(LifeSiteNews) — Elon Musk gets very excited at times. He jumped up and down onstage with Donald Trump when the president returned to Butler, Pennsylvania, only weeks after his miraculous dodging of an assassin’s bullet.
On the day of Trump’s inauguration, Musk returned to the stage and made the headlines again. His exuberant gesture was interpreted by some to indicate that he is a Nazi. Or at least a fascist. Others have suggested he is simply a big fan of Rome and its salute.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who Musk threatened to sue for the loss of $22 billion following its 2023 attempt to “kill Twitter” was remarkably generous about this “awkward gesture”:
This is a delicate moment. It’s a new day and yet so many are on edge. Our politics are inflamed, and social media only adds to the anxiety.
It seems that @elonmusk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on…
— ADL (@ADL) January 20, 2025
Things seem to be much rosier now than when Musk reminded users that the ADL got Donald Trump banned from X (formerly Twitter), saying the “ADL has become an activist organization acting far beyond their stated mandate.” Musk, as the Times of Israel reported, then “amplified” a call to “ban the ADL.”
How times change
Of course, anyone who disbelieves in the fairy tales of “liberal democracy” is a fascist. This fashion is going out of style, as former and current alleged “Hitlers” like Donald Trump, Geert Wilders, and Marine Le Pen are winning elections across the West.
Musk has said the AfD party is the “only hope” for Germany. The party, which is opposed to open borders, COVID mandates, net-zero policies, wants an end to the Ukraine war and is pro-family, has been described inevitably as a Nazi party and its members branded as “far-right” extremists.
Seen from the extremes of liberalism, any common-sense politics is not only a danger, but its adoption threatens the entire liberal system. This moment has arrived.
Populism isn’t fascism. It isn’t even a coherent political idea. It does not belong exclusively to the “right,” and it is simply a rejection of liberalism.
In this sense – Elon Musk, being a big fan of “Orange Hitler” Donald Trump – is what the liberals call a Nazi, and he was hailing the victory of his leader.
To those of us in the reality-based community this all looks like a joke – a moment of excitement which birthed a meme. Yet the charge against Musk does not begin and end here.
Elon Musk’s ‘antisemitic’ nationalist grandfather
It begins with his maternal grandfather, Joshua Haldeman. This man, who left Canada for South Africa in 1950, is the focus of critics of Musk from left and right, or from pro-globalism and pro-nation, if you prefer the new terms and conditions.
To critics of globalism and of the Deep State, Musk’s technocratic credentials are worrying. This is a man whose companies partner with the very apparatus Trump and his supporters have said must be abolished: the partnership of government power with covert agencies and private corporations.
The most troubling corporations are those of Big Data, whose power is likely to exceed that of the arms manufacturers of the old military-industrial complex. Musk owns X and of course is using it to mine rich human input to refine his artificial intelligence models.
His “free speech” platform gives him an edge over those such as Google – whose YouTube has liberal restrictions on content. Mark Zuckerberg has announced he will end “fact checking,” and so his Facebook will mine richer input too, as this DARPA designed project will no longer be limited by the guidelines of the globalist-liberal community.
Most disturbingly of all, Musk bears a striking facial resemblance to his maternal granddad, Joshua Haldeman. As LifeSiteNews has reported, Musk’s grandfather was a leader of Technocracy Inc., a political party in Canada. This party wanted to unite the U.S. and Canada, abolish democracy, and replace it with the rule of engineers.
Does this sound familiar?

This connection – and the striking resemblance – have given rise to some pretty wild theories about Musk. What is he trying to do with his Neuralink, for example? Is he going to become some sort of digital dictator?
Concerns about Musk carrying on the family business are also shared by those who support all the formerly current things of liberal globalism, defined by Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán as “LGBT, open borders, and war.” Of course, Orbán has been Hitlerized, too, for opposing all these in general – and the Soros project in particular.
The left, progressives, and die-hard liberals who support this agenda say the problem with Musk’s granddad is not that he was a technocrat.
It is that he was an “antisemitic white nationalist.”
Now, who does that remind you of? Suddenly, Musk’s gesture presents an image of the past.
Is Elon Musk really a Nazi?
According to The Atlantic, it would seem so. In September 2023, The Atlantic said Musk’s actions against the ADL – and his criticism of George Soros – recalls the “antisemitic conspiracy theories” of his grandfather, Joshua Haldeman.
As The Atlantic says, “An examination of Joshua Haldeman’s writings reveals a radical conspiracy theorist who expressed racist, anti-Semitic, and antidemocratic views.”
The Atlantic’s article explains why Musk became the world’s most successful African-American. Musk’s granddad Haldeman moved the family from Canada to South Africa. Why would he leave behind a very lucrative chiropractic business to do so?
Joshua Haldeman had come “to believe that the Canadian government was usurping too much control over the lives of individuals and that the country had gone soft.”
What a shocking thing to say.
The Atlantic then invites the reader to see beyond this reasonable doubt about Canada, to explore “something much darker.”
In brief, The Atlantic says Haldeman defended the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and was a monstrous antisemite who warned of the attempt to “establish a world dictatorship.”
