If you would like to join the LifeSite giving family with a gift of support today, please click here:
It takes a sustained effort to change culture. It must be done all year long – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This year has been no easy task for our supporters, readers, and the LifeSite team. It has been an uphill battle in every way as we’ve faced the cultural battle head-on. But by becoming a LifeSite supporter, or even a monthly donor today, you will help sustain our efforts in this daily battle.
This year we’ve had over 2,000 additional supporters join us on the Frontlines of the battle by becoming a monthly Sustainer. Please consider joining this growing army of readers who sustain our mission on a monthly basis and ensure our reporting can continue as we battle censorship at every turn!
Our mission must continue as we press on in this unprecedented spiritual battle—a battle that is threatening freedom and faith all around the world. This is why your generosity to LifeSiteNews is so crucial right now.
The recent censorship from YouTube is just one need that has come about in 2020, but I am confident that your continued generosity can help us meet this need and others that we are currently facing.
It’s clear that you have an incredible opportunity to make a significant impact on the millions of LifeSite readers and viewers ability to access the truth. To make a lasting impact, click this link:
Thank you in advance for your support!