Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: This is a blockbuster follow-up to our Dec. 17 article on the incredible interview by Candace Owens with a survivor of the unprovoked 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Today’s article presents many more stunning revelations on that incident, the story of Israeli super spy Jonathan Pollard, numerous other Israeli spies in the U.S., consecutive U.S. presidents’ anger and frustration over Israeli lies and betrayals, and much more.
It is hard to imagine that any reasonable person who reads and views the evidence in this investigative article can continue to see Zionist Israel (not “the Jews”) as an ally of the United States or that we should continue involvement in any more of their costly wars.
Chronic liar Benjamin Netanyahu, his Likud Party and the extreme messianic supremacist religious Zionists, who are keeping him in power against criminal corruption charges hanging over his head, have become a severe threat to peace in the Middle East.
They are also doing all they can to force the United States into yet another and the most dangerous of Israel’s desired wars, this time against Iran. That could lead to a nuclear conflict or at least an extended war that will cost trillions and the loss of many American military lives.
It is time to face the fact that the deeply anti-Christian Zionist extremists are only for Israel and have never been a true ally of the United States, as you will realize from carefully reading the entire article.
Israel’s now accelerated empire-building poses a potentially existential threat to the United States as it may find itself combatting not just Iran but also Russia and China in an intensely desired war serving no strategic US interests. That is the hard reality that Donald Trump, who was elected to “stop all the killing,” will be faced with, contrary to the demands of his Zionist big donors.
Douglas MacGregor stated in a very frank interview Dec.18 he fears Trump will not be able to resist the pressures of the Zionists and the rogue US intelligence agencies, no matter how much he wants to keep the U.S. out of another wasteful war.
(LifeSiteNews) –– Almost sixty years ago, in 1967, Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats knowingly attacked the USS Liberty intelligence ship while it was off the coast of Israel in the Mediterranean. To this day, Congress refuses to investigate this deadly attack from “America’s greatest ally,” despite the continuing petition of the USS Liberty Veterans to do so.
34 Americans were killed and 174 wounded. Many suffered permanent injuries.
In a 2022 article, veterans of the attack complained of having been abandoned by the U.S. government – both on the day of the attack and ever since.
“For 55 years, we’ve tried to honor the crew, with little to no support from our government, just like the lack of support we received when we were under attack,” said then-president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, Larry L. Bowen at a remembrance ceremony for the victims.
“Our government has tried to cover the entire attack up as a mere accident. Nothing could be further from the truth,” he continued.
Ernie Gallo, the previous president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, published this 2017 video to “Assess the Reasons for the Attack on the USS Liberty.”
To explore these reasons, Gallo had also published a book in 2013 titled “Liberty Injustices: A Survivor’s Account of American Bigotry.”
One reviewer described Gallo’s book as a damning indictment of “Zionist influence” in the United States government.
“As a survivor of the criminal attack by Israeli military forces on a US. ship in international waters on June 8, 1967, Mr. Ernest Gallo details the terrible circumstances generally unknown to the American public: The influence that Zionist Israel holds in the United States government,” writes the reviewer.
“When the USS Liberty sent out an urgent request for U.S. air support to ward off the attack, President Johnson, via Robert MacNamara, ordered our planes to call off the mission and return to carrier, despite pleas from our military commanders. DISGRACEFUL!”
The former attorney who helped lead the investigation said in a sworn 2003 affidavit that President Lyndon Baines Johnson and then-Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara had ordered the cover-up.
“Capt. Ward Boston said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy’s inquiry to “conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’ despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.”
Boston said he felt compelled to “share the truth”.
LBJ, JFK and the silence over the USS Liberty
LBJ had been president of the United States for three years and eight months when the USS Liberty was attacked on June 8, 1967. Johnson became president following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy had spent years pursuing Israel to submit to inspections of what he suspected – correctly – was a secret, illegal nuclear weapons program.
The Israeli program was made possible by the theft of top-secret U.S. nuclear information and materials and much other highly confidential information by Israeli spy Jonathon Pollard. The Israelis, through the direction of Pollard, violated all that Kennedy had done to negotiate a historic international nuclear weapons test ban treaty successfully.
Kennedy was enraged over the constant duplicity and betrayal by the Israelis. This led to the resignation of the Israeli prime minister at the time. Pollard was considered “one of the most damaging spies in U.S. history.” reports that Pollard “became the first American to go to jail for life for passing secrets to a U.S. ally. The top-secret information Pollard passed on to Israel is so vast and damaging, the complete list of files is itself top secret. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years.”
