The New York legislature’s decision to allow same-sex couples to marry is a good reason to reassess our defense of marriage. But it’s not a reason to give up.
Why is it that so many people who want so badly to get and stay married, end up crashing on the marital shoals? I’ve got one answer from an unlikely source.
Dan Savage hates bullying. Make that some bullying. Admirably, Savage hates it when gay teens get bullied. Less admirably, Savage doesn't hesitate to bully, smear and malign those who disagree with him.
A good friend and pro-life OB-GYN physician once told me of a sign posted in the residency offices of a prominent teaching hospital in Washington. It simply read, “Stamp out Pregnancy.”
Gay activists cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann, who has offered counselling to gays who wish to leave the lifestyle.