February 8, 2019 (American Thinker) — Gay men Ed Buck and Terry Bean donated huge sums to Democrats and played leading roles in LGBT activism. Now they find themselves under scrutiny for misconduct with younger men. David Daniels and Scott Walters befriended Ruth Bader Ginsburg and inspired her to defend gay rights eloquently. Recently, they were accused of raping a young man in 2010.
To add to the trend of famous gay Democrats in trouble, now Bryan Singer came under harsh scrutiny in the Atlantic over allegations of abuse. Together these men paint a horrifying picture. They are far from the worst one finds in the gay community.
Ed Buck's case deals with two black men, both younger, who died in his California home during some sort of drug-induced sex play.
Terry Bean's case points to troubling congress with younger men, possibly including a minor.
Bryan Singer's case involves lots of boys with Latino names. These point to a possible preference for younger, vulnerable Hispanic men. I wrote about the common occurrence of white men delighting in submissive Latino boys in the novels Johnson Park and Melville Affair. (Some details are reviewed in this post.) I endured years of this cultural dysfunction as a kid growing up in the LGBT community. I wrote those novels without realizing how shocking and nauseating they would feel to average viewers.
Before I took them off the market, a few people got a hold of both novels. Gay critics slammed them quickly as badly written and homophobic stereotypes (of course!). In November 2014, an undergraduate activist shouted me down after a presentation at Catholic University, alleging with his friends that I “wrote a book that claimed all gay men are pedophiles.” Later I tried to approach Richard, one of the shouting undergraduates, to see what he was referring to. He held in his hand a profile on me by one of the usual gay websites that track “homophobes.” Because I wrote fiction based on abuse of Latino boys by white men, which I saw in real life, I had been blacklisted as a homophobe.
Ex-wives of gay men, ex-gays, and kids of gays know this routine. The gay community enables abuse. If you speak publicly about how the community harmed you, they double down on the abuse by destroying your career and reputation in the public square.
When I compiled Jephthah's Daughters with sixteen other writers, we carefully assembled accounts of people who grew up with gay parents. We found similar stories of abuse that the children saw around them. Despite the rigged social science research, what I found in interviews came across loud and clear: having gay parents is difficult not because of external homophobia, but because the gay community's abusive habits filter into the home.
What feels banal and unremarkable in the gay world outrages people with a mainstream American mindset. The gay community has known this for a long time. Gay leadership has worked deliberately to prevent the truth about its inner workings from reaching a broader audience.
After decades silencing whistleblowers, gays face the terrifying prospect of losing their “untouchable” status. When the truth unfurls, the gay political movement will lose almost all its credibility, because the whole community worked together to hide its abuse for so long.
Why has it taken so long?
I blogged countless times about the problem of abuse in the gay male community. For example, I mentioned Terry Bean in this 2015 piece.
I recorded a commentary about Ed Buck in 2017 after reading about the first black man found dead in his apartment, available here.
Consider how many articles I wrote on American Thinker.
On sexual abuse in the gay community: July 18, 2011; May 14, 2012; November 1, 2012; December 4, 2012; December 24, 2012; February 9, 2013; July 6, 2013; August 9, 2013; December 22, 2013; May 11, 2014; May 12, 2014; May 21, 2015; September 23, 2015; October 15, 2017; November 27, 2017; September 6, 2018.
On gay culture's racism: January 27, 2013; August 18, 2013; October 20, 2013; December 27, 2013; March 24, 2014; June 25, 2014; July 2, 2014; September 29, 2014; May 1, 2015; November 30, 2015; June 15, 2016; November 27, 2016; December 22, 2018.
Ed Buck and Terry Bean did not act in a vacuum.
The overwhelming majority of gay abusers benefit from a pro-gay press, a pro-gay judiciary, and pro-gay academia, all of which shield them from scrutiny. Decades of propaganda have made it taboo to notice abusive patterns among homosexuals. People internalize myths of gay innocence and stay quiet when they see disturbing things happening.
But things change. Buck and Bean cannot hide from public outrage the way they used to. Years of conservative whistleblowing by ex-gay refugees like me, in combination with current MeToo obsessions, have changed the game forever.
When informants called out problems in the gay community, they were standing up to forces as massive as the Vatican. For how long have Catholic officials played the victim and cried “anti-Catholic” hatred?
