(LifeSiteNews) — To all those who might be interested, if I am pardoned by President Trump on Inauguration Day, January 20th, I will be at this year’s March for Life on January 24th in Washington, DC.
If so, some friends have arranged to meet me on the National Mall across from 12th Street at 11:00 AM on the morning of the 24th. This is an hour before the March Rally and speakers begin at Noon and is only a few blocks from the Washington Monument, where the Rally is to take place.
Anyone who is interested is invited to meet me and my friends there between 11:00 and 11:45 AM.
If I do not receive a pardon, I will be released from prison on Friday, January 24th, the same day as the March, and I will not be in Washington for the March this year.
Either way, I will be outside prison walls in a week.
I do not say I will be free because, without a pardon, we pro-life prisoners face years of probation dictating with whom we can speak and associate, what we are to say, and where we are allowed to go. There are specific rules forbidding pro-life activism.
Though I am sure the authors of the FACE Act enjoyed the thought of pro-lifers mouldering in federal prison for years, I believe it is this probation that they really sought. Why? Because it dictates our actions, curtails our rights, and forbids any attempts to save lives. Any violation on our part means immediate incarceration until a “hearing” is held in front of a judge. This “hearing” is a very brief appearance during which no defense is allowed. Evidence is presented by prosecutors documenting the probationer’s “violations,” and the probationer’s lawyer is allowed to present only if he has proof the defendant did not do the things they say he or she did. No “explanations” for behavior are allowed. And it is a guaranteed return to prison with prejudice against releasing him or her on probation again.
I know that many of you recognize that our trials were the same kind of proceedings. We were forbidden by the judge to explain anything, we could not choose our own defense (the judge set our “defense” for us), and everything was pre-arranged beforehand by federal court protocol. You understand the problem with our federal “justice” system. But there are no appeals for probation violations, and the judge can send us back to jail for an indeterminate period. Control is what they seek above all.
Without Trump pardons, my fellow rescuers will not be released by January 24th. In another savage attempt by the government to divide us, disproportionate sentences were given to us all, and I was given the lightest sentence: 21 months’ incarceration. That is why, with no pardons, I will be the only one to be released this month. The others received sentences of 22 months, 24 months, 27 months, 34 months, and 56 months, and they will all be released slowly during the next few years. And all will suffer from the same shackling probation for years afterward!
Please pray for my fellow rescuers, that they meet with God’s mercy while doing His will.
A heartfelt thank you to all who prayed for me, prayed with me, and wrote to me. I hope to see many of you at the March for Life on January 24th.
Viva Cristo Rey!
John Hinshaw is serving a custodial sentence for attempting to save the lives of babies in a late-term abortion business in Washington, D.C., an undertaking a court found was in violation of the FACE Act.