Planned Parenthood lamented the abortion drop, saying, “It means that real children at the end of those pregnancies are going to be born into families that may have [said] ‘We can’t afford another mouth to feed.'"
The year a Texas law to restrict abortion took effect saw over 2,000 fewer late-term abortions (both in-state and out-of-state) performed on Texas residents.
“There are three kinds of lies,” Disraeli once famously remarked. “There are lies, damned lies and statistics.” But we now know, thanks to the United Nations Population Fund, that there is a fourth way to lie as well: the Population Graph.
The Congressional investigation will provide an appropriate check and balance on an entity that, as I can personally attest to, has operated as a law unto itself.
Political legitimization of “private” sexual and marital choices causes much public harm. We have been personally harmed by the regimes of abortion and easy divorce.
Earlier this week, noted conservative commentator David Frum, a former speechwriter of President George W. Bush, published a column asking, “What if abortion became a non-issue?”