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(LifeSiteNews) — There are many things of which people concerned for the future should be continuously aware. An incomplete summary of such things is provided here, followed by the main subject of the article: the U.S. government’s plans to draft women into the military. Mainstream media does not discuss such subjects, and thus reminders such as those that follow are necessary.

Advanced technologies, sometimes described as “Directed Energy Weapons,” which can be used to remotely and secretly harm, torture, or kill, should concern us. Such technologies can be focused to specific locations in the human brain. Remote brain stimulation, and therefore remote and secret forcing of thoughts, words, or bodily movements, might also be possible with such technologies.

Similarly, many have been misled to believe that mind controlling and mind reading technologies are impossible. However, U.S. government material on mind control and mind reading (often described as “neuromodulation,” and “neurorecording,” among other neologisms)  suggests that mind reading and mind controlling have already been achieved to a certain extent.

One should keep in mind that the U.S. government expected mind reading technologies to be developed and suggested law enforcement use such technologies on Americans to secretly investigate a person’s brain to determine their intentions. Medical technology like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), which can observe brain activity, suggests that the U.S. government’s plans are at least possible. In other words, the information should be taken seriously.

Americans especially should also be aware that the U.S. government, especially during Democrat administrations, has had “nudge units” to subtly, or secretly, force Americans to do things government employees want them to do (e.g. take new vaccines). Not much is publicly said about such nudge units; however, because it is a federal effort, one can expect nudge units throughout America. Additionally, because nudging requires secrecy, some nudge unit employees might operate in plainclothes throughout every city in America.

Then, of course, as a previous article explained, it appears that U.S. government hoaxes are legal, and therefore likely used, by the FBI and local police. The article explained that in the early 1960s the U.S. government planned several hoaxes to be used to manipulate Americans into supporting a war.

Similarly, another thing of which concerned citizens should be aware is that people in the FBI, local police, and military probably think differently from, say, the common American. While it is somewhat difficult to say what a “common American” is, it is likely that many Americans are focused on improving their financial situation, finding a spouse, and participating more often in leisure activities like sporting events.

And this leads to one of the main subjects of this article: at least some people in the FBI, local police, and military do not think the way the ordinary American thinks. There are people, probably many of them, throughout the world who cannot live without the thought of fighting wars, while the common American does not. Such people go through their lives looking for, thinking about, and preparing for fights. History suggests very similar people seek out positions in the FBI, police, and military. Such people are sometimes described as “warmongers.” (This is not to say that all people in the uniformed police, as opposed to plain-clothed or secret police or military, are there because they want to shoot or fight people. At least some uniformed officers hope that they will never have to use violence as a means of defense.)

The problem is that it really only takes one bad, fight-seeking, or “warmongering” person to cause thousands or millions of deaths and injuries through war and forced military service. Because sin is so prevalent throughout the world, it can stated that there are probably many warmongers throughout the world today.

If this bill becomes law, Democrats are going to require women to sign up for the draft

And that leads to something else that everyone should remember if they are concerned about the future: warmongers want war. They eat, drink, sleep, dream, exercise, talk about, study, and prepare for war. And then they often force other people into those wars while maintaining their own physical safety.

“Other people” will include women. Although it seems to have been kept somewhat quiet, if the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 becomes law, Democrats are going to require females in America to sign up for the draft.

American women, their husbands, their fathers, and their brothers should understand this: the requirement for females to be included in the draft is already in a bill, and if it is approved this year, American women’s lives will be drastically different from those of previous generations of women in this country.

Over the last few years, especially during Kamala Harris’ time as Vice President, Democrats have supported requiring women to sign up for the selective service military draft, and thus  potentially to be forced into the military. Republicans have opposed expanding the draft to include women.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed, a Democrat, defended expanding the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 requiring the draft to include females by saying that “if we were in a situation requiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied citizens 18 and above.”

Now, of course, many people would probably say, “Yeah, but there is no need for the draft. The draft has not been used since the war in Vietnam!” The obvious response to this is, “If the draft is not going to be used, then there is no need to make women sign up for it.”

In other words, the move to expand the draft in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 to include females implies that the draft could be used. Indeed, the fact that the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 requires women to be included in the draft might suggest much more: it might suggest that it is likely that using the draft to force females into military service is already planned for the future. This is a Presidential election year, and yet Democrats are willing to risk losing support from female voters during an election year by passing a law which requires them to sign up for the draft? That is a huge risk for Democrats. It might suggest that enacting the draft is more likely than many think.

Going even further, if one thinks critically about this, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 requiring females to be included in the draft is one of the most significant changes to U.S. laws in the history of the country. It is not known why this significant fact is going under-reported by the mainstream media (unless they are covering up for Democrats) and not discussed much even by Republicans.

There is more significant information that many Americans probably do not know about and should pay attention to with warmongers getting America involved in so many wars. Did you know that it is already legal for the U.S. government to draft American health care personnel in a crisis? This is called “The Health Care Personnel Delivery System (HCPDS)” and “is a standby plan developed for the Selective Service System at the request of Congress.” According to the U.S. government, if implemented, The Health Care Personnel Delivery System would provide a fair and equitable draft of doctors, nurses, medical technicians and those with certain other health care skills if, in some future emergency, the military’s existing medical capability proved insufficient and there is a shortage of volunteers.

