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June 2, 2021 (NewsBusters) – Pride Month is upon us. And with that, an onslaught of LGBTQ propaganda from every corporation and media outlet. Unfortunately, for the children of America, classic cartoons, such as “Blue Clues” are the latest mechanism being used to target kids and snuff out their innocence.
“Blues Clues” published a video to its YouTube channel entitled “Blues Clues Pride Parade Sing- Along.” Nina West, a popular drag queen and previous contestant of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” stars as a cartoon drag queen leading all the other queer animals in song. “This family has two mommies. They love each other so proudly and they all go marching in … the … big parade,” the lyrics go.
You children can sing along: “this family has two mommies” and “this family has two daddies” and “these babas are non-binary.” And “Ace, BI and Pan grown-ups you see can love each other so proudly.”
Won’t it be fun to hear them chant, “This house is a family of kings and queens, they love each other so proudly.” At last, as if to signal the completion of your child’s brainwashing, the song concludes with “Love is love is love you see, and everyone should love proudly.”
This seemingly innocent kid’s cartoon looks like an aggressive grooming campaign. There’s an astonishing level of attention to detail within each moment of the video to push blatant LGBT motifs. The “Blues Clues” creators took pains with this one, even unto the point of depicting a disabled gay dolphin waving its rainbow flag from a wheelchair. Every variation of queer flag is represented and paraded around by little woodland animals. A hijab-wearing owl is shown proudly waving the rainbow flag. This is not parody.
As a Twitter user pointed out, there’s an “aromantic” snail included, which, for those who are not familiar, represents those people who have little or no romantic attraction to others. Clearly, no sexual identity was overlooked in this short piece as even the most obscure is featured. Even LGBT frogs! Alex Jones was right. They have succeeded in turning the frogs gay. Heck, a little beaver is shown with “top scars” (mastectomy scars) to the delight of LGBTQs on the internet. Then of course a subtle, but poignant inclusion of the BLM power fist symbol depicted on the microphone of the drag queen character.
Of course, if you disagree with a kid’s show teaching your susceptible children that mutilating perfectly healthy bodies is okay and rejecting your God-given sexuality is right and proper, you are a bigot. Celebrating and encouraging mental illness in such a glaring manner should be enough to radicalize every person against these sickos. In the meantime, hide your kids, hide your wives, hide your husbands, and throw the TVs out.
Published with permission from NewsBusters.