Men and women are trying to mate with computers more than ever before, and as 3-D and 4-D technology becomes more realistic, this will likely only accelerate.
Within the short space of a century, Western society has degenerated from a Christian culture to a despiritualized one, and from there it has further degenerated into a dehumanized one.
'May God, through the mighty protection and intercession of Saint Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, preserve his Church from endorsing Cardinal Kasper’s iniquitous revisionist proposal.'
In every act of freedom, whether it is in the realm of creativity, marital love, scientific research, fashion design, et cetera, there must be a parallel responsibility, responsibility to the whole truth about man.
The best motivation for opposing same-sex 'marriage' is love and concern for those with same-sex attraction, even when it’s socially difficult—to point to the fact that gay sex is harmful to health and wellness.
John Paul II’s caution about relying excessively upon romantic love should be communicated in Catholic families and schools, precana and marital enrichment programs.