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Liberal leader Justin Trudeau waves towards the audience during the Pride Parade on June 30, 2013 in Torontoarindambanerjee / Shutterstock.com

TORONTO, October 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Who is Justin Trudeau?

If there are Canadians who didn’t know much about the 43-year-old self described Catholic, former high school teacher and father of three before his majority victory Monday night – other than that he promised to legalize pot – they now have four years to find out.

But some already have a clear idea about the newly elected Prime Minister of Canada.

“Justin’s bad news,” says Jim Hughes, president of Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family political lobbying group.

“Now we have a man who believes abortion is a Charter right, which is total nonsense. Now we have a man who wants to export abortion to Third World countries which will result in the killing of many millions more children before birth.

“I believe that he is in favour of all the things that we’re opposed to,” Hughes told LifeSiteNews, “and I expect we have to hunker down, continue to pray, put everything in God’s hands first and then go from there.”

Offering an equally bleak assessment of the eldest son of former PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Paul Tuns, the editor of the national pro-life newspaper The Interim.

“Like his father, Justin Trudeau is a left-wing ideologue who wants to remake Canada in his own radical image,” said Tuns, who recently published “The Dauphin: The Truth About Justin Trudeau.”

Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his friend dictator Fidel Castro

The Liberal leader will try “to foist upon the country social change that will include expanded abortion, permissive euthanasia, easy access to drugs, and other departures from moral sanity and our cultural tradition, all under the guise of promoting Canadian values and the Charter of Rights,” Tuns predicts.

Moreover, “he’s the most pro-abortion politician I’ve every seen.”

Indeed, while Trudeau embraces liberal causes such as same-sex marriage, LGBTQQ rights, worldwide and untrammelled access to abortion, “death with dignity,” legalization of marijuana, his idée fixe that the “right” to abortion is enshrined in the Canadian Charter, and on it, all other rights depend.

And he’s candid about his views, as these public statements attest:

September 29, 2015: On how abortion should be funded internationally as a remedy for poverty: During the French language Munk debate, Trudeau called Harper a “prisoner of his ideology” for allowing women to die from “unsafe abortion,” and criticized him for “not doing everything we should be doing to help mothers and the most vulnerable throughout the world to remove people from poverty.”

September 14, 2015: On how Prince Edward Island may be forced to provide abortions: “I recognize that Premier MacLauchlan has made positive steps in the right direction, but it’s important that every Canadian across this country has access to a full range of health services, including full reproductive services, in every province in the country.”

Lesbian activist Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne and Justin embracing at Justin Campaign love in recently.

August, 2015: On family destroying, anti-religion Liberal Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne who has 1) Imposed a dangerous, sex ed program on all Ontario schools developed in part by a convicted child pornographer and opposed by over 200,000 Ontario parents; 2) Spent wildly, creating a $300 billion provincial debt, greater than that of all other Canadian provinces combined; 3) Raised the cost of electricity and much else to historically high levels, over-burdening Ontario families:
“Kathleen Wynne, an extraordinary premier. Thank you for showing what real leadership is all about, showing how to make the tough decisions. We need leadership that works together (with Wynne).”

August 21, 2015: On Climate Change (closely linked to world de-populationists): Sydney Morning Herald – “During the campaign, Trudeau attacked Harper relentlessly for turning Canada into a “pariah” on climate change issues. He pledged to attend the Paris conference, and then convene the country's provincial premiers within 90 days to create national emissions targets under a framework that would allow provinces to set a price on carbon.”

August 19, 2015: On transgender rights, and reviving Bill C-279, the transgendered rights bill: “I’m committed to defending trans rights fully and completely but it won’t have to be private members bill, it will be part of a government bill.”

March 29, 2015: On the Canadian “right” to abortion: “The Canada we know today is unimaginable without widely available birth-control and the legalization of choice…. Let’s be clear on this. For Liberals, the right of a woman to control her body is more important than the right of a legislator to restrict her freedom with their vote. MPs who disagree with that have other choices. They can sit as independents, or as Conservatives.”

October 20, 2014: On how being Catholic influences his politics: “As someone who was raised Roman Catholic, and who attended a Jesuit school, I understand that it is difficult for people of deep faith to set their beliefs aside in order to serve Canadians who may not share those beliefs. But for me, this is what liberalism is all about. It is the idea that private belief, while it ought to be valued and respected, is fundamentally different from public duty.”

September 16, 2014: On how the “right” to abortion trumps MP’s conscience rights: “I have had a lot of Liberals come up to me and say, ‘I don’t quite understand, isn’t the Liberal party about freedom and about defending people’s rights?’…Absolutely it is. And the rights that women have fought for over decades to be in control of their own bodies and to control their own reproductive health is not a right I’m going to brush aside to defend the freedom of speech or the freedom to vote a particular way for an MP.”

May 23, 2014: On refusing to condemn sex-selection abortion: “My position has been very clear. The Liberal Party is the party standing up for people’s rights. And the Liberal Party will always be the party of the Charter. So we will continue to stand up for people’s rights and not legislate them away… I will leave discussions like that between a woman and the health professionals that she encounters.”

May 7, 2014: On banning anyone with pro-life convictions from running as a candidate for the Liberal Party: “I have made it clear that future candidates need to be completely understanding that they will be expected to vote pro-choice on any bills…We are steadfast in our belief … it is not for any government to legislate what a woman chooses to do with her body. And that is the bottom line.”

Justin's father Pierre with Chinese Communist Party leader and the world's leading mass murderer, Mao Tse Tung, whom Pierre admired.