For how long did the Democrats protect Bill Clinton et al. by calling their critics right-wing prudes, fundamentalist wackos, anti-sex puritans, or closeted self-loathing homosexuals?
When you do not want people to know bad things about your friends, you use guilt, threats, mind games, and whatever tricks you can come up with.
People who lob charges like “bigotry” and “hate speech” are not overly zealous snowflakes or hypersensitive crybabies. This is where Ben Shapiro and his “facts don't care about your feelings” followers get everything wrong. We are not dealing with snowflakes. We are dealing with criminals devoid of any feelings. They silence criticism to preserve an elaborate racket of exploitation, fraud, and abuse.
GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Right Wing Watch knew exactly what they were doing when they smeared anyone criticizing homosexual abuse as homophobes.
When Claire Potter rushed to discredit my abuse history in the comments section of Inside Higher Education in 2015, she was not a marginal nobody in the gay community. She was a well known lesbian historian who had run a public blog in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The people at Inside Higher Ed obviously sympathized with her. Moderators deleted all my comments responding to her.
Through her blog, Potter drew me into her conversational circles. Using information she got from my engagement on her public Chronicle forum, she wrote to California State University Northridge and compounded my problems there. These are not casual frictions. They are premeditated moves.
Gay organizations — indeed, the entire gay community's leadership — need to be subject to federal investigation under RICO. I am 100% serious. Not only do FBI statistics reveal a harrowing percentage of boys who get molested by men while underage. Also, untold numbers of people have lost their jobs, livelihoods, and reputations due to the smears that the community's cover-up necessitated.
At this point the research cannot be trusted. The encroachment by LGBT activists into children's education and entertainment poses a massive risk we cannot afford to accept blindly.
People on both left and right have overlooked the reality of gay abuse because, if I analyze this charitably, the essence of the gay community has remained hidden.
I would explain it this way. You cannot discuss education effectively if you have never set foot in a school. You cannot discuss religion effectively if you have never set foot in a place of worship. And you cannot discuss homosexuality effectively if you have never set foot in a bathhouse.
I have gone into bathhouses and worked in them, both as a housekeeper and as a less illustrious type of worker. Inside the bathhouse, affairs are not random or scattered. Gay tastes are not individual expressions of personal rights. Gays form a network, an organized coterie, with its own hierarchies, economies, and rituals. Gayness is collective; it “exists” not because gay individuals exist, but because a milieu exists to connect one man to scores of other men. To get what passes for sex, gays must enter the gay spaces and expose themselves, which means they become beholden to gays who can blackmail or stalk them.
In the bathhouse, the only hedge against danger is to join in the nudity. If you engage in sodomy in a semi-public place, you find more safety than if you bring a man to somewhere secluded, where he may overwhelm you physically. The economy of the bathhouse is heartless. Fat men must be rich and pay for a larger room if they hold any hope of cavorting with a young fit man. Whites have more power. Men of color often appear available because they exchange sexual favors for money or some other way to stay alive. The bathhouse inducts you into the map of the whole city. You know who's gay in each church, company, neighborhood, and ethnic enclave.
Don't let lesbians say this is only the male side of things. Lesbians yoked their case to gay men long ago and have helped gays cover up abuse for a long time.
Many will protest that we cannot generalize from the bathhouse. But we can, since that is the place where homosexuality exists most honestly.
One thing unites everyone in the bathhouse: the need to keep everything secret. In other words, shame. You will not find love, support, or redemption there. You will find homosexuality in all its harmful brutality, as I explain here. Society will likely react to the news of gay sex abuse by trying to isolate the abusive practices from a mythically non-abusive and healthy homosexuality. But there is no there there. As you learn in the bathhouse, homosexuality consists of a preoccupation with genitals. Unfortunately, while they are preoccupied with genitals, theirs cannot match the type of activity everyone in the community wants to pursue. This paradox breeds misery. To the extent that homosexuals seek to normalize and naturalize their paradox, particularly to young people, the misery leads to a system of abuse and cover-ups.
Contact your senator now and send a clear message. “Big Gay” is not a homophobic myth. The abuse has thrived because of an organized system crushing whistleblowers and enabling exploitation. Government should not involve itself in everything, but it should protect us from this kind of racketeering, influencing, and corrupt organizations. We need a Homo RICO now.
Robert Oscar Lopez writes at English Manif.
Published with permission from the American Thinker.