Despite his criminal betrayals of the U.S., on his return to Israel, he was received as a national hero. As reports, “The former U.S. Navy analyst, who spied for Israel, was greeted by Prime Minister Netanyahu and granted citizenship. He kissed the ground and thanked the Jewish people for supporting him and his wife…”
He often appears on Israeli television and has a podcast promoting radical Zionist ideology and its plans for a Greater Israel.
For his appearance on a recent ILTV Israel News segment, the text introduction states that Pollard “shares his thoughts on preemptive warfare, nuclear deterrence, and the dangers of allowing compassion to be weaponized.” It is a disturbing conversation revealing the extremes that Zionists are willing to go to to achieve their goals of domination.

In the summer of 1963, Kennedy and his brother Bobby, moved to designate Israel’s U.S. domestic Zionist lobby as a foreign agent of the government of Israel. There was intense resistance from the Israeli government and powerful Zionists in the United States to forcing Israeli lobbyists to be subject to the same rules required of all other foreign lobbies.
Four months later, Kennedy’s head exploded on live television. His assassination was followed by that of his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, who, as attorney general, had led to move to designate the Israel lobby as the foreign influence it was and still remains, much greater than ever now, over the United States government.
No U.S. President has ever threatened to withdraw support for Israel since then.
Files remain secret
The complete files on the Kennedy assassination have never been released. Nor have those on the USS Liberty incident, a fact which was noted in this 2017 report by the Intercept titled, “Fifty years later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel’s USS Liberty Attack Secret.”
The report asks why the National Security Agency is so keen to protect the American public from information regarding the attack, mentioning a 2001 book titled “Body of Secrets” by investigative journalist James Bamford, who charges that the secrecy is to protect a coverup. The Intercept said this of his thesis:
Bamford argued in his 2001 book, ‘Body of Secrets,’ that the USS Liberty’s proximity to the Sinai, and its ability to intercept Israel’s motives and activities during the Six-Day War, might have prompted Israel’s attack on the vessel.
The USS Liberty was a “spy ship” – not a warship. Lightly armed, it was performing surveillance when it was attacked.
Gallo says in the above video that the crew of the USS Liberty were subject to “gagging orders” – a claim which has been “debunked.”
‘Debunked’ … by Zionists
Also “debunked” are Bamford’s well-researched revelations that Israel knew the ship was American, and that the Liberty was attacked to prevent damaging evidence of an ongoing Israeli-led massacre.
This 2013 piece in the Times of Israel serves as an example. It calls the proven fact that Israel knowingly and repeatedly attacked the USS Liberty “The Lie That Won’t Die.”
Israeli aircraft made seven passes on a ship flying a U.S. flag. Israeli radio records show the Israelis knew it was American.
Partly redacted CIA documents were included in the publication of a 2017 book, which was reviewed in the Israeli newspaper Ha’retz, pictured above.
Ha’aretz reported that the CIA believed the Israeli minister of defense personally ordered the attack.
“The book includes a CIA document from November 1967 that is still partially censored. In the document, which is also on the official CIA website, an anonymous source is quoted as saying: ‘They said that [then-Israeli Defense Minister Moshe] Dayan personally ordered the attack on the ship, and that one of his generals adamantly opposed the action and said, ‘This is pure murder,’” reported Ha’retz.
The book also documents a conversation between an Israeli pilot tasked with attacking the Liberty, in which he warns his commander that the ship is American. As Ha’aretz reported, “Former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter… recounted a conversation between an Israeli pilot and the Israel Air Force war room, which was allegedly picked up by an NSA aircraft and inadvertently cabled to CIA offices around the world.”

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?
IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.
Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship – I can see the flag!
IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.
Ha’aretz proceeds to “debunk” the obvious conclusion – that the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was intentional – by referring to Michael Oren.
Oren claimed that accusing Israel of what it has obviously done is “antisemitic.”
He also claimed that the facts amounted to a “conspiracy theory” that Israel spies on the U.S.
“What continues to fuel these conspiracy theories?” Oren asks. “The subject is revived every few years. It is part of a ‘theory’ that Israel, together with Russia and China, spies on the United States. As Israel’s ambassador to the United States, I saw this undercurrent, which is also sometimes antisemitic.”
