(LifeSiteNews) — When a former MP and head of the Australian Medical Association, Kerryn Phelps, spoke out, in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry, about vaccine injuries in Australia, it was significant for several reasons. She exposed in the mainstream media the intense censorship directed at anyone who dared to ask questions about the safety of the vaccines. This drew attention to the dreadful harms that some people suffer after getting the jabs. Phelps, who is a practising GP and former head of the peak medical body in Australia, is not subject to the sneaky attacks on her credibility. And, perhaps most crucially, the Murdoch press, which dominates newspapers in Australia, has done some proper journalism on the vaccine harms.
It may be a crucial crack in the wall of propaganda imposed on Australians by politicians and bureaucrats. Journalists tend to copy each other, moving in packs, so these kind of stories are likely to be repeated. Tellingly, news reporter Eleni Roussos, a prominent journalist with the state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), has also spoken out, describing her vaccine injuries as a “living hell.” That Roussos, a journalist, said she felt it became possible to go public about her injuries only after Phelps made her statement, indicates just how much suppression of stories there has been. The ABC has relentlessly spewed state propaganda for the last three years, jettisoning all pretence of sound journalistic practice.
The cover up of vaccine injuries by the Australian authorities has been skilful. One tactic is not to respond to reports of injuries. Last June, scientist Dr Rado Faletic criticised the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) adverse event reporting process, claiming that he submitted multiple reports but the regulator was “simply uninterested” in investigating.
Phelps says this is widespread and that it happened to her when she and her [same-sex] partner, Jackie Stricker-Phelps, both suffered serious reactions to the Pfizer shots. She wrote in her submission that regulators of the medical profession have “censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration.”
Another tactic has been to come up with the category of “long-Covid” which can easily be used to hide vaccine injuries. As Phelps has noted, the symptoms are similar, and identifying which is which will involve complex research – research that is very unlikely to be undertaken.
Meanwhile, the aggregate mortality figures look increasingly disturbing, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics reporting a 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022.
The Actuaries Institute of Australia is describing this mortality figure as “incredibly high” and calling for a government inquiry into the reasons why.
However, in yet more demonstration of the relentless pressure to avoid criticizing the government, Karen Cutter, spokeswoman for the Institute, said that “there is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned, but I cannot prove it.” On the one hand, the actuaries are saying they do not know what is causing the excess deaths and, on the other, they say they know what is not causing the deaths. When actuaries, who are normally the most reliable of analysts, start coming out with such contradictory rubbish, it is very clear how much self-censorship is going on.
The logical fallacy “appeal to authority” has been continuously used to suppress criticism of the vaccines. The government has been saying: “We are the authority, and therefore right. Anyone who questions us has no authority and therefore should not be believed.” It has been highly effective in persuading the public, but it cannot be used against Phelps, who is one of Australia’s most high-profile public health campaigners.
She has been detailed in her description of the injuries that she and her partner have suffered—and their causes. Stricker-Phelps, within minutes of having the vaccine, experienced a severe neurological reaction and now has long term injuries. Phelps, after her second injection, also experienced an adverse reaction and was subsequently diagnosed with vaccine-related dysautonomia.
The authorities’ aggressive efforts to suppress criticism of their vaccine roll outs, which in many Australian states last year were made a condition of being able to work or even go to a cafe, was a betrayal of the basic human rights of the citizenry. But it is becoming increasingly clear that the high-risk gamble of, in effect, forcing most of the country to participate in a trial of untested drugs, has not paid off.
It was always a lie that the authorities knew the vaccines were safe. It is impossible to know in the short term what is going to happen in the medium or long term. Two years in, it is becoming clear that, even in the relatively short term, the jabs are dangerous, and their use is completely unjustified on a risk-reward basis. Australia’s health bureaucrats and politicians will, of course, run for cover, and given their dishonesty so far, it will be no easy task to bring them to account. But Phelps’ public statements have made it harder for them to conceal what they have done.