(LifeSiteNews) — Following news that eating the bugs is no good for you after all, a surprising announcement from the governor of the Federal Reserve throws more red meat to the reality-based community.
In his May 11 speech, “Climate Change and Financial Stability,” Federal Reserve Governor Christopher J. Waller opened with this:
Climate change is real, but I do not believe it poses a serious risk to the safety and soundness of large banks or the financial stability of the United States.
Speaking to a to a conference in Madrid, Spain, he expanded his remarks with a statement on his personal duty:
Risks are risks … My job is to make sure that the financial system is resilient to a range of risks. And I believe risks posed by climate change are not sufficiently unique or material to merit special treatment …
Frank on the Issue
I too think climate change is real. The climate has never been a stable system, and the actions of mankind in altering it have been negligible. Man-made climate change and the danger it represents is a case made on falsified data and dishonest models. It is a cult, and one which wishes to collapse civilization and destroy your freedom to preserve itself.
The greatest risk to the climate at present is the escalation to nuclear war, which the green and globalist doom cults enthusiastically support.
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For example, German Green Party member and Foreign Minister Annelena Baerbock unilaterally declared war on Russia in January, being generously described as “insane” as a result.
These people are obsessed with realizing their apocalyptic fantasies.
A Bad Month for Greta
It has not been a good month for Greta Thunberg — or any of her doom cult chums. Alongside the Fed’s recognition that man-made climate change is irrelevant to any sensible assessment of the life of the nation, recent studies have shown net zero support in Europe for any drastic measures to fight the weather.
A May 1st report featured in The Guardian clearly demonstrated the absence of any public support for the removal of meat and the refusal to have children.
As The Guardian put it:
Measures entailing no great lifestyle sacrifice were popular, with between 45% (Germany) and 72% (Spain) backing government tree-planting programs and 60% (Spain) and 77% (UK) saying they would grow more plants themselves or were doing so already.
In simple terms, sane ideas were popular — and the crazy ones were not. This is a profound disappointment to everyone who bases their life upon grotesque fairy tales.
This is no surprise to anyone who likes real food and loves children. Normal people are not shocked by the suggestion that highly processed fake meat, with its 30 additional chemical additives, is about as nourishing as the fake news media which promotes it. It is not better for the planet than non-intensive cattle rearing, and it is made out of trash.
In case you need any more evidence for this obvious claim, which can be supported by looking at almost any vegan, here is another helpful image which combines the societal and personal significance of livestock-based foods.
Following the Science
According to The Science, which seems to be feeling a little unsettled, eating the bugs might not be the best thing for you after all.
A group of scientists behind nine research papers published in the April issue of Animal Frontiers took to the press this month to announce that “red meat is essential to human health,” saying its withdrawal from diets would especially harm children, women, and the elderly.
A New York Post report on the subject on May 1st noted that the scientists stressed the need for a diet including meat, dairy, and eggs, and urged a pushback against the meat-free zealots.
Hundreds of scientists have banded together to blast the push to adopt a plant-based diet, arguing that meat is critical to a well-balanced diet — and warning against villainizing carnivores.
In an effective dismissal of the plant — or insect based — diet as a middle class fad, it warned:
Well-resourced individuals may be able to achieve adequate diets while heavily restricting meat, dairy and eggs.
However, this approach should not be recommended for general populations.
The hundreds of scientists involved backed a statement warning of the dangers of the kind of forced farm closures threatened in the Netherlands, Belgium, and elsewhere.
READ: Biden admin proposes restrictions on dishwashers to fight ‘climate change’
The initiative argues that livestock systems are “too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reduction or zealotry.”
“These systems must continue to be embedded in and have broad approval of society,” the declaration says.
Happily, The Science appears to be in the process of becoming science once more. It is noticing what is there, instead of modeling what is not.
Collapsing into A Fantasy World
The Science was often invoked to promote a future pollution-free utopia. Unfortunately for The Science, the models for the future green society were complete fabrications.
Thanks to the work of Mikko Paunio, featured on video and in print on LifeSiteNews, we know these models will never produce a “circular economy” free of waste. Instead, thanks to them, we would not have one at all. The obvious result of using fever dreams as a map of the future would be the collapse of civilization.
The news that the Federal Reserve has banished the concerns of this cult to the margins is therefore welcome. It is to be hoped we can expect to see more attempts by state level actors to reconnect their policies with reality. Reality is a popular theme for the normal people who inhabit it.
In this regard, the closing remarks of the Governor of the Federal Reserve were encouraging — doing something to redeem an institution which has hardly covered itself in glory.
Based on what I’ve seen so far, I believe that placing an outsized focus on climate-related risks is not needed, and the Federal Reserve should focus on more near-term and material risks in keeping with our mandate.
They also suggest a vestigial memory of that old civic virtue — duty. What precious things to which we can awake, when the nightmares are dispelled.