Oren would have been aware that in 1984, Jewish-American Jonathan Pollard passed top secret National Security Agency files to the Israeli government. Pollard was apprehended in 1985 and convicted of espionage two years later.
Seymour Hersh described his case in a 1999 piece, “The Traitor,” which documents the power of Israeli pressure on then-President Bill Clinton to release Pollard. U.S. intelligence agencies responded to the 1998 move with outrage, with the then-director of the CIA George Tenet threatening to resign if Pollard was released.
In the year 2000, the Washington Report ran with the headline, “Despite Coverup, Israel Caught Spying in Washington Again.”
Was this an insignificant breach? No.
“Israel has been caught spying in Washington again, this time on the White House and other sensitive telephone systems,” the outlet reported.
Not only was Israel spying on the White House, but its actions could also harm U.S. national security.
“But Americans have to look and listen very hard to learn the details. The damage could be as great as that sustained during spy-for-pay Jonathan Jay Pollard’s blatant military codes, plans and secret-stealing rampage of the 1980s,” it added.
The breach was said to be potentially worse than the Israeli theft of U.S. nuclear codes in the 1960s – and the former Israeli theft of nuclear weapons grade uranium.
“And probably greater than Israel’s stealing not only of U.S. nuclear secrets in the 1960s, but even of American enriched uranium via an Israel-controlled contracting firm in Apollo, Pennsylvania.”
Who was responsible? Two Israelis, one from Mossad.
“They are a married Israeli couple, at least one of them a Mossad member stationed in the Israeli Embassy in Washington and enjoying diplomatic immunity from arrest.”
During 2001, the United States would arrest up to 200 Israeli spies and deport them. The Daily Telegraph report noted that whilst the Israeli foreign ministry dismissed the report that these “art students” had been spying on America, “Tel Aviv has launched espionage operations against its principal ally in the past.”
This, presumably, is also “antisemitic.”

Following the breakup of the largest postwar spy ring in the United States, Fox News’ Carl Cameron produced a four-part series on Israeli espionage in the U.S. It has now been scrubbed from the network’s history, but Cryptome has all four parts transcribed here. Part one is still available via dailymotion – for now.
Who is Michael Oren, serial Liberty ‘debunker’?
In a letter of July 25, 2001, James Bamford responded to the initial “debunking” of his proof of Israeli guilt, revealing that the main source used to discredit his claims is Michael Oren.
Who is Michael Oren?
“Oren is a reserve officer and war veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces as well as a former advisor to the government of [Israeli] Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,” noted Bamford.
He is also a dedicated Zionist, and an extreme one at that. At the time, Bamford reported that “[Oren] works for a small right wing, pro-Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli think tank in Jerusalem, the Shalem Center.”
Bamford explains the mission of this center, “where Mr. Oren is a senior fellow.”
“The principal mission of the center is the cause of extreme Jewish nationalism – Israel for the Jews – i.e. apartheid.”
Bamford goes on, showing the links between this center and Meir Kahane, whose Kach group was outlawed as a terrorist organisation by the CIA and by Israel itself.
The FBI’s 14-page file on Kahane is here.
“That [extremism] is hardly surprising given that the center’s intellectual guru, Yoram Hazony, is an admitted admirer of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.”
Who was Meir Kahane?
“He is the racist, fanatic founder of the violent Jewish Defense League in the U.S. and the rabid anti-Arab Kach movement in Israel, which is now outlawed there and listed as a terrorist group in the U.S.”
Kahane was a former member of the Israeli Parliament.
“In 1984 Kahane was elected to the Israeli Knesset on a platform calling for the expulsion of Arabs from Israel.”
Today, the “Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power)” party of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the current Israeli national security minister, is said to be a “direct descendant” of the Kahanist terrorist party, Kach. It is part of a coalition on whose support the power of Netanyahu to lead Israel currently relies.
A preemptive strike?
We are told that then-President Lyndon B. Johnson was not forewarned of the attack.
It was a “preemptive strike,” a sudden military assault launched in accordance with the doctrine of preemption, which according to a member of Israel’s founding government, “has been Israel’s policy almost from day one.”
The USS Liberty was not a war ship, but a spy ship. The question of whether Israel knew it was an American ship has been answered.
“It is not a whodunnit,” as the final part of the most thorough documentary on the subject says, “It is a why-dunnit.”