November 15, 2013: On China’s Communist dictatorship, which since 1980 has brutally enforced a one-child policy, during which at least 336 million unborn children were forcibly aborted: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China, because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar.” Justin’s admiration of the Chinese Communist regime has caused some to label him as a “dangerous man” to freedom following in the steps of his father, Pierre Trudeau who Steve Jalsevac revealed as the Father of Canada’s Permissive Society.

July 3, 2013: On “gay rights” in a Liberal video promoting Toronto’s Pride Parade: “The Liberal Party believes that the advancement of LGBTTQ rights is a priority and we hope you will join us in continuing this vital work…. Here in Canada, our record as a leader in LGBTTQ rights is recognized globally and Liberals are proud of our contributions.

Justin in Montreal Gay Rights parade in 2009

“From the declaration that the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation to the decriminalization of homosexuality to the legalization of same-sex marriage, it has been Liberal governments that have successfully fought since 1967 to enshrine the rights of the LGBTTQ community.”

June 25, 2012: On being questioned by a high school student about “the Catholic backlash against provincial ‘anti-bullying’ legislation,” Trudeau said opposition to gay/straight alliances was “repulsive.” He added: “There’s not a religion in the world that says ‘tolerate thy neighbor.’ No, they say ‘love thy neighbor.’ Acceptance, respect, building friendships, being open to each other, that’s what we have to build on in Canada.”

February 14, 2012: On advocating that Quebec separate if Harper’s Conservatives revoked abortion or same-sex “marriage: “I always say, if at a certain point, I believe that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper – that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage, and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways – maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country,”

November 3, 2011: On being questioned on the authenticity of his Catholic faith by MP Dean Del Mastro: Trudeau, “surprisingly upset” that someone would accuse him of being a “bad Catholic”: “My own personal faith is an extremely important part of who I am and the values that I try to lead with.”

Justin talking to the graduating Grade 11 students of Catholic St. Thomas High School in Pointe Claire. Quebec in 2011

December 1, 2009: On how his Catholic faith influences his convictions: “As a politician I have political positions on gay marriage and on abortion that don’t at all resemble those of the Catholic Church.”

July 30, 2001: On his Catholic faith at the one-year countdown to World Youth Day in Toronto: “Slowly, carefully I started to rediscover my own religion… Church isn’t about rules. It’s about guidance.”

The 29-year-old was presumably referring to the hierarchy when he told the enthusiastic crowd of youth to dismiss “old men with old ideas. It’s time to change our world and it starts tonight.”

Author Tuns also faulted Trudeau on his unseeming flippancy toward serious foreign policy issues, and other pundits have criticized Trudeau’s controversy-dogged approach to Islamism.

In August 2015, the Toronto Sun’s Tarak Fatah reported, Trudeau met with leaders at a mosque in Regina, and media were not allowed to attend what was later described as “regular evening prayer.” Fatah opined the public had a right to know what the Liberal leader discussed behind closed doors in the early days of the election campaign.

This is significant, not because Trudeau associates with Muslim Canadians, of whom many benefit Canada as responsible citizens, but because he has been associated with a soft position on Islamist extremist persons and groups. He most recently strongly opposed removing the Canadian passports and citizenship of would be terrorists.

In August 2013, then-Sun columnist Ezra Levant reported that Trudeau, a self-proclaimed Catholic, donned an Arab garb “jalabiya” and took part in a Muslim religious rite that includes a prayer testifying to Allah as the one true God. Levant noted that Trudeau’s wife Sophie and his mother Margaret donned the hijab for a Mother’s Day picture that year, and that Trudeau’s senior policy advisor at the time was Saudi-born one-time president of the terror supporting Canadian Arab Federation, Omar Alghabra, elected Monday night as Liberal MP for Mississauga-Centre.

The Sun’s Fatah reported that Trudeau twice visited Montreal mosques that were later discovered to have links to terror groups, in March 2011 and September 2014 and in the latter case, played “the victim” to a Muslim crowd: “Regardless of the attacks on me, be it for attending RIS [Revival of Islamic Spirit], or simply visiting a mosque in my riding, I want you to know that I will always stand up to the politics of division.”

Tuns notes in The Dauphin that Trudeau was slammed for making a joke during the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 about Russia invading Ukraine because, he said, the Russians had “lost in hockey, they’ll be in a bad mood.” A week later, Russia took over the Crimea. Trudeau apologized.

Trudeau’s highest priorities are irreconcilable with the essential moral teachings of the Catholic faith he claims to profess, LifeSiteNews Patrick Craine pointed out in a 2012 analysis, adding that both Justin and his father have been held up as good Catholics and given platforms in Catholic institutions, which is detrimental to both Catholics and to Trudeau.

Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1971

Pope Benedict had reminded Catholics of the “forgotten” Christian duty of “fraternal correction in view of eternal salvation,” and that the Church’s tradition of “admonishing sinners” is essential to our duty to love our neighbor, Craine wrote.

“So, how much do we actually love Justin Trudeau?” he asked. “Shall we give him his due as a lost sheep and run out in God’s grace to bring him back into the fold, or do we just leave him to the wolves?”

Canada’s very liberal Catholic bishops and other clergy and institutions have played a substantial role in encouraging and even idolizing Trudeau and in the formation of his perverse understanding of the truths and obligations of his Catholic faith. They also did with his father Pierre, quietly very much admired by many Canadian Catholic bishops, even though he was himself an admirer of the greatest Communist mass murderers Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin and his good friend Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and greatly liberalized Canada's laws on abortion, divorce and homosexuality.