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IRELAND, January 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – And so it begins.

The new Irish law permitting abortion took effect January 1, 2019.

One wonders if there has ever been a law so rapidly enacted in the history of Irish politics? This controversial piece of legislation was rushed through the normally sluggish Irish Parliament and then the current political class proceeded to pat itself on the back, with the Irish Prime Minister describing this new law as ushering in an “historic day” worth celebrating.

If this jubilation was viewed from outside Ireland, one could be forgiven for thinking that the most pressing issue affecting all Irish men and women was the destruction of the unborn in the womb. Instead, however, of being anything worth “celebrating,” this new law marks one of the most shame-filled moments in all Irish history.

The Irish Times, one of the most pro-abortion media organs in a country that has few dissenting media voices on the subject of abortion, reports that “about 20 women sought terminations on the first working day of abortion service.” The Irish Times went on to say that the first consultations for abortion took place on January 1. Ironically, this date in the Catholic Church is the Feast of the Mother of God and in the octave of the solemn feast of Christmas.

The newspaper report, however, went on to say that “abortions over 12 weeks are not permitted except in limited circumstances so it is expected the flow of Irish women travelling to the UK for a termination will continue, albeit at a reduced level.”

Wait a minute. I thought that was the whole thrust of many of the pro-abortion arguments in the referendum debate: the provision of abortion in Ireland, we were told, would end that “flow of Irish women travelling to the UK for a termination.” Therefore, in regard to this much talked of solution to “exporting abortion to England,” the referendum seemingly has proven not only futile but has changed nothing.

Furthermore, the Irish Times also reports that only 187 of the Irish State’s 3,500 GPs “have signed up to provide abortion services, and only about 100 of these are accepting referrals from the My Options helpline [set up by the Health Service Executive (HSE) as the main referral path for women seeking an abortion].”

Currently, there are only nine hospitals in the Irish Republic willing to commit abortions: the National Maternity Hospital Dublin, the Rotunda Hospital Dublin, Holles Street Dublin; the Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar; Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda; University Hospital Galway; Mayo University Hospital; University Maternity Hospital Limerick; Cork University Maternity Hospital; and University Hospital Waterford.

Looking at this roll call of shame and particularly at the names of the hospitals involved, the confused and defeated nature of Irish Catholicism has never been more evident. The Drogheda hospital is dedicated to the Mother of God and her concern for the sick and vulnerable pilgrims who travel each year to Lourdes. That hospital is now to become a place for the killing the unborn. Surely a campaign should be started immediately to rename Our Lady of Lourdes in Drogheda? Instead, it might be dedicated to Moloch.

Noticeably, these latest Irish news reports about the implementation of the referendum result have changed their tone. The word “abortion” is rarely used – a “termination” is the preferred phrase, one as empty as the “compassion” behind it. But, of course, “termination” sounds so much more indistinct than abortion, as if something has simply run its course or as if nothing at all has really happened rather than what has actually occurred: namely, the violent taking of a human being’s life. The wording of the reporting also suggests women only seek out these new “services.” There is no hint of coercion, or the pressure of a “crisis” pregnancy; there is no talk of the “hard cases” so often mentioned in last year’s referendum.

There is also no description in the reporting of what an abortion really is, which is hardly surprising given the way the media shaped the debate with the connivance of the main political parties during the referendum campaign. The discussion then made it seem as if the Irish electorate were voting for some vague idea of female physical autonomy, for a woman’s right to choose a health option among many.

Pro-abortion voices and their many allies in the media continually evaded the reality of abortion. Instead, the media – almost exclusively pro-abortion – kept talking of the need for a “civilized debate.” This was code for not allowing the gory details of abortion ever to enter that debate. Recent discussion in the Irish parliament and in the wider public square of what an abortion actually consists of, including what is to be done with the remains of the murdered Irish unborn, have inevitably caused some to wonder what exactly the Irish state is now engaged in.

No longer just a debating point, sadly, the reality of abortion is about to hit Ireland.

Following last year’s referendum result, the streets of Dublin were ringing with the sounds of cheers. I suspect it will not to be too long before those same people who rejoiced will be ringing their hands at what they have unleashed into Irish society.