Part Four of the incredible “Sacrificing Liberty” video series charges Lyndon Baines Johnson with complicity in the attack, which some veterans – and others – say he intended to use as a pretext to enter the 1967 Arab-Israeli war on the side of Israel.
Here is the website’s descriptive text for the video,
The true story of the USS. Liberty is more shocking than any spy novel written by Tom Clancy. The most top-secret spy ship in the world. Its client was the NSA. The ship and its 294 U.S. Navy sailors were rushed to the Mediterranean Sea. Only the White House and Pentagon knew that Israel was ready to attack Arab nations. The USS. Liberty was deliberately sent into a kill zone. The casualties were staggering: 34 killed and 174 wounded. The coverup began immediately and has continued since 1967.
There are a number of books on the USS Liberty incident. This one from 2017 has a unique claim on the reader’s attention. Partly authored by survivors of the attack, including Gallo, it states that President Johnson had risked World War Three in attempting to drag the U.S. into Israel’s war. Titled “Remember the Liberty – Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas,” it says, “Unlike all other books ever written about the tragic attack – none of which provide a satisfactory explanation of what really caused it – Remember the Liberty! examines how [the Liberty] was positioned there by Johnson himself, for the very purpose of being attacked, and sunk, with every one of the 294 men on board going to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.”
Why would Johnson do this?
His purpose was to use that event – while blaming Egyptian President Gamal Nasser for the attack – as a pretext for joining Israel in the war, even at the risk of igniting World War III with the Soviet Union.
The book says it provides the only realistic explanation for the attack on the Liberty.
“This book provides the only realistic explanation for why Lyndon Johnson did what he did, and why, in the heat of battle, he intervened with his Navy officers who were determined to rescue the Liberty and ordered them to recall the squadrons of fighter jets they had already dispatched – twice, 90 minutes apart – for that purpose.”
The shocking conclusion of the book is that the president of the United States conspired against his own people to risk a global war – in service of its “greatest ally” – Israel.
The greatest ally
That the “greatest ally” of the United States would intentionally attack and kill its sailors is an obvious outrage to anyone who believes that Israel is the best friend of America.
Why do so few Americans know about it? Moreover, why do U.S. presidents and politicians refuse to grant the Congressional investigation that the veterans of the attack have demanded ever since?
Oral history from the corridors of the White House provides some insight into this mystery.
The memoirs of the former CIA director Robert Gates provide one of the least known but most memorable insights into US-Israel relations ever recorded.
“Every U.S. President I worked for would get so p***ed off at the Israelis that they could not speak,” Gates wrote, explaining, “…it didn’t matter whether it was Jimmy Carter or Jerry Ford or Ronald Reagan or George Bush something would happen and they would just absolutely go screw themselves right into the ceiling.”
Gates says every president he had worked for would get “…so angry and they’d sort of rant and rave around the Oval Office.”
Why would the most powerful man in the world be reduced to “ranting and raving” around his office, like a spited call center wage slave?
“I think it was their frustration about knowing that there was so little they could do about it because of domestic politics and everything else.”

The “domestic politics” Gates refers to is the power of the Zionist lobby in the United States. Home to over 31 million Christian Zionists, it has donated almost 40 million dollars in the six months of 2024 to ensure that, as retired Col. Douglas MacGregor has said, “Your political class is bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.”
“your political class is bought and paid for by the Israel lobby” Col. Macgregor combat veteran who served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense under President Trump reveals what he knows about Hamas and what Americans don’t understand.
Source:— If Americans Knew (@ifamericansknew) April 14, 2024
Yet the influence of this 70-year-old lobby is not confined to the present.
On June 8, 1967, Israel aircraft attacked six times from the air and launched five torpedoes from two of three boats. One torpedo holed the Liberty.
In 2018, former CIA officer Dennis Lamb wrote of Johnson’s immediate response to the attack on the Liberty, which “…remains the only peacetime attack on a U.S. naval vessel that Congress formally refuses to investigate.”
Lamb records the exchange between Johnson and Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, who tried to order assistance to the Liberty’s crew.
“One cannot imagine the horror the crew went through, nor their anger that the White House twice called back aircraft assistance that Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis launched from carriers after a crewman jerry-rigged an antenna in the midst of the attack and sent an SOS call.”
Johnson, in the White House, knew that Israel had attacked the Liberty before the crew themselves had identified the attackers.
