The mood was decidedly chipper on Friday at the most recent gathering of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), with many present saying that after more than a year of scandals and difficulties, the Academy is back on track.
LifeSiteNews spoke with Dallas Texas Auxillary Bishop Mark Sites and Illinois Bishop Joseph Siegel from the Joliette Diocese about Obama's appointment of Catholics who oppose the Church's teaching on life.
The Labour Party was at 27% in the polls, then when the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the ABC case - and it said that Ireland would have to legalise abortion. Labour rushed out to support the ruling. Three months later Labour ratings have sunk to just 17%.
2011 will be the year we note in the history books as the year legalized abortion began to end in America, when the abortion Goliath, Planned Parenthood, was defeated.
Is giving away chicken sandwiches an act of homophobic bigotry? According to certain homosexual groups and websites, it is: when you give away sandwiches to people attending a conference on marriage.