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December 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The year 2020 was a year full of trials for nearly all the world. It was a year of division in the ranks of the faithful, the likes of which I could never have imagined. The strife was felt on every level: personal, spiritual, familial, occupational, corporate, political, and ecclesial.

It was a year that convinced me of the power of evil being far greater than any human power, no matter how strong. It was a stark reminder we are to rely on God and God alone for our help, and that without Him we can do nothing, but in His mercy, He can help us out of our misery.

The deprivation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass seemed an ominous forerunner of apocalyptic times. The crush on freedom in the land of the free was a devastating wakeup call for all who were willing to see. The influence of deception and corruption was demonstrated with a mind-numbing vigor. The never-ending stream of scandals and heresies coming out of the Vatican seems to have obliterated the catholicity of the Church, and yet this cannot be. The resulting confusion “even of the elect” (Mt. 24:24) is to be expected when the vicar of Christ disdains his own role.

All this brings into sharp focus a reality, which always was, but which is reinforced in these times. The reality is that we are at war.

We are at war principally within ourselves. The battle is for our souls. Our enemies are fallen angels who employ allurements and confusion of all kinds to entice us to injure ourselves, because the only real wounds in this war, the only fatal blows, are ones that are self-inflicted.

But our Good Lord has given us His own help. And He has chosen to show us Himself in brief glimpses in His servants. Much in the same way that St. Elizabeth recognized Christ in the Blessed Virgin Mary, so too we are blessed with His holy servants who surround us and support us with the Presence of the God-Man living inside them.

The heroic kindness, goodness, friendliness, warmth, mirth, steadfastness, self-sacrifice, generosity, humility, and love exhibited in His servants are the most evident signs for me of His presence with us. The reality of His true Presence in the Blessed Sacrament is of course his ultimate Presence on earth, but He is there veiled only to be “seen” by Faith. In His servants, we feel His touch, experience His kindness, and are awed by His love.

Through all sorts of troubles, through hardships and even disagreements, His own soldiers struggle on supporting one another through the strife. They are His arms and His feet, they are His warriors in this valley of tears. They carry within them The Light of Life, Whom they have enthroned as the absolute King of their hearts.

But being mere mortals, even their hearts are not free from all stain. In fact, their hearts are very much like the stable of Bethlehem where, while it is true it is no mansion fit for the King of Kings, He prefers to reign rather than in the most magnificent palace. It is in that stable of their hearts they find the Babe. Prompted by the message of angels, they fall before Him and adore Him offering Him all their treasures. They are the true heroes of this earth.

I have been blessed in my life to know so many of these truly great sons and daughters of the Most High. They have been such lights in my life that I’m embarrassed that they count me in their company. But they are ever like that considering even the weakest to be better than themselves.

We must all soldier on in this war which will last for each of us till our dying breath. For me one of the greatest consolations has been you dear warriors for Christ. My only prayer is that I won’t obscure the Baby Jesus in the stable of my heart so much that He can’t reach out to you in return with the Gift of Himself.