
August 28, 2013 (NRLC) – Earlier this month, the District of Columbia announced that it was giving $375,000 to the local Planned Parenthood affiliate to help enroll people in Obamacare. Planned Parenthood will be a “navigator”, training representatives to help potential participants decide which plan is best for them.


Shortly after the DC announcement, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced that the federal government had awarded another $655,000 to three other Planned Parenthood affiliates in Montana, Iowa, and New Hampshire, also to help as navigators.

According to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, these navigators will “serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace this fall.”

The Attorneys General from 13 states wrote to Sebelius, expressing concern because these navigators will have access to consumers’ personal information, such as health records and social security numbers.

Pro-lifers who know that the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is America’s largest abortion provider were, of course, appalled by this additional influx of tax money. Planned Parenthood will be able to advertise these services, encouraging potential consumers of Obamacare to walk through their doors to get help. This is just one more way for the Obama administration to make Planned Parenthood appear to be a credible community organization.

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Pro-lifers have a job to do. A poll this spring found that 88% of the American public was familiar with Planned Parenthood, with 63% saying that had a favorable opinion of the organization. While 55% overall did not know that Planned Parenthood performs abortions, an amazing 50% of people who identified themselves as pro-life did not know that Planned Parenthood performs abortions. And only six percent knew that Planned Parenthood kills more than 300,000 unborn children by abortion annually.

While you may think “abortion” when you hear Planned Parenthood, half of your pro-life family members, friends, fellow church-goers, co-workers, and neighbors do not. We need to educate not just the public-at-large about Planned Parenthood and abortion, but fellow pro-lifers as well. Randy O’Bannon, NRLC’s Director of Education and Research, has done several articles for NRL News Today about PPFA.  Share them with others.  NRLC also has bumper stickers and other stickers  available to help make the connection.

I don’t know if we can stop PPFA affiliates from becoming Obamacare navigators, but we can let people know that PPFA is responsible for killing unborn children.

Reprinted with permission from NRLC