Editor’s note: The following was written from inside a Connecticut prison during January 2025 by Will Goodman (top left, currently a political prisoner in the United States for his peaceful pro-life work inside pre-born children killing centers.)
(Padre Peregrino) — Pro-life rescuers experience a variety of criticisms and compliments. Some in the movement suggest: “You could do more for the babies if you didn’t go on the property,” or “I would support you if you took a strictly legal approach.” While others reply to rescuers: “What you do is amazing,” or “you are a hero for your sacrifice!” To be honest, I am uncomfortable with both replies to rescue. Even though these words are well-intentioned, I honestly think they miss the point.
Rescuers simply view their mission as a duty to their fellow man in extreme danger and as an act of obedience to a divine command:
Rescue those being dragged off to death;
deliver those tottering towards destruction. — Proverbs 24:11
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Rescuers sum up their approach to saving lives as a mission to love God and love neighbor through a personal, peaceful intervention that does not violate any just law, but rather bears witness to true justice and mercy, no matter what may be the unjust consequence of loving in this way.
For whatever reason, through the years some very good pro-lifers and sincere people of faith have had a difficult time squaring this commandment of Proverbs 24:11 with the life-saving direct action that is seen in the rescue movement. Meanwhile, other pro-lifers and honest people of faith think that rescue is a “heroic” or “extraordinary” act of bravery.
So why do those who criticize rescue as well as those who lionize rescuers both miss the point?
Allow me to explain by way of an analogy.
Imagine, if you will, the work of a firefighter. His is a common ordinary occupation. It is an important one, however, as it holds a special mission focused on fighting blazing fires and saving lives in danger. The job entails certain risks, some potentially very serious, even life-threatening. But these risks are endured in order to stop the fire where it burns and also to protect and rescue human lives.
When others marvel that firefighters run into the burning buildings as others run away or stay away at a safe distance, the firefighter recognizes his behavior is not “extraordinary.” It is his duty.
Considering such a duty in itself, it’s not a crazy notion that one might choose to be a full-time fireman exercising a full-time mission to stop fires and save lives. In fact, this is to be expected of those who are completely dedicated to the mission. This is not some foreign notion. It is contingent upon the nature of the duty. In order to be a successful full-time fireman, practically speaking, certain other important jobs must be set aside so to focus upon the specific work he has been called to do.
A fireman believes there must be just laws which protect innocent people from fire. Yet he recognizes that such is the necessary work of statesmen and public servants, not firefighters.
He may acknowledge the great importance of teaching young people about the dangers of fire. But he also acknowledges that this is primarily the important work of educators, not firefighters.
There would be obvious wide approval for those dedicated to helping victims who have been burned by the flames of past fires. Still, he knows this is the essential work of doctors and nurses, not firefighters.
He knows that much effort must be taken to inform the public at large about the risks of fire and the injustices of arson. But he accepts that this is mostly the work of those engaged in the media, not firefighters.
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This man further believes that getting the word out in the streets is crucial in the overall public safety effort. But he concedes that this is the work of activists, not firefighters.
The firefighters are unanimously grateful that there are groups and organizations which fundraise, provide housing, food, supplies, and clothing for those who lost everything in a fire. Yet this is not what firemen were trained to do, nor what must occupy their time, lest there be no one to prevent fires from devastating others.
The firemen know that there must be those at the scene of the emergency who keep people from entering the burning building. He knows this is a very important task, but stopping people from entering the danger zone is the work of police officers and negotiators, not primarily that of firefighters themselves.
The Christian believers in the fire brigade certainly recognize and appreciate the power of prayer as the most important act on Earth, since it is God’s power. While they of course want people to focus on prayer when there is a fire, and while they will themselves pray in the course of their work, they still know that the primary focus on prayer is the mission of priests, religious, and the firehouse chaplain… not firefighters.
In fact, firemen would find it very strange and even a grave omission of duty for anyone deeply concerned, especially any firefighters, to stand outside of a slowly burning orphanage full of children, for example, and simply pray. His first thoughts are to pray and intervene. Prayer and action, where the action of love is actually an extension of the prayer – the prayer “made flesh.”
He understands that all humans are called to pray, certainly, but many must do more than just pray. There is a need for direct personal interaction in most life situations. This is particularly true when there is an emergency and human lives are in immediate danger. He knows he and others are called to pray and work hard to rescue lives – doing whatever it takes.
This would also be why the firemen would think it odd if politicians, or doctors, or educators, or activists, or media executives, or chaplains were to say to them that their time would be “better spent” doing other than what they do. This “advice” would be baffling to the firefighters. It’s quite possible that some firemen would also find it a bit insulting when these well-meaning individuals try to suggest to them that “there is a better way.”
To a fireman, all this advice of others does not make any sense.
A fireman might even think that these good people doing important work should “stay in their own lane.”
On the other hand, the firefighter is equally puzzled when someone says of these first responders: “You are a hero!” or “Your work is incredible!”
His simple response is typically along the lines of “This is what we do.” This is not said as a boast or as a self-effacing token of hubris. It is just the simple fact in his mind. Firemen fight fires directly and rescue lives in danger. That is what they are supposed to do.