And, also according to the U.S. government, this draft of medical personnel would include “women, unless directed otherwise by Congress and the President” between the ages of 20 to 45.

Again, this is already U.S. Federal law, and is described in Federal Regulations. Doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals should consider voting for candidates least likely to get America into Israel’s, Ukraine’s, and other countries’ wars.

The fact that there is already a draft in place for non-combat health care personnel provides even further support for the suggestion that the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 requiring the draft to include females is an indication that warmongers are preparing for a large war requiring the drafting of women into combat roles. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 is specifically for combat roles, it seems. There is already law which provides for drafting medical personnel; thus, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 requiring women to sign up for the draft cannot be deliberately misconstrued to suggest those women would “only” be put into non-combat roles.

Of course, some women might want to join the military anyway. They likely already know that females are now permitted in combat roles, and there is almost nothing preventing them filling them by their own choice, if they meet other requirements. There are no gender-based restrictions for military service in America. Drafting females, though, implies that the individual woman would not have a choice.

There are several more relevant facts that females (and males, for that matter) should be aware of with the ongoing situations throughout the world. One is the somewhat strange tendency of U.S. politicians to show strong allegiance to foreign countries. This seems to be more prevalent in the Democrat party, but there is some of this strange non-American allegiance in the Republican party also.

Democrats forcefully show allegiance to Israel or Palestine/Gaza (or whatever it is supposed to be called) and often show strong allegiance to Ukraine, too. Those who oppose Israel, Palestine/Gaza, Ukraine, and Russia are often demonized. Some Americans might recognize the false choices presented, however. Many times, all entities involved in conflicts/wars should be opposed rather than supporting one entity and opposing the other.

Now, would those Democrats, including a Democrat President, risk having drafted American females maimed or killed in a war on behalf of the foreign countries to which they show allegiance? Pay close attention to the countries that Israel is at war with. Israel is at war or fighting with Hamas, Hezbollahs, Taliban, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and possibly others. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are anti-Israel. Iran is friends with Russia and China. And Israel Prime Minister has vowed “total victory.”

READ: US announces staggering $8.7 billion ‘aid package’ for Israel

Israel’s population is around 9 million. Does “total victory” lrequire a significant number of deaths or ground invasion of pretty much every country that Israel is surrounded by – and possibly even Iran, Russia, and China? Again, this might suggest that not only do Democrats plan on including women “in a situation requiring the draft,” but it might suggest that Democrats plan on using the draft in the near future if they gain more power in the 2024 election.

“If we were in a situation requiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied citizens 18 and above,” said Democrat Senator Reed. It sure seems that the warmongers are planning “a situation requiring the draft.” The Ukraine-Russia, Taiwan, and even the Alaska situation are possible examples of “a situation requiring the draft” and thus conscripting females in America.

There is more to discuss. Take Israel again as an example. American women might like to know that Israel requires women to do military service – potentially even until the age of 40, as explained by the Associated Press:

Military service is compulsory for most Jewish men and women, who serve three and two years, respectively, in active duty, as well as reserve duty until around age 40.

Can American women imagine drafted to another country to fight for non-Americans – “until around age 40?” Then, of course, the draft age could be increased. How many nurses and doctors are above 40 who could fill the apparent need for non-combat roles to support Ukraine, Israel, Palestine/Gaza, or whichever foreign country that politicians have an allegiance to?

There are several examples of “it could never happen in America” being a false and dangerous belief. Two are the forced COVID-19 injections and the forced lockdowns during what was reported as a pandemic. That U.S. government employees explained that they were merely following the actions of Communist China by locking down Americans is summarized as follows:

One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed China’s example [of lockdowns]. In the U.S. and the U.K. especially, lockdowns went from being regarded as something that only an authoritarian government would attempt to an example of “following the science.” But there was never any science behind lockdowns — not a single study had ever been undertaken to measure their efficacy in stopping a pandemic. When you got right down to it, lockdowns were little more than a giant experiment.

It took only hysteria created by the media and bad government employees over a few days for the U.S. government to change its tune from “lockdowns could never happen in America” to “lockdowns are the science, for national security, and you must do what we say.”

Similar to the false COVID-19 arguments, one can imagine many false arguments which such politicians would use like “other countries require women and men to serve in the military, so it is only fair that America does the same” or merely the false “national security” argument which can apparently be used by politicians to justify any forced action by the government. Thus, American females should be paying close attention to what Democrats are saying about requiring them to be in the military.

And then, of course, there is the fact, which cannot be elaborated in this article, that enlistment in the American military is  down.

READ: Woke culture destroying US military comes from the top: defense industry leader

Could the U.S. government, especially Democrats and Kamala Harris as described above, go from “forcing females into the military could never happen in America” to “Israel forces females into their military, it is only fair, this is nothing new, this is the science, it is national security, do what we say”?

As wars are threatened or continue and worsen in Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Gaza/Palestine (or whatever it is supposed to be called), Taiwan, Lebanon, Iraq/Syria, Yemen, Iran, and other countries which American politicians support, and as voluntary enlistment in the military decreases, Americans, especially females, should think critically about whom they vote for. Democrats want American females forced into the military, and the way things are going it appears as though Democrats might get what they want.

