(Campaign Life Coalition) — The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is breaching its own flag policy.
You need to look at this:
This photo was taken in December by a parent in Dufferin Peel. The “Progress Pride Flag” was affixed to a crucifix at a Catholic elementary school in the board.
Of course, the Pride flag shouldn’t be displayed anywhere, let alone with a cross, let alone at a school, but the vulnerability and impressionability of the young children there make this transgression particularly appalling.
Whoever stuck the flag there couldn’t possibly understand the cross, or else doesn’t understand the Pride flag, because if they did, they would realize how perverse it is to adorn the same cross our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died upon with a flag celebrating some of the same sins He died to save us from.
This is exactly what we’ve been warning about: The promotion of Pride in our Catholic schools will confuse children into believing transgenderism or homosexual activity are compatible with the teachings of the Church—or even that the Church encourages such behaviour!
Matthew 18:6 soberly warns:
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Did you know that the “Progress Pride flag” (with the additional white, pink, and blue for transgenderism and brown and black for people of colour and AIDS victims) was created by Daniel Quasar, a self-described “queer non-binary celestial object having a human experience” who uses “they/xe” pronouns? He has tweeted, “Last I checked, we were in Late Stage Christianity. Ironically, also while we’re in Late Stage Capitalism.” His Twitter (now X) biography announces: “Leave me alone and let me go to hell by my own route.” This version of the Pride flag reportedly isn’t even approved by the Director of Education for the DPCDSB.
Too many Christians have bought the excuse that “Pride” is just about inclusion. Too many have been poorly catechized… but there are also many Christians who know better!
So, why was Daniel Quasar’s flag hanging in a Catholic elementary school – right next to a cross with our Risen Lord?
When will we say “Enough!” to the blasphemy?
And this is not just a problem of a single errant school administration. This is a board-wide problem.
A couple of days ago, I shared with you how the Dufferin-Peel Elementary and Secondary Units of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) are planning on delegating at the upcoming By-Laws/Policy Review Committee meeting because they want Pride flags raised outside of schools, too.
In their email to union members, they wrote:
Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School breached the DPCDSB flag policy by displaying a Pride flag in a classroom back in November during an open house for local Grade 8 students and their families. So that flag has been taken down now… but were there any consequences?
This is the same school that displayed the Pride flag during a Remembrance Day ceremony the year prior.
And how many other schools are doing the exact same thing?
OECTA is wrong, by the way, when they claim that flags were removed without any basis in policy. Technically, “additional flags” may be displayed within schools, with the approval of the Director of Education or designate, but it’s clear that these flags can only be displayed for a particular observance.
Flag protocol states: “Where such flags are displayed, their use shall be limited to the areas of the school or facility allocated to the activities associated with the corresponding observance and shall be removed when the observance period ends.”
Dissident DPCDSB staff may argue that Pride flags can be displayed indoors during Pride month (June), but they are not meant to be displayed year-round.
The Pride flag should be taken down and OECTA shouldn’t be pressuring its members to violate the policy by keeping these insidious symbols on display.
Removing the flag is NOT “anti-inclusionary” and it does NOT threaten human rights. Jesus does welcome everyone (including sinners like myself, thanks be to God) and He extols us to “sin no more.” It is the cross and the Sacred Heart of Jesus that symbolize this message, as both His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins and His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo have pointed out.
Teachers in the DPCDSB need to call for the resignation of these OECTA unit presidents—Lori Austen ([email protected]) and Jessica Jakab ([email protected]). Do teachers pay union dues so that their union reps can lie and manipulate members? Truly Catholic teachers are ashamed.
DPCDSB ratepayers need to contact their trustees. You pay the taxes – the board answers to you.
Do you want your tax dollars used to push the LGBTQ agenda?
Do you want students to be indoctrinated, or do you want them to learn about the Catholic faith, and math, language, science, and other basics?
Please ask your trustee to refuse OECTA’s request that Pride flags be raised on flagpoles outside of school buildings, too. If they’re going to re-open the flag protocol, it should only be to explicitly exclude the display of Pride flags—regardless of the location or time of year.
Send them the picture of the Pride flag tucked in next to the crucifix, as well, and plead with them to defend the Faith against those intent on profaning sacred symbols!
Here’s their contact info:
Trustee Mario Pascucci
Mississauga Wards 1 & 3
Tel: 905-302-3096 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Herman Viloria
Mississauga Wards 2 & 8
Tel: 416-452-9345 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Thomas Thomas
Mississauga Ward 5
Tel: 905-601-4345 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Luz del Rosario
Mississauga Wards 6 & 11
Tel: 416-528-6447 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Darryl Brian D’Souza
Brampton Wards 2, 5 & 6
Phone: 416-528-8515 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Brea Corbet
Mississauga Wards 9 & 10
Tel: 905-301-9373 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Anisha Thomas
Brampton Wards 1, 3 & 4
Tel: 437-215-1676 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi
Tel: 437-215-7139 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Shawn Xaviour
Brampton Wards 7-10
Tel: 416-528-9622 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Bruno Iannicca
Mississauga Ward 7
Tel: 905-270-0536 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Stefano Pascucci
Mississauga Ward 4
Tel: 416-508-5543 Email: [email protected]
There’s another important part of this call-to-action:
Please come to the By-Law/Policies Review Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 21 at 7 pm at the DPCDSB Catholic Education Centre (40 Matheson Blvd W, Mississauga).
OECTA is going to be there to push for more Pride flags and more promotion of Gay Pride. So, we need to be there to remind trustees they’re accountable to the people who elected them.
Our presence made the difference last June, when we convinced a shaky majority not to fly Pride flags outside of any board buildings anymore, so we need as many bodies in the room on Tuesday. We need you!
I have one last request: Please show the picture of the blasphemous pairing of the Pride flag and the crucifix to your pastor. Ask him to explain to the trustee in your ward about why LGBTQ propaganda runs counter to the Catholic faith. Ask him to show up on Tuesday night, too. The flock needs their shepherds.
Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition.