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(Robert Malone) – As many of you know, I spent last weekend in Belgium and The Netherlands. Talk about a whirlwind trip! During this time, I spoke with many about the situation with the World Economic Forum (WEF) Agenda 2030 and the farmer protests – regarding having their farmlands taken from them – together with other forced draconian measures.
There was a strong consensus among those that I spoke with that 1) the people are behind the farmers in this, 2) there is a huge movement within The Netherlands by mainstream media to suppress information about these measures and the protests from reaching the people, and 3) because of the information suppression, because of the European Union’s (EU) involvement – the government will win this fight.
But what was not mentioned to me was all the details found in the article below. Essentially, The Netherlands is not allowed to build more new, high tech buildings unless some farmers reduce their use of nitrogen. That simple.
Basically, this mirrors one of the chief complaints previously voiced by Brexit advocates – arbitrary and capricious EU bureaucrat actions damage working farmers. From what I can tell, the only available remedy is the same which the Brits eventually deployed. Leave the EU.
However, the devil is in the detail, and there are a lot of details!
The July 28 article “Netherlands: the summer of discontent” from Spectator Australia explains it best:
“The Netherlands has descended into an ideological war zone between city-bound bureaucrats trying to polish their climate credentials on the world stage, and local farmers who have been feeding Europe for centuries.
As one farmer said, ‘This is not a democracy anymore: it’s a dictatorship.’
Farmers have set up dozens of blockades on highways by dumping large piles of manure on choke points to cause maximum traffic chaos. Others have taken to setting some of these piles on fire and leaving them to smoulder away, just like citizen anger.
The increase in protest activity began on Wednesday morning and spread across the eastern region of the Netherlands.
‘No farmers – no food!’ Read a sign attached to the front of a tractor. Another said, ‘Sorry for the inconvenience, Rutte IV is driving us to despair.’
Mark Rutte is serving as Prime Minister of the Netherlands for the bizarrely named People’s Freedom Party for Freedom and Democracy. As with the Australian Liberal Party, its adherence to a manifesto declaring a love of free markets and individual liberties is – shall we say – loose. The ‘IV’ part of the insult suggests that the government’s fourth term as a coalition is reminiscent of a ‘rule by decree’ regime, like the European monarchies of old.
It may sound counter-productive for a government to enact policies – such as the limitation of nitrogen oxide and ammonia – that will result in a significant reduction in agricultural output, but that all depends on whether large corporations are waiting to fill the artificial market gap. Or, indeed, if there are politicians present who are foolish enough to believe the glossy brochures promising an Eden-like future in a Net Zero world.
There is another very nasty reason for the treatment of farmers that relates to a 2019 decision. 18,000 construction projects in the Netherlands, collectively worth 14 billion euros, were put at risk of being abandoned after a decision related to nitrogen emissions earlier that May.”
According to Reuters:
“The country’s highest court in May ruled that the way Dutch buildings and farmers dealt with nitrogen emissions was in breach of European laws. This has already caused delays in work on new highways, housing blocks, airports, wind farms, and a range of other vital infrastructure in recent months, while many other projects are also at risk.
To which Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, ‘This is a huge problem, for which no easy solution exists. We don’t have it under control yet. All options are on the table, without any taboos. But we cannot end this with any grand gesture, we will need a range of measures.’
Essentially, the ruling dictates that you can’t build shiny new inner-city buildings unless you punish a few local farmers. In 2019, ideas to break the deadlock were thrown around, such as reducing speed limits or – controversially – culling livestock on farms. In 2022, this has manifested in a demand to halve livestock.
The formalization of climate plans triggered what has been called the ‘Summer of Discontent’ – although it has been going on for years. There are now urgent attempts being made to mediate between the government and the farmers, but farmers are rightly suspicious of the gesture, given there is no indication that the United Nations, World Economic Forum, or the Dutch government have any intention of deviating from their agricultural-ruining ideology of a 50 percent reduction by 2030 that has fixated on farmers.”
The article concludes with:
“This problem came about because the Netherlands, like Australia, has become a breeding ground for extreme far-left green groups (whose members mostly live in the city) and animal rights parties riding the trend of veganism.
The United Nations and World Economic Forum (which really should be re-titled Big Business Lobbying Forum of Nation Ruining Scams) are the main forces behind the push with the latter’s business partners waiting in the wings to mop up the valuable assets of farmers once they go broke.
Back in 2019, the UN began promoting Why nitrogen management is key for climate change mitigation along with the European Nitrogen Assessment. These reports form the central framework of the nitrogen policy which is about to be exported into the U.K. and other nations such as Australia.
It must be said that all of these European emissions-limiting policies are based on the false premise of a stable, unchanging world. At no point do any of the thousands of pages devoted to the ‘problem of nitrogen’ consider the evolution of the biosphere to absorb and use this abundance of a valuable nutrient. There is no understanding of the developing relationship between nature and humanity where species rise and fall in coexistence with humanity – particularly in farming situations.
The idea that the Earth is a fixed record that must be preserved exactly as it was at an arbitrary point in history is both absurd and impossible, not least of all because the geological forces of the planet prohibit the fantasy.
2.5 billion years ago, a couple of bacteria got together and decided to produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. This had never happened before. Thriving in their watery ocean world, this oxygen made it into the atmosphere, collided with methane, and triggered a catastrophic ice age that very nearly turned Earth into an icy world.
Can you image the fury of climate warriors if they had been alive?
Except, if anyone had tried to stop this process – wiped out the bacteria to preserve the oxygen-free world or encouraged a few volcanoes to erupt to warm things up – animals would not have been able to evolve to use the oxygen.
When it comes to the planet, the best humans can do is pick up their trash. Unfortunately, the obsession over climate has led to an abandonment of old waste management practices. Soon, we’ll be able to add starvation and poverty to our self-made political disaster.”
So, I suggest that you ask yourself: how did we get here? And what does that have to do with me?
Because under President Joe Biden, the U.S. is also conserving 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by the year 2030.
Understand, this is not some theoretical, campaign speech, never to emerge from the paper it was written on.
For further reading on the matter, please click here.
Reprinted with permission from Robert W. Malone.
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