(LifeSiteNews) — Is the pope infallible? This question of dogmatic value has an affirmative answer. The First Vatican Council defined on July 18, 1870, by means of the dogmatic constitution Pastor Aeternus, that the Successor of Peter in the Roman Chair enjoys the privilege of infallibility when he determines that a truth is a dogma of the Catholic faith and declares that it is his will to pronounce it in those terms. This is an extraordinary magisterium, which is exercised only on rare occasions.
There is a precedent to the decision of the aforementioned council. Pope Pius IX, by means of the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus in 1854, defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, who, destined to be the Mother of the Incarnate Word, was preserved from the stain of original sin. Let us note in passing that four years later, in 1858, Mary Most Holy appeared in Lourdes to the child Bernadette Soubirous and declared “I am the Immaculate Conception.”
History records a single case of dogmatic definition since the declaration of infallibility: Pius XII, by means of the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus, declared on November 1, 1950, that it is a truth of Catholic faith that the Virgin Mary, at the end of her earthly life, was raised body and soul to heavenly glory. This declaration was made by Pius XII before a crowd that filled St. Peter’s Square and stretched along the Via della Conciliazione to the Tiber.
Papal teaching is usually expressed by means of his ordinary magisterium: encyclicals, messages, discourses, etc. Therefore, one should not confuse these two orders of teaching and extend infallibility to everything the pontiff teaches, no matter how important it may be. Unfortunately, ignorance of these theological realities has sometimes led to a kind of “papism” that considers what the Successor of Peter declares in all circumstances to be infallible. A Christian’s obedience of faith corresponds to expressions of the ordinary magisterium in a general sense, but it must be kept in mind that there can be room for error in them. It is difficult to avoid any error if the pope speaks a lot and before very diverse listeners: pilgrims, circumstantial visitors in personal audiences, and journalistic statements, for example. These situations do not constitute magisterium; the exercise of the ordinary magisterium includes the intention to teach, to communicate the truth of the faith or of the natural order.
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The errors manifested by Francis arise from his dislike of Tradition, which leads him to mistreat traditionalists, to persecute bishops and priests, and to cancel some of them. His usual procedure is to intervene in dioceses indirectly by appointing progressive “coadjutors” of the respective bishops. In many cases he is critical of priests, whom he seems to despise, calling them “backwardists” [“indietrists“] because they love and follow Tradition. This contempt contrasts with the love for priests shown by Popes St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Francis’ Mariology is deficient: when he was asked to proclaim the Co-Redemptrix, he refused, with a lousy argument claiming that she could not be called Co-Redemptrix “because she is not divine.” It is clear that he does not understand the mystery of Mary’s participation in the work of redemption. Francis’ style is populist, which comes from his political sympathy with the Argentinean phenomenon of Peronism, a movement which he has adhered to since his youth, in the group known as the “Iron Guard.”
The question of infallibility does not arise. In fact, he carries out his activity using papal authority in a very natural way. He is well aware of being the pope and is considered as such by the faithful, except that many do not approve of his political choices and clearly recognize that this political dimension is alien to the function of the Successor of Peter.
The current pontificate is bent on the globalist agenda and interreligious dialogue; it cannot fulfill its mandate to spread the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. But the apostolic mandate remains: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations; he who believes and is baptized will be saved, he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk. 16:16). It is valid for this world, which awaits the recovery of the Successor of Peter.
+ Héctor Aguer
Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata
Buenos Aires, Tuesday, December 17, 2024