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(Courageous Discourse) — The global attempt to seize control of medical communications in an all-out effort to mass vaccinate the world has been an epic struggle of authoritarian tactics backed by infinite resources versus scientists making observations growing closer to the truth with every study and publication.

In our book Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex Chapter 3 is aptly titled “Gandalf of Marseille” describing famed French microbiologist Didier Raoult, MD, PhD, who is among the world’s most eminent microbiologists with >2000 published scientific communications. Raoult like so many top physicians have been harassed, censored, and cancelled for his independent research on SARS-CoV-2, its treatment, and vaccine outcomes.

In an upcoming issue of New Microbes and New Infections, Drs. Brouqui, Drancourt, and Raoult, punch back against censorship and expose the YouTube COVID-19 Medical Misinformation Policy which was clearly designed to suppress information on treatment in order to promote COVID-19 vaccines as the only option.

Here just a snippet of what Raoult has gone through:

[A]n eight-month investigation was conducted at the IHU (Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection) by the general inspection of public health and research ministry (IGAS-IGESR) and the French drug agency (ANSM). Those investigations led to the examination of 30,000 pages of documents and 700 hours of interviews. During those investigations, several hundreds of articles were reviewed. The outcome of the inspection was that there was disagreement between the inspectors and us on only two studies. Not fully satisfied of their impact on the IHU, individuals from that organisation also wrote to 90 journal editors to inform them of possible scientific fraud. Some journal editors, who were alerted by Pubpeer have flagged the cited articles with ‘expression of concerns’ without giving us any possibility to defend ourselves and express that they will not publish our papers anymore. PLOS decided to flag an ‘expression of concern’ on 49 articles published whenever one author belongs to the IHU. Our eight highly cited researchers were not evaluated in 2022 by Clarivate® because of this and disappeared from the list. This cyber harassment might have a considerable impact on the research output of the most productive centre in infectious diseases in France, by discrediting the IHU on the quality and integrity of the research carried out over all these years.

As a highly cited research physician, I can tell you first hand that Dr. Raoult and his team are above reproach and these attacks should be considered an assault on the scientific process, clinical medicine, and patients served. Tens of thousands of vulnerable French citizens were saved by these doctors irrespective of their vaccine status. Only history will tell the story of their exoneration and pursuit of justice. Censorship and reprisal for COVID-19 research and innovative care are not just an American sin, but indeed a worldwide disgrace at the hands of the bio-pharmaceutical complex.

Reprinted with permission from Courageous Discourse.

