On December 9, abortionist Naresh Patel was arrested at his Oklahoma abortion facility for racketeering and fraud, inspiring the Pro-Life Action League’s Handcuffs Project.
Patel is not alone as an abortionist who has turned to crime. Here’s a list of some of the most notorious abortionists and their crimes:
The infamous Kermit Gosnell was convicted in 2013 of murdering three infants born alive during abortion procedures by piercing their necks with a scissors. Gosnell was charged with eight counts of murder—seven babies and one adult woman—4 counts of illegal abortion, and 227 counts of violating Pennsylvania’s informed consent law in his filthy Philadelphia clinic dubbed a “house of horrors” by the media. Pro-life activists had complained for years about Gosnell’s clinic, but it wasn’t until his clinic was raided by DEA agents over suspected illegal Oxycontin prescriptions that his crimes were addressed by the authorities. Both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation were aware of problems at Gosnell’s clinic, but did not alert state authoirites.
Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer of South Bend, Indiana, is being tried for failing to report the rape of a 13-year-old girl upon whom he performed an abortion. He’s also facing sanctions from the medical licensing board for more than 1,200 complaints against him for everything from botched abortion procedures to forcing women to continue abortions after they asked him to stop.
In 2013, 29-year-old kindergarten teacher Jennifer Morbelli died after a later-term abortion performed by Leroy Carhart in Germantown, Maryland.
Abortionist Douglas Karpen has been called the “Texas Gosnell” for engaging in some of the same practices as his Pennsylvania namesake, like performing illegal late-term abortions and killing babies who survived his abortion procedure by twisting the heads off and stabbing them in the back of the neck with scissors. Karpen was investigated by a grand jury in 2013 for these and other violations such as lying about fetal age to charge more for abortions, fraudulent billing practices, failing to adhere to medical standards and sexual harassment. Though not indicted by the grand jury, Karpen can no longer practice in Texas because he lacks hospital admitting privileges, and he is being sued for malpractice.
In 2012, abortionist Mandy Gittler botched an abortion on 24-year-old Tonya Reaves, whose family settled a wrongful death suit with Gittler’s employer, Planned Parenthood.
New Jersey-based abortionist Steven Brigham was arrested in 2011 and charged with five counts each of first- and second-degree murder after prosecutors alleged that he performed five illegal late-term abortions on viable fetuses in Elkton, Maryland. He has also been previously convicted for failing to file income taxes, and he has had medical licenses revoked in Florida, New York, and New Jersey, and he surrendered his Pennsylvania license only after state officials threatened to revoke it. Brigham still owns 16 abortion clinics in four states, but is not licensed to practice medicine in any of them.
Abortionist Randall Whitney was arrested in Orlando, Florida in June 2010 for slapping a woman while preparing her for an abortion.
Abortionist Brian Finkel is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence for sexually abusing patients at the Phoenix abortion clinic he called the “Vagina Vault.” On hearing Finkel’s conviction might be set aside, his prison roommate, a child molester, wrote to the local paper to complain. In December 2012, the City of Muskegon, Michigan shut down the Women’s Medical Services abortion facility due to unsafe and unsanitary conditions. The state also brought charges of incompetence and negligence against the facility’s abortionist, Robert Alexander. State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker declared, “This man is really a danger not only to women, but to all patients he sees.”
Bertha Bugarin was sentenced to serve a six year, eight month prison sentence in San Diego, California, in April 2009 for performing abortions without a medical license.
Deleware abortionist Timothy Liveright was accused of slapping patients and sexual harrassment by one of the nurses at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Delaware at which he worked. The nurse’s complaints over this and numerous other problems at the clinic were ignored by her superiors. State officials also failed to take action until pro-life activists posted videos of five different ambulance visits there in just the first half of 2013, when local news took notice of the problem facility.
In March 2014, 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson died during a botched abortion at the Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, where abortionists Mohamed Rezaee and Lisa Perriera were both on duty at the time.
Orlando, Florida, abortionist James Pendergraft served seven months in federal prison for extortion in 2001-2002. His license has been suspended on four different occasions by the Florida Board of Medicine, and in 2011 he was ordered to pay a medical malpractice settlement of $36.7 million stemming from a botched abortion at one of his facilities that left its intended target alive, but significantly disabled.
In January 2012, two women were transported by ambulance from the New Woman All Women abortion facility in Birmingham, Alabama after undergoing abortions performed by Bruce Norman. Paramedics had to carry the women out by hand because the facility’s hallways could not accommodate a gurney. Pro-life activists filed a complaint about the incidents, prompting the Alabama Department of Public Health to investigate the facility. A 76-page deficiency report cited numerous violations, including altered patient records and improper administration of drugs by unqualified employees, resulting in overdoses and inadequate pain management.
More than three years after the Women’s Aid Clinic abortion facility in Lincolnwood, Illinois was fined $36,000 for a host of serious violations—including failing to perform CPR on an 18-year old woman who died at the facility—owner Larisa Rozansky still refuses to pay the fine, claiming that Women’s Aid Clinic no longer exists. She had changed the facility’s name to Women’s Aid Center and moved to a new location in Chicago. The Illinois Attorney General’s office has filed suit in an attempt to collect the fine, and the case is currently being adjudicated.
Readers may also be interested in the Pro-Life Action League’s Abortion Emergencies Youtube playlist which has cataloged dozens of videos of ambulances being called to abortion clinics across the country to pick up their wounded patients—often including the 911 call audio.
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The information above about the nefarious dealings of our nation’s abortionists is drawn largely from the outstanding archive at AbortionDocs.org, which is maintained by our friends at Operation Rescue. OR also helped this project by connecting us with the abortion clinics across the country, upon which they keep a close eye.
Reprinted with permission from Pro-Life Action League.