November 1, 2012 (NRLN) – We’ve made a point at NRL News Today of being very selective in reporting the many outrageous attempts by the President’s re-election campaign and his supporters to coarsen the political dialogue which they obviously believe will help President Obama win a second term. As the presidential contest nears an end, their downhill efforts have picked up speed.
I wasn’t going to write about “The Future Children Project” until I actually forced myself to watch the 2:21 second-long video. I also didn’t realize until I went to the site what the message posted with the video said:
“Re-electing President Obama is a momentous decision that will require every single voter.
“What would the children of the future say if we let them down this November?
“The Future Children’s Project is an independent group not affiliated with any company or official political campaign.”
So although Mitt Romney is not explicitly mentioned, what the slack-jawed, blank-eyed “Children of the Future” are singing about is a “Romneypocalypse” (as one commentator put it). There is a litany of “sins” which the children tell us explicitly is the result of their parents not voting properly. The ending stanzas are
“We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you
You did your best
You failed the test
Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!”
And because their parents “failed the test,” the children of the future look like automatons and live in a world where “sick people just die,” where “oil fills the sea,” where “Big Bird is sacked,” and where the atmosphere is “frying.”
The Daily Caller alerted the wider world to the video’s existence a few days ago. Caroline May tells us “The brains behind the video are Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, who in 1983 co-founded the San Francisco-based agency that would soon become Goodby Silverstein & Partners.”
Ironically, this is the agency that came up with “the famous tagline ‘Got milk?,’’’ May writes, “and boasts clients like Cheetos, Netflix, the National Basketball Association and Nintendo.”
“The idea was to have kids from the future sing about a world that’s been defiled by us — by their parents,” Goodby told Co.Create, according to May. “It was meant to be accusatory in some way. Something to put it in the context of some day this decision will be an even bigger one than it appears today.”
It is indeed, accusatory, but not in the manner Goodby intended.
Obama and his supporters believe a race to the bottom is the way to win the race to the top. My strong suspicion is that at some level (actually many levels), most people are deeply offended by a campaign that not only appeals to their baser instincts but thinks the electorate is too stupid to notice.
We’ll find out in a little over six days.
Reprinted with permission from National Right to Life News