(LifeSiteNews) — I have written here before about the intersection of politics and pro-life work, and I am about to return to it during this intense time of politics.
We have a new administration in a hidebound police state, necessitating all sorts of decisions and considerations that will impact the pro-life movement. There will be new leaders appointed to meaningful positions touching on abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, unborn babies, the disabled, pregnant moms, pro-lifers and pro-life organizations. Yet, there is now reason for expanding our vision. We need to be watching, offering assistance and perspective, willing to dig for information about the people involved.
During the next several weeks I will be writing about some of the moves and appointments of the incoming Trump Administration, assessing their possible impact on pro-life goals. Naturally, since I am still in prison I am behind the news and do not know all the appointments the President Elect has already made. But I know some of them.
Before going down this road, I wish to set some parameters for all pro-lifers when discussing and considering the politics of the cultures of life and death.
The first parameter is to be very clear in our understanding that the pro-life cause is not primarily a political issue. It is a human issue about life, with mothers and babies at the center, requiring sensitivity, clear principles, and an abundance of compassion and generosity. This is not as difficult as it sounds, and it does sound a lot like Christianity.
The second parameter is to understand that it was the enemies of life that took their campaign into politics for the violent enforcement politics can bring about. The history further shows that when they suffered more defeats than victories in representative government, they shifted their strategy to the Judicial Branch, which they saw as the best opportunity to impose their agenda. And they have been proven right: they won overwhelmingly with Roe v. Wade, and so quickly that it took 50 years for the country to catch up.
The third parameter follows the second and is not in contradiction to the first. That is, when government allows something, there will, obviously, be more of it. And if the government allows something, it is approved. And if it is approved, it will be encouraged. And if it is encouraged, it will soon be coerced. Therefore, despite abortion not being, at heart, a political question, laws must be enacted if it is to stop. And if laws are to be enacted, we will need pro-life people to enact them. And if we want laws and people to enact them to stop abortion, we will have to do political work.
The fourth parameter is the call for a balance between the political and other efforts of the pro-life movement. The discussion should always be about the proportion of resources given to the political effort in relation to the human services, education, direct action, legal, outreach, media, and investigative initiatives.
Over the years, I have heard committed pro-lifers complain that the movement has too much focus on political ends and not enough on alternatives to abortion, cultural outreach, and education. During the same time, I have heard pro-life political activists say how hard it is to get grassroots pro-lifers to do actual political work like campaigning for pro-life candidates and lobbying. No solution to abortion will be complete if we do not change the laws. At the same time, pro-life laws will not completely put a stop to abortion in this country. We are in a multi-front war, and there can be no flagging in any direction we turn.
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The media has also created the image of the pro-life movement being concerned only about politics so that they can continue their blackout of abortion alternatives. If pregnant women knew there were people willing to help them, they might not choose abortion. The media also knows that if we are seen as political fanatics, the public will support their censorship of us. This is why they have made “crazed anti-abortionists,” rather than the life of an unborn baby, the issue.
I hold the media in this country more culpable for all the deaths than I do the Democrat Party. They are second only to the actual abortionists in the blood guilt. One of the fun things Donald Trump has accomplished is the complete discrediting of the media, including the new tech media. They have been lying since the 1970s, and finally it has caught up with them. No one believes them anymore.
The last parameter requires very delicate handling as I am calling for a change in our political efforts. It is also a change for my position. I have always been one who said the pro-life movement must stick to our issues under the umbrella of life so we do not get distracted by all sorts of political questions and disputes which do not advance the cause of Life.
Since the pro-life movement has both Democrats and Republicans, and since the movement has progressives and conservatives, it was always thought best that we concentrate on our common ground of agreement. But what we have seen in recent years has been built up over many years outside of pro-life watchfulness. We thought many of these problems did not have any connection to pro-life issues. Recent experiences have proven us wrong.
For example, the complete (as in total) corruption of our federal “criminal justice” system began long ago with concessions to the Department of Justice so it could fight “organized crime.” Congress passed sweeping laws, and judges allowed shocking behavior by our prosecutors, all in the name of “law and order.” Republicans liked this because “law and order” was a winning political slogan (Pence is still addicted to it) requiring little thought or reflection. Democrats liked it because it gave government more power.
The 1990s saw an enormous expansion in the number and size of prisons, which Republicans liked because it showed they were tough on “law and order” and Democrats liked because it created many more unionized government workers to contribute to their political war chests. In that time period, with the country on a law-and-order binge, Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno threw pro-lifers into the pot of federal outlaws. In the mind of our federal “justice” leaders, we have remained there. And we did not realize that could happen.
Then came 9/11, the War on Terror, and the Patriot Act. The casual suspension of Americans’ civil liberties was permitted by a traumatized nation and, unlike tax breaks, federal laws never sunset. The War on Terror eventually (aided by the garbage of monopoly tech media) morphed into a hunt for “domestic terrorists.” This featured pro-lifers and anyone else politically incorrect. The intelligence community has joined forces with the federal “justice” system to persecute political enemies of the pro-abortion Democrat Party.
There is a reason pro-lifers were attacked by that system at the same time as Donald Trump and his supporters were. As I told my lawyer during our trial, the Democrats hate pro-lifers every bit as much as they hate Donald Trump and his supporters. With all this, pro-lifers must be more aware of our rights being violated by the people sworn to protect them. We must broaden our political scope.
In closing, please remember all this when the whining begins, because Trump is going to be called a “fascist” for getting rid of the prosecutors who never should hold a government job again. They have shown themselves not just irresponsible but dangerous when possessing a little power. It was the FBI, the Department of Justice, the federal courts, and the intelligence services who “endangered democracy” these last eight years.
Fortunately, Trump is not a Republican in the mold of a Bush, a Barr, a Christie, or the Wall Street Journal, people who are all finery and propriety with no spine for getting things right. The federal criminal “justice” structure and personnel must be completely overturned. Nothing else will get the job done.
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John Hinshaw is serving a custodial sentence for attempting to save the lives of babies in a late-term abortion business in Washington, D.C., an undertaking a court found was in violation of the FACE Act. Letters to John should be addressed:
JOHN HINSHAWRegister #93685-509FMC DevensFederal Medical CenterP.O. BOX 879Ayer, MA 01432