“While recalling rescue planes a second time, President Lyndon Johnson reportedly told Geis he didn’t care if the ship sank, he wasn’t going to embarrass an ally. The mystery is how Johnson knew the attackers were Israelis. Not even the crewmen knew their attackers’ identities because unmarked aircraft were used.”
Why did Johnson do this for Israel?
A speech by Robert Gates, given in 2007, provides a simple answer.
In 1967, Soviet premier Aleksei Kosygin asked Lyndon Johnson why he supported the Jewish state, even though its population represented only a fraction of the entire Middle East. And President Johnson replied: ‘Because it is right.’
Johnson agreed the next year to expand arms sales to Israel, supplying it with F4 Phantom fighter bombers.
How the Liberty was attacked
James Bamford in his book “Body of Secrets,” described the incident as follows:
Israeli fighters poured into the [USS Liberty] more than 800 rounds of cannon fire, rockets, heavy bombs, and even burning napalm. That was followed by three Israeli PT boats, which fired five torpedoes at the ship, hitting it with one and virtually destroying the vessel.
Israeli gunners then fired at the rubber life rafts thrown into the sea by sailors attempting to flee the burning ship.
Machine-gun fire was also targeted against the escaping sailors, leading many of them to believe that it was Israel’s intention to sink the ship and kill everyone on board. (The casualty rate was nearly an incredible 80 percent).
Israel claimed the attack was a mistake – the Liberty, they said, was mistaken for an Egyptian ship.
But throughout the attack, which lasted more than an hour, the Liberty was flying a large American flag, had its name painted in English in five-foot letters across the stern, never fired a shot, and was virtually unarmed.
The Israelis signaled to the ship in a pause during the combined air and naval assault, asking whether the crew needed ‘assistance,’ before launching torpedoes at it.
If you find this simply unbelievable, you might want to read the formerly TOP-SECRET CIA report on the incident, which was not declassified until 2006.
The CIA report, authored five days after the incident on June 13, 1967, exonerates the Israelis, supporting Israeli claims that the attack was a “tragic mistake.”
The U.S. National Security Agency deputy director, Louis Tordella, referred to the Israeli Defence Force’s preliminary inquiry on which this claim of a mistake is based as “a nice whitewash”.
Veterans from the attack have formed an association to demand a Congressional investigation into the incident. Their statement says:
The USS Liberty Veterans Association would be formed with the firm goals of finding all crew members, holding reunions, proper recognition of Captain and crew (in particular those who lost their lives), obtaining a Congressional investigation into the attack, and…
In support of the claims of the surviving crew, Bamford named a long list of U.S. intelligence officials and government members who all dismissed the lie this was an “accident.”
– Lieutenant General Marshall S. Carter, director of the National Security Agency at the time: “There was no other answer than it was deliberate.”
– Dr. Louis Tordella, the deputy director of NSA at the time: “I believed the attack might have been ordered by some senior commander on the Sinai Peninsula [where the massacres were taking place] who wrongly suspected that the Liberty was monitoring his activities.” Tordella also scrawled across the top page of the formal Israeli “mistake” report, “A nice whitewash.”
– Major General John Morrison, NSA deputy director of Operations at the time: “Nobody believes that explanation. The only conjecture that we ever made that made any near sense is that the Israelis did not want us to intercept their communications at that time.”
– Walter Deeley, the senior NSA official who conducted an internal NSA investigation of the incident: “There is no way that they didn’t know that the Liberty was American.”
– Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “I have to conclude that it was Israel’s intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible. Israel knew perfectly well that the ship was American.”
– Captain William L. McGonnagle, the Liberty’s commander: “After many years I finally believe that the attack was deliberate.”
– Phillip F. Tourney, president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association and a survivor of the attack: “The Israelis got by with cold-blooded, premeditated murder of Americans.”
– Richard Helms, Director of Central Intelligence at the time: “Your chapter on the Liberty was exactly right.”
– George Christian, press secretary to President Johnson at the time: “I became convinced that an accident of this magnitude was too much to swallow.”
– Paul C. Warnke, Under Secretary of the Navy at the time: “I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units…. I suspect that in the heat of battle they figured that the presence of this American ship was inimical to their interests.”
– Dean Rusk, Secretary of State at the time: “The Liberty was flying an American flag. It was not all that difficult to identify, and my judgment was that somewhere along the line some fairly senior Israeli official gave the go-ahead for these attacks.”
