November 7, 2012 ( – Dear pro-life warriors, we have woken up this morning feeling defeated. Romney lost the election, but it is the unborn who have lost the most.
Today, the unborn children of American have reason to tremble in their mothers’ wombs. Voters have decided to give four more years of power to a man who wages a ruthless war against the most defenseless and vulnerable of our brothers and sisters.
We had pinned much hope on the election of a new president who might afford some protection for the unborn. Even though Romney did not endorse the protection of all human life, allowing abortion in some cases such as rape, in comparison to Obama he appeared as a champion for life. We must now face four more years of the man who many in the pro-life movement call the “most pro-abortion president ever”.
Yes, we pro-lifers have reason to be downcast.
I would have been absolutely miserable myself had it not been for a passage from Philippians (2:14-18) that I heard during Mass this morning.
Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life…you also should be glad and rejoice…
Yes, it is a “crooked and perverse generation” that re-elects a man to power who has waged such brutal war against God’s beautiful children under the guise of healthcare and women’s rights.
But this passage asks pro-lifers to accept the results of the election “without grumbling”. In fact, we are asked to “be glad and rejoice”.
Total absurdity? How can we be “glad and rejoice” on such a dark day for the unborn?
Because God is ultimately the one in charge, not President Obama. Because God uses all things to work for the good for those who love him (Romans 8:28), even the re-election of the most anti-life president the U.S. has ever seen.
We pro-lifers can “rejoice and be glad” in the midst of a “crooked and perverse generation” because we know that we have TRUTH on our side. We know that unborn life is human life. We know that there is a human baby inside a pregnant mother’s womb, not a blob of tissue or a nebulous ‘fetus’. We know that unborn human beings deserve rights and protections just as much as any other human being does.
Let us “rejoice and be glad” in holding steadfast to the truth of LIFE. It is holding onto truth by which we keep ourselves “blameless and innocent children of God without blemish”.
Holding onto truth, in the midst of such gloomy darkness, allows us to “shine as lights in the world”. Light, even the smallest of lights, always overcomes the most overwhelming darkness. As the cultural darkness grows, the seemingly small and insignificant actions by which we affirm every human life will shine out all the more.
Dear pro-lifers, don’t give into a spirit of surrender and defeat. Let the results of last night give us courage to become bolder in our advocacy for the unborn.
Justice for the unborn must compel us to examine our strategies, to make new plans, and to continue undeterred in the fight in the greatest civil rights issue the world has ever seen.
The unborn are counting on us to continue the fight on their behalf. They cannot do it themselves. These little ones have lost more in this election than either you or I. We must continue to be their champions, with more zeal than we have ever had before.
We must re-group, re-organize, re-strategize.
The lives of the unborn depend on you and me more than ever before.
Hold steadfast. Fight the good fight. Never surrender.