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Bishop Georg Bätzing (left); Irme Stetter-Karp (right)Deutsche Bischofskonferenz/YouTube screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — The Central Committee of German Catholics recently issued a statement in support of the woman, or women,  in Switzerland who committed liturgical abuse by attempting to concelebrate Mass. It is scandalous enough that this grave liturgical abuse happened. However, if this abuse happened only in one place once, one could explain it away as an isolated incident. However, the support of the immensely powerful and influential Committee reveals a widespread apostasy within the German Church. 

One must understand that the Central Committee of German Catholics is the second most powerful and influential Catholic organization in Germany after the Bishops Conference. Members work very closely with bishops in the implantation of the heterodox Synodal Way. Their president leads the Synodal Way Committee together with Bishop Georg Bätzing. Their views are very much in line with the progressive bishops in Germany (which is, sadly, the majority of them). 

READ: Catholic lay group in Germany expresses support for woman who tried concelebrating Mass

If you look at the statements of this Central Committee of German Catholics, who purport to represent lay Catholics in Germany, you get a good image of how deep the moral corruption goes in the German Church. They support homosexual “marriage,” gender ideology, women priests, communion for unrepented fornicators, and even abortion. And they support it publicly.  

For example, its president Irme Stetter-Karp, who is also the co-president of the Synodal Way, has said that “a nationwide provision of the medical intervention of abortion must be ensured.”   

Also, its General Secretary, Mark Frings, quoted the Committee’s position regarding homosexuality that “[e]very human being was created by God with his sexuality and … this created being has an inviolable dignity. Sexual orientation is an inseparable part of every human person. It is not self-chosen, and it cannot be changed.” 

“It is no longer written ‘man and wife he created them,’ but rather ‘male and female he created them’ (Gen 1:27),” the statement continued.  “As a matter of creation theology, this marks the fact that sexual identity is more complex than a purely biological understanding.” 

In objecting to Church teaching on homosexuality, Frings himself said: 

It is often heard that the church should enable “safe spaces,” where queerness can be lived, free from discrimination and the pressure to justify itself. From my point of view, such safe spaces can be only an intermediate step. The church as a whole must be a safe space in order to meet people with different sexual identities. LGBTQ people are— like all Christians—a blessing for the community. 

Modernists tend to use ambiguous language to somewhat conceal their heterodoxy. But many modernist German Church leaders, laity and bishops alike, have moved on from that stage. They are now openly promoting heresy and disobedience. 

But if you publicly oppose almost every teaching of the Church, you cannot call yourself Catholic anymore. This is not a matter of being in error on a certain issue while otherwise trying to live a life faithful to Christ. This is apostasy. 

READ: Two women attempt to concelebrate Mass at Catholic church in Switzerland

The writings of the Central Committee of German Catholics reek of the modern zeitgeist and reveal a complete misunderstanding of the teaching of Christ’s Church. They display an attitude connected to dull slogans like “Just be nice to each other” and “Love is love.” They falsely believe that God’s universal love for every person means that our Lord does not care when you commit sins. 

They are taking a few verses from scripture that sound nice to them while disregarding all the ones that sound too “rigid” or “judgmental.” Like St. Augustine, the great Doctor of the Church, said: “If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.” These German “Catholics” mainly believe in themselves and their modern ideas. 

I do not mean to be too harsh, but I must tell the truth, for Christ said only the truth will set us free (cf. John 8:32). In order to love these fallen-away Catholics in Germany, we must tell them the truth and pray unceasingly for their conversion. 

