(LifeSiteNews) — With less than a year to go until the Republican primaries, the question of the Republican nomination for president is coming to the fore.
Perpetual lawfare
Following his indictment on the same charge repeated 34 times for effect, Donald Trump has risen in the polls, his lead widening over his only significant rival, Ron DeSantis.
Trump is the first U.S. President to suffer this treatment, and he has been subject to constant legal investigation and attempted prosecution since taking office.
Whilep olls claim to show “most Americans think Trump committed a crime,“ the indictment itself is already on shaky ground. As this Politico report shows, the 34 misdemeanor charges are presented as felonies due to the commission of “another crime” – for which the prosecution has presented no evidence at all.
There is no evidence of this “other crime,” and the trial is an abuse of the American legal system. Once again, the practices of corruption which the Deep State has fostered abroad are degrading the American Republic at home.
Donald Trump famously promised to “end the forever wars” upon which the careers and income of the corrupt Deep State rely. This is a campaign to smear the only candidate who presents a threat to the racket controlling the United States.
Enter Pompeo?
Why then is Mike Pompeo, former Trump administration Secretary of Defense, considering a move to enter the race?
For a man polling at one percent support, and who has not yet formally announced his candidacy, Mike Pompeo has been making presidential moves for several years.
His recent April 3 visit to Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky is a strong sign of his interest in the race, in which he would certainly run as the war faction candidate. With no realistic chance of beating Trump, his candidacy must be aimed at dividing the Republican vote – and undermining the chances of a Trump victory.
Making moves
Pompeo’s interest in a presidential run was noted as early as 2020 – during a speech calling for regime change in China.
Taking the long view, we simply cannot afford to leave China forever outside of the family of nations…The world cannot be safe until China changes. Thus, our aim – to the extent we can, we must influence events. Our goal should be to induce change.
Speaking at the Nixon Library in July 2020, Pompeo was building on recent meetings with potential donors and visits to key swing state Iowa. He followed this with another neoconservative speech from Israel in the summer, and has continued to raise his profile ever since.
His repeated insistence on U.S. military commitment to Taiwan secured him the approval, in the summer of 2022, of the Taiwanese leader. By November, he was running advertisements in key battleground states, and openly criticizing Donald Trump.
A blueprint for war
Mike Pompeo is the most complete expression of the neoconservative mentality in the frame. As the former head of the CIA, and with a repeated bellicose commitment to the promotion of war, he combines the deep state influence of the neoconservatives with their ideology of world dominance through military force.
Pompeo gave a speech at the Deep State thinktank the Hudson Institute in June 2022 which could serve as a neoconservative blueprint for the future of U.S. – and global – foreign affairs.
Known as the “Three Lighthouses” speech, it serves as a blueprint for current and future neoconservative wars – against Russia, Iran, and China.
The speech has now been removed from the Hudson Institute website, but an archive can be found here. If you are wondering why the USA is so concerned with perpetual war, consider the lighthouses of Mike Pompeo.
…[T]he United States must help in building of the three lighthouses for liberty. These beacons should be centered on nations that have great strife: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
His speech glitters with noble terms – liberty, virtue, freedom. Pompeo argues that this “building” of liberty will secure American dominance and prosperity.
This is central to helping us in Europe as well, because central to the economic well-being of American families is a United States that leads.
Yet the heightened tensions with China do nothing to secure global security, and the actions of the permanent war faction which has captured the U.S. now threaten the stability of the U.S. dollar itself.
A record of sabotage
Mike Pompeo’s tenure under Donald Trump also illustrates the degree to which the permanent national security state has supplanted the authority of the U.S. government – including the office of the President himself.
It was Pompeo who
- blocked the release of JFK assassination files
- called for plans to murder Julian Assange
- hampered and opposed US withdrawal from Syria
He supports continued escalation of the war in Ukraine despite the obvious risk presented by the conflict spiraling out of control into a nuclear exchange. He pushes for the overthrow of the Russian state and suggests the same is necessary in China.
As with all the neoconservatives, Mike Pompeo seeks to link Ukraine with Taiwan, stating without serious explanation that the fates of these two flashpoints are inextricably linked.
There has been no explanation to the American people as to why their security and prosperity should be gambled on the fate of the Donbass. Neither does Pompeo explain why the United States now seems determined to provoke a military response from China.
Since the Carter administration recognized Beijing in 1979, the United States government has maintained a delicate balance in its relations with China. While it has always suggested support for the exiled nationalist government in Taiwan, it nonetheless recognized the Chinese as the sole legitimate rulers of China – until now.
The spoiler candidate
What Pompeo seeks to spoil is not only Donald Trump’s campaign, but the opportunity for a realistic foreign policy which recognizes that other states than the U.S. have interests.
It is an indication of how desperate is the deep state faction that they would resort to dividing the Republican vote in this way, which appears to be strengthened in disgust at the perpetual lawfare conducted against Donald Trump.
The situation is clear. The Deep State will do anything it can to prevent a candidate coming to power who will end these ruinous wars, restore American prestige, and put the American people first. It will even consider running a candidate like Mike Pompeo, whose blueprint for the future maps a world order for which no one in their right mind would ever vote.