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RFK Jr. (left) and Donald Trump (right)Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — The nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head Health and Human Services is one of the most startling decisions made so far by President-elect Trump.

The word “startling” is not used here as a pejorative, as I believe Trump is smart to reach for people outside of America’s power structure to completely upturn the oppressive regime governing us. That oppression is bipartisan: Republicans like Esper, McConnell, Ryan, and others colluded during Trump’s first term to stymie his reform efforts. Since the Obama administration created “enforcement arms” for each federal agency, the cold hand of the unelected bureaucrat has ever been at our throats.

I will credit RFK, Jr. for having been willing, all these years, to fight the unified efforts of our vaccine lobby and the government officials they have paid for. Like so many things in our world, the vaccine lobby, as a branch of Big Pharma, enjoys sacred cow status due to its achievements of long ago. He presented a convincing argument, through timelines and study of vaccine development, connecting the modern vaccine schedule with the autism spike of the early 1990s. (I said convincing, not conclusive.) The media, including conservative media, accept Big Pharma’s dismissal of RFK, Jr.’s accusations, while providing no alternative theories. Studies commissioned by Big Pharma have “proven” RFK, Jr. wrong, just like the media has “proven” accusations of voter fraud “wrong.” We are right to be skeptical of the political and pharmaceutical establishments, given the deceptions both have been caught perpetrating in recent years.

By the way, what is the medical industry’s opinion regarding the cause for the inarguable autism spike? I haven’t heard it. Perhaps the wellness of children is not what our medical field thinks important these days. There is, however, a dark suspicion in the minds of pro-lifers that the reason the medical industry is not offering an alternative theory is that they know what caused the spike, but they have buried it in their efforts to justify abortion. But RFK, Jr. also has not, to my knowledge, answered our expressed concerns.

Let me explain why many people, including conservatives never before friendly to the liberal Kennedys, are willing to consider RFK, Jr. for HHS Director. In a future article, I will outline all the atrocities committed by Big Pharma and the vaccine lobby in the last 40 years. For this article, however, I need only go back, embarrassingly for Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, to the sordid history of the COVID outbreak and its “vaccine.”

The jab was sold to us as a “vaccine,” that is, we were told that if we got vaccinated, we wouldn’t get the disease. However, we found numerous cases of the “vaccinated” contracting the disease. We also saw the pharmaceutical companies (just as they have many times in the past) lobbying government officials to mandate vaccinations; this, of course, meant larger profits for them. We found their government flunkies utilizing their power, and the power of tech’s conformity police, to discredit and kneecap legitimate scientific inquiry into COVID and the jabs.

The jabs were using RNA derivative cultures which are still seen as experimental, whose only benefits would seem to be speculative – that is, the scientists hadn’t seen them work yet, but they thought they would. No wonder many people took this as a set-up to create the largest test group in medical research history. They may be wrong, but spare me the apparatchik arrogance of “you just don’t understand science.” What we understand is that our scientific medical research community governing vaccines is the same drooling group which was seeking to make animal viruses more communicable to humans. Our scientific research industry seeks to circumvent the very protections that God created to ensure our health; what could go wrong? Knowing that Americans do not want this type of research pursued (for obvious reasons), these same scientists and bureaucrats shipped the work, with US taxpayer money, off to China, a country which has a long and strong disregard for human life.

READ: Our public health system must learn this important lesson from the rebuilding of Notre Dame

During COVID, most Americans learned what pro-lifers and medical researchers have known for a long time: our vaccine industry had been using living fetal cells to incubate, preserve, and develop vaccine cultures. We were told that cells from “only” one baby girl aborted in the early 1970s were used in the development of the COVID “vaccines.” This was not true (more disinformation) as our vaccine industry uses numerous other fetal cell lines from other aborted children. But let’s take that one fetal cell line for consideration. A child, who could have been a grandmother now, brutally killed, long dead, but her cells live on. Doesn’t that send chills down everyone’s spine?  No wonder all our horror movies are slash and gore garbage; we are immune to the truly macabre because we live with death and mortifying obscenities all around us in real life

So, having briefly reviewed the Covid era and regimen, which justified much of RFK, Jr.’s complaints against the vaccine industry, I will now consider his nomination for HHS.

Pro-lifers are rightly concerned about a liberal, pro-abortion Democrat from one of the most prominent, pro-abortion, “Catholic” families in our country heading the federal agency most engaged with the poor. Kennedy wealth has always gotten in the way of their helping the poor. Like most of the American monied class, the Kennedys do not see the unborn babies of the poor as the poor. But the unborn are the pre-eminent poor, the most defenseless.  Will an RFK, Jr. – led HHS treat the babies as the victims of poverty they are?  There is nothing in his record to make us think so. The American rich legalized abortion primarily to reduce the number of poor people.  I have not seen any repudiation of this from RFK, Jr.

During his crusade to link modern vaccines to the autism, RFK, Jr. did not seem to notice pro-lifers’ contention that the use of fetal cells from aborted babies in managing vaccines began at the same time as the autism spike : 1989.  A 2010 FDA report, which sought to dismiss RFK, Jr.’s concern about mercury-based preservatives in the vaccines, casually explained that the only change in vaccine management contemporaneous with the autism spike was the introduction of human cells into the matrix.  I find no record of RFK, Jr. responding to this. Was his very public support for abortion the reason he never responded to this fact?  Consequently, should we not expect that his pro-abortion views are going to lead to HHS suppressing the truth like the industry he criticizes?

As one who worked daily with the poor for more than 35 years (before losing my job upon my incarceration), I need to be confident that people who actually know the needs and desires of the poor will be part of HHS. That means pro-lifers need to be hired in an RFK, Jr.-led HHS.  I am not looking for a job, but I know many vastly experienced pro-lifers who would benefit the mission at HHS.

There is also the character question.  It can’t be ignored that RFK, Jr. has followed in the Kennedy tradition with a history of confused and confusing dealings with women, most of them not their wives.

READ: Imprisoned pro-lifer: Here’s what we need to do to create a culture of life in America

With all of this, as much as I would enjoy watching RFK, Jr. take on Big Pharma, I don’t believe he should be supported for the HHS directorate. But understanding that Mr. Trump is feeling very good about himself and his administration and that he doesn’t take criticism well, I also don’t believe he will withdraw RFK, Jr. from consideration. Therefore, we must be forceful in insisting that our pro-life friends in the Senate truly grill him and receive guarantees that truth, which always favors life, will be the guide for all his decisions.

John Hinshaw is serving a custodial sentence for attempting to save the lives of babies in a late-term abortion business in Washington, D.C., an undertaking a court found was in violation of the FACE Act. Letters to John should be addressed:

Register #93685-509
FMC Devens
Federal Medical Center
P.O. BOX 879
Ayer, MA 01432
Note: Guidelines for letters to FMC Devens stipulate plain white paper, lined or unlined, typed or handwritten, with white envelopes. Include your return address on the envelope, and write it again on the letter itself so that John may write back to you. Please do not send cards, as they will not reach him.