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If the fireman is injured and others are shocked at what happened, or wish to praise him, he responds with a similarly low-key remark: “This is what I signed up for.” There is no need for fanfare. In the mind of the first responder, this just comes with the nature of the mission. It comes with his duty to serve and protect.
Simply stated, the duty and mission of the firefighter is to confront the flames directly. He must be prepared to run into a burning building and supply whatever aid he can to those about to perish. If he does not want to do this, he should find a different line of work.
In such intense circumstances, the firefighter understands the supreme importance of selflessness: he must rescue because no one else is coming to the aid of the victims. This duty is sacred, but it is also a matter of brutal, unchangeable fact.
A life is in danger, and he must act. Directly. It is that simple.
He rescues so that others may live.
This analogy brings out some of the same sentiments for the pro-life rescuer.
He totally supports the work of those fighting for just laws, those educating the youth and the public, the work of individuals who aid the post-abortive and others who help mothers in crisis pregnancies, as well as those out in the streets exposing the truth. A rescuer’s mission is different, but it is totally consonant with these other key pro-life missions.
Rescuers strongly support loving sidewalk counselors, and brave prayer warriors, and witnesses/activists showing the truth at the site of the abortion mill which is open and fully operational. The rescuer’s mission is wholly complimentary to the work of sidewalk counselors, prayer warriors, and witnesses.
Since the 1970s, rescuers engaged in non-violent direct action have successfully worked in tandem with counselors and other pro-lifers on the sidewalk who are praying and working to defend life at the very last moment.
Rescuers are no more important than other necessary efforts in the pro-life movement. But rescuers are no less important either.
What happens when all of the other myriad efforts of the pro-life movement have failed to prevent a mother and her preborn baby from entering the “burning building” of the abortion mill?
At this emergency moment, the rescuer does not lament unjust laws, or focus on housing the homeless mothers or accompanying the post-abortive, or educating teens or the public at large. The rescuer does not stick around to gaze down the sidewalk to see if others are coming to enter the burning building either, or later intercept those who are leaving the mill burned and wounded afterwards. The rescuer does not just resort to prayer and hope.
There is still more that can be done.
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Rather, the rescuer is singularly focused on those lives and souls in immediate deadly danger, viz., the mothers (and fathers) and the defenseless babies who are inside the abortion mill. Rescuers go into action even for the souls of the abortion mill workers.
This motivational reality becomes the single-minded focus of those in the rescue movement and it is analogous to the firefighter who hears a child scream for help on the upper floor of house that is ablaze – then goes into action.
The rescuer does not look down on other people called to other tasks that help and save lives. But he is called to take a very specific direct, non-violent, and proportionate action. Rescuers feel impelled by charity, mercy, and justice. The mission means attempting to touch the hearts of the mothers and fathers with love, letting them know that there is help available and that there is a better way.
So, the rescuers have no option but must work inside the abortion mill. This is where the killing takes place. This is also why their intervention can never be called “illegal” in any real sense. It is never illegal to try and save an innocent life. Private property or trespass laws can never be employed to defend murder. This is not a subjective opinion; it is a truth of justice.
But once inside, the rescuer’s sacred duty continues, on the spot, even if the parents do not want to accept the offer of assistance. The rescuer will not leave or run away. This is because the parents deserve such a consistent witness, as do the abortion mill workers. Why? Only because abortion is murder. It is not a “choice.” Abortion is the destruction of a precious human being made in God’s image and likeness. The rescuer must stay in the danger zone.
This is exactly why a rescuer does what he does – because an innocent human life is in real, deadly danger. The rescuer wants to do all that he can in this charity to rescue the baby, even to the point of laying down his life. He will stay as long as other lives are in danger.
Rescuers also lay down their lives to protect the mother (and father) from the terrible harm of abortion too. This sacrifice in duty is seen as both necessary and proportionate. The babies deserve to be loved this way. Their dignity demands that they not be forgotten or abandoned.
After all of this has been said, some may suggest that rescuers are not like firefighters. Yet rescuers will always make the comparison since they see a real life in mortal danger with a very slim chance of survival. And they act.
Rescuers are not “heroes.” Rescuers are not “choosing the wrong means.” Rescuers are simply doing what all pro-lifers want to do: rescue human lives that are alone and in serious danger. They are involved in this mission so that others may live.
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Rescuers act because they not only see the analogy and understand it, they try to live it whenever there is a rescue mission. Rescue missions only happen where and when babies are murdered. All pro-life rescuers see real lives and real souls in real danger. They feel called by God and must confront the evil inside the facility where the lives and souls are destroyed or defaced, inside the building where God is mocked. They endeavor to prayerfully enter the danger zone armed only with the love, peace, courage, and truth of Christ, put in action.
Rescuers consider and hold dear the 65 million children who perished in the demonic “flames” of the abortion mill because there was no one there to rescue them. To the rescuer, there is no analogy at the heart of the comparison with other rescuers like firefighters – there is only the equal reality of an emergency where people are in desperate need of help and in need of a concrete witness of sacrificial love in action.
So please, do not criticize or praise rescuers you may know. Just pray for them to be faithful and obedient to God’s calling. Pray for their small efforts to be pleasing to Almighty God as well as effective in saving lives and souls.
And please pray for them in their mission to faithfully imitate Jesus Christ, our Divine Rescuer, who laid down His life that we might live.
Reprinted with permission from Padre Peregrino.