– David G. Nes, the deputy head of the American mission in Cairo at the time: “I don’t think that there’s any doubt that it was deliberate…. [It is] one of the great cover-ups of our military history.”
– George Ball, Under Secretary of State at the time: “American leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of its citizens.”
‘Ranting and raving’ – U.S. presidents and the greatest ally
As we already noted, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates once said that “every president I worked for, at some point in his presidency, would get so pissed off at the Israelis that he couldn’t speak. It didn’t matter whether it was Jimmy Carter or Gerry Ford or Ronald Reagan or George Bush. Something would happen and they would … rant and rave around the Oval Office.”
Watch below one of several documentaries on the USS Liberty incident and the related frustration and anger of U.S. presidents who felt they could do nothing to restrain the out-of-control Zionists who created severe problems for U.S. foreign policies. We know very little about the producer of this video but the historical footage and most of the content appears valid from what we have discovered.
It is fitting to give the last word to the veterans of the attack on the USS Liberty, as the official conspiracy theory has discredited their voices and denied them a Congressional hearing.
This letter, written by Ted G. Arens in 2011, was addressed to Benjamin Netanyahu.
It was sent to then-President Barack Obama, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to Hillary Clinton at the State Department, to Nancy Pelosi and to Robert Gates – as well to the chiefs of the branches of the U.S. military.
I recommend you read it in its entirety. Arens, on behalf of the veterans, asks:
What causes the American Congress to be so silent? No matter how much Israel tramples on the rights of Americans, there is hardly a complaint by Congress. As a matter of fact it gets even worse; the Congress is the cheerleader and protector for Israel worldwide.
No matter how much damage is done to America’s reputation, no matter how many Americans are murdered; there is Congress leading the cheers.
There is only one explanation for this tragedy – AIPAC and money.
Arens explains how AIPAC buys the U.S. political class for Israel.
“Some say AIPAC spends 2 billion dollars on presidential campaigns. I understand that if you run for office in America AIPAC wants you to fill out a five-page questionnaire.”
He points out how Israel benefits enormously from its “ally.”
“It has nothing to do with American issues, just how you will treat Israel. I understand that between foreign aid, military aid and the free trade agreement Israel gets 25 billion from the USA yearly.”
Arens also notes that Israel has free healthcare, whilst the US has none.
“I wonder how much of that gets funneled back to the USA to buy the politicians? You have national healthcare, we have none.”
“It would be easy to threaten you with withholding payments.”
Arens appears to have forgotten what happened to the last U.S. president to threaten Israel. He has not forgotten that “Congress puts Israel first.”
“But like I said not even the murders of Americans stops our Congress from putting Israel first.”
Arens’ letter continues to charge the Israeli government of “lying.”
It concludes with a damning indictment of Israel, the so-called “greatest ally” of the United States.
“Israel has no desire to make peace. It cares not about the damage it does to America. It only cares about a ‘Greater’ Israel. It will find all sorts of excuses and obstacles to prevent peace from happening.”
Times of Israel report on Netanyahu’s outraged 2011 lecture to Obama, following requests for a peace deal with the Palestinians.
Referring to the May 2011 lecture delivered to Obama in the White House by Netanyahu, Arens says, “And finally, I resent you dressing down an American President in our White House. It only points further to the fact how our Congress is manipulated through AIPAC. I view those who sell us out to stay in office as Benedict Arnolds and Judases. Israel is not a friend of the American people.”
The most complete documentary I have found is the four-part series “Sacrificing Liberty,” which can be seen here.
You can donate to the USS Liberty Veterans via post here, and you can add your voice to their campaign for a Congressional Hearing by following their guidance to write to your Congressman here.
USS Liberty – When Israel attacked the U.S.A.
The USS Liberty Incident: When The Government Covered Up A Deadly Attack On A US Ship
Survivor of Israeli Attack on USS Liberty: It Could Not Have Been a Mistake (2/2) TRNN speaks to survivor Sgt. Bryce Lockwood and former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern about the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
The Day Israel Attacked America – The Day Israel Attacked America
As this exclusive Al Jazeera investigation reveals, fresh evidence throws new light on exactly what happened that fateful day – and the remarkable cover up that followed.
See also
Body of Secrets
Anatomy of the ultra-secret
National Security Agency
James Bamford
Chapter on the attack on the USS Liberty