On October 25, 2014, an ambulance was called to the massive Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Aurora, Illinois. The Pro-Life Action League obtained the audio of the 911 call through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Video of the ambulance departing Planned Parenthood was shot by a local activist.
The 911 call reveals that a client of Planned Parenthood was hemorrhaging after her abortion—a rare instance of Planned Parenthood actually admitting the medical problem they’re calling about.
Earlier this year, a 911 operator rebuked a Planned Parenthood staffer at this same facility for not providing adequate patient information. In 2012, the Planned Parenthood center in Chicago didn’t even bother to call 911 after botching an abortion on a woman named Tonya Reaves so badly that she died.
Planned Parenthood Well Known to 911 Call Center
Also notable on this 911 call is that the operator already knows Planned Parenthood’s address, and is clearly familiar with Planned Parenthood preference for EMTs to use their back entrance. These calls are all too frequent.
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She also seems to have learned not to expect much patient information when Planned Parenthood calls.
The fate of the woman transported from Planned Parenthood by this ambulance is unknown. Her child is dead.
The Pro-Life Action League has coordinated the pro-life ministry at this Planned Parenthood facility since it opened in 2007 under a cloud of controversy.
Reprinted with permission from Pro-Life Action League.