March 7, 2012 ( – When I was 19 years old, I heard five courageous women give testimonies about how their abortions hurt them. Their testimonies had a huge impact on me then — and they still do today.
Abortion brings emotional and spiritual suffering that can last for years — decades, even. Through 40 Days for Life campaigns, we are hearing about many people who are seeking Christ’s healing after abortion.
“She was a beautiful woman with large dark eyes that spoke of deep hurt,” Abigail said of the woman who approached her at the 40 Days for Life vigil. “She had been forced to have an abortion and, though it was more than 20 years ago, she had never received help or healing for the pain and void it left in her heart and body.”
Abigail assured the woman that in Christ, she could find peace. “It’s beautiful to watch a woman take the first step to healing by breaking the silence and shame of abortion and asking for help,” she said. “Praise God!”
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But that’s not the whole story. The woman told Abigail that she had become pregnant again and at the time was being coerced into a second abortion. “But she knew she couldn’t go through with it.”
She pointed to a young man and said, “That is my son” — the child she did not abort. With him was his infant daughter — her grandchild, who would have never been born if she’d had the second abortion.
“God continues to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of His people,” Abigail said. “This is what HE is doing in YOU when you sign up for a prayer slot!”
A volunteer tells of a man who went to pray at the 40 Days for Life vigil. He shared a story with this volunteer about something that had happened in his life many years ago. His girlfriend had become pregnant — and he’d paid for the abortion.
“He had kept his secret for years — until this very day, when God called him to pray,” the volunteer said. The man prayed at the vigil for several hours.
“Thanks be to God for the mercy and love he shows us through his forgiveness,” the volunteer said. “The grief this man poured out from his soul will always be in my heart.”
A volunteer offered a “precious feet” pin to a woman who was leaving Planned Parenthood. Her hands were shaking, but she took it, asking what it was.
When the volunteer explained it’s what a baby’s feet look like at 10 weeks into pregnancy, the woman began to cry.
She has five children, she explained. But she’d also had an abortion and still suffers emotionally. Yet here she was at Planned Parenthood, pondering another abortion.
Volunteers went into action. One offered information about pro-life pregnancy and post-abortion resources, while another assured the woman that choosing life for her baby was God’s will.
“Later that day, she arrived at the pregnancy resource center and got the help she needed,” said Lori in Hayward. “We are humbled by the many blessings God has given us this day. We pray God will continue to give us the grace to accomplish all He expects of us.”
Here’s the link to today’s devotional.