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(LifeSiteNews) — According to the British academic Dr. David A. Hughes, the so-called “polycrisis” described by the World Economic Forum is not only no accident, but is a deliberate act of total war on our entire civilization. Driven by the ruling elites, he says its aim is to establish a worldwide totalitarianism.

In this new interview, LifeSiteNews speaks to Dr. Hughes about what he calls the “omniwar.”

Described in detail in his April 2024 book, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Hughes makes a convincing case for a total picture of our fracturing reality as an act of revolutionary violence by the rulers against the ruled.

From his point of view, the many crises of the world amount to the controlled demolition of our entire way of life.

This book appears to have cost Hughes not only “three years of my life,” but also his academic career.

With degrees from Oxford and 11 years of academic teaching behind him, Hughes explains in the interview how the repressive regime of censorship which typifies this omniwar presented him with a stark choice between compliance and unemployment. Hughes chose to speak the truth, and his well-researched book is the fruit of this principled labor.

Hughes claims that this war cannot be won by the general population unless they first understand that it is taking place. Secondly, he says, they must understand how it is being fought. This is the reason, he says, that his conscience compelled him to risk his career to bring out his account of the war on our civilization.

Hughes argues that the omniwar began with the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, and explains we are not in the grip of vast coincidences. The launch of a “psychological warfare operation” under lockdown has combined with financial, social, and international crises to traumatize the population, and condition them into accepting a technocratic control system.

RELATED: New documentary ‘Omniwar’ exposes the shocking covert assault on freedom and wealth

With his extensive research into methods of propaganda, he shows how the manipulation of the public mind creates social division – including hatred and chaos – which neutralizes opposition to the ruling elite.

Citing the case of the generation – by state propaganda – of worldwide “hatred against the unvaccinated,” Hughes also charges that all our civil institutions have been corrupted, resulting in lawfare instead of law, indoctrination in place of education, and a permanent state of war at home and abroad in place of peace.

Saying only the willfully blind can deny the obvious harm of mRNA “vaccines,” Hughes relates how it was the COVID-19 measures which changed his mind about the system which governs us. What is more, it opened his eyes to the fact that the war is not only temporal, but spiritual.

Having lost faith in secular commentators and colleagues who “went along with” the COVID measures, he said, “I found new friends. One day, I asked myself what all these people had in common.”

He discovered to his surprise that “they were all Christians.”

Dr. Hughes is frank about the spiritual dimension to the practice of crisis as war. He is clear-sighted that the methods of destruction towards death are the devices of Satan and argues calmly for the evidence – not against it.

What is more, he says the situation is far from hopeless. Describing the goal of the ruling elite’s omniwar as “audacious – but desperate,” he is careful to remind his audience that “the odds are on the side of the resistance.”

It is this resistance he wishes to build, through his careful – and readable – research. He calls for a restoration of compassion – not vengeance, saying there are many practical means by which we can resist this war.

Today you can find out how this war began, why and how it is being fought, and most importantly of all – how we can win.

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume One, is published by Palgrave Macmillan.

You can download the book free of charge, and read Dr. Hughes’ Substack here.

If you would like to support Dr. Hughes with a donation, you can do so on his website.

A limited number of signed hard copies of his book are also available. Contact him for details. 

