October 15, 2012 (NRLN) – Election season in America is often referred to as the silly season. I was reminded of that when the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) announced their “Draw the Line” campaign, in support of legal access to abortion. The campaign is using Hollywood celebrities like Meryl Streep, Kevin Bacon, and Amy Poehler to make their case in “a star-studded” series of advertisements.
CRR is also asking supporters to sign an on-line petition, a “Bill of Reproductive Rights,” that will be presented to Congress and the President. The three rights, of course, begin with a call for unlimited abortion for any reason at any time during pregnancy.
However, the second “right” caught my interest. It reads, “The right to a full range of safe, affordable, and readily accessible reproductive health care including pregnancy care, preventive services, contraception, abortion and fertility treatment—and ACCURATE INFORMATION about all of the above. (Capitalization is mine).
Wait! They want “accurate information about all of the above”? Pro-lifers have been trying for many years to pass legislation that would require the abortionist to provide accurate information about abortion before the mother makes that irreversible, life-or-death decision. Informed Consent, or “Woman’s Right to Know,” laws are currently in place in a number of states, no thanks to groups such as CRR. They fight informed consent legislation with immense ferocity and no regard for the truth. They will go to any lengths to ensure that women do not know about possible risks and alternatives to abortion.
Does this mean CRR is now suddenly going to support informed consent laws in the states? Not likely. They have, however, shown us a perfect example of hypocrisy.
It’s no surprise that CRR would enlist the aid of Hollywood stars to help their campaign. The host of a news show recently took pictures of John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the U.S. House, and Vice President Joe Biden into Times Square in New York, asking passers-by who they were. Very few people could identify our country’s political leaders. However, when shown pictures of actor Tom Cruise and singer Justin Bieber, almost everyone could identify the face in the photo.
For someone who loves politics and democracy, and freedom, it’s unfortunate that Hollywood stars would be more recognizable than the people who make our laws and determine, in many ways, our way of life.
CRR has a promise for its followers “when you sign our new Bill of Reproductive Rights”: And that is “[Y]ou’ll help us send a powerful message to lawmakers across the country that reproductive rights are fundamental rights and must be guaranteed and protected for all.”
However, while people may enjoy the stars’ movies, TV shows, and music, but so far, they don’t seem to have much influence on behalf of their candidates.
It will be the work of grassroots pro-lifers like you that will make the difference come November 6.
Reprinted with permission from National Right to Life News.