Haldeman said this would mean the end of “White Christian Civilization.”
Phew. Strong stuff. This is probably a good time to mention that Stephen Miller, the Jewish right-hand man of Donald Trump, had something to say about The Atlantic and its owner – Laurene Powell Jobs.
During the trial of Jeffrey Epstein’s “girlfriend” Ghislaine Maxwell in December 2021, Miller wrote for The Spectator, “The Atlantic goes tone-deaf on child sex trafficking.”
Whilst the world’s most notorious child sex trafficking trial is taking place, Miller said, “Our media obsess over Pizzagate but barely mention Ghislaine Maxwell.” He explained, “The magazine, ever playing to its crowd of agreeable elites, recently published a longform piece by Kaitlyn Tiffany titled ‘The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic.’”
The owner of The Atlantic is Steve Jobs’ widow. Laurene Jobs is famously pictured next to Ghislaine Maxwell – a fact mentioned in a report on Maxwell’s trial.
Curious that The Atlantic would, as Miller says, “suggest … that child trafficking is an elaborate hoax.”
Curios-er, you might say – as Miller also did – that a report had just broken showing “that the CIA had evidence of employees and contractors committing sexual crimes against children, and took no action.”
Miller said The Atlantic’s strange line on this issue was fueling “conspiracy theories.”
So, this is the outlet that is telling you the Musks are basically Hitler.
Surprisingly, the accusations against Musk’s granddad turn out be – not quite what The Atlantic tells us.
The ‘antisemitism’ of Elon Musk’s grandfather
Before Joshua Haldeman left for South Africa, whose regime he did in fact support, he had left Technocracy Inc. and moved on to support the social credit movement.
These “Socreds” wanted to replace the usurious banking system with a debt-free money system.
Haldeman was scandalized when his Social Credit Party was accused of “antisemitism” in 1946, and so replied in a letter to a Saskatchewan newspaper, the Star-Phoenix.
“The philosophy of Social Credit is applied Christianity,” he said, explaining that “Social Credit is opposed to antisemitism and race hate…” before denouncing Hitler by name.
Haldeman then goes on to explain where the charge of antisemitism comes from – and not only against him. In short, like his grandson, he says it is manufactured. How?
“The indirect method the socialists use in promoting antisemitism is giving the Jewish race all the virtue and having Jews in key advisory and government positions carrying out policies which centralize control in the hands of the state and subject the individual to control by the state.”
Haldeman says this is a deliberate strategy to promote antisemitism, which sacrifices Jews generally to further the aims of a Zionist agenda.
“Because these policies prove disastrous and repugnant to people the reaction is to blame the entire Jewish race.”
Haldeman then turns to the main allegation against his organization, which had republished The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
He said the Star-Phoenix had “gone to great lengths to prove that this was a forgery.”
So why mention this at all? Haldeman points to reality as his argument, and not at the Protocols at all.
“Whether it is a forgery or not is beside the point,” Haldeman says. “The point is that the plan as outlined in these protocols has been rapidly unfolding in this generation.”
Haldeman is arguing that the Zionists do not speak for all Jews, their actions are underway, are damaging, and are partnered with non-Jewish social progressives to promote a damaging agenda which will victimize Jews everywhere.
This effect, caused by the provocations Haldeman outlines, will of course result in an increase in the resentment of the Jewish people. Haldeman is not anti-Jew, but against a corrupt political and banking system which sacrifices human life regardless of cost – for power.
This is not the hatred of Jews with which The Atlantic wished to smear Musk’s grandfather. He appealed to what he could see in the world – saying that the Protocols were a fact in reality, if a fiction on paper. His argument is about what is there, not what is said about it.
An echo in time of the process Haldeman claims to have seen is provided by a very unlikely figure, who wrote an essay with a title which would make it unlikely to be published today.
The late Irving Kristol, described upon his death in 2009 as “the godfather of neoconservatism,” was of course, Jewish. He wrote an essay in 1999 called “On the Political Stupidity of the Jews.” In it he noted:
The Jewish campaign against any suggestion that America was a Christian nation won one battle after another; eventually it made sufficient headway in the media and the legal profession – most importantly on the Supreme Court – that today there is widespread popular acceptance of the belief that this kind of secularism, which is tolerant of religion only so long as it is practiced privately and very discreetly, was indigenous and authoritatively ‘American,’ and had always been so.
Kristol, whose son William founded the neocon “Project For a New American Century” with Robert Kagan, went on to say this had transformed the idea of America in the minds of Americans:
“Of course, it has not always been so, and Americans have always thought of themselves as a Christian nation…”
Irving Kristol’s argument is that Jewish politics is not rational – whether in Israel or in the diaspora in America. In fact, he said it was “often … suicidal” in its “arrogance”:
“In Israel as well as in America, Jews to this day continue to combine an almost pathologically intense concern for politics with a seemingly equally intense inclination towards political foolishness, often crossing over into the realm of the politically suicidal.”
Kristol summarises the subject of his essay, “How is one to understand this very odd Jewish condition – the political stupidity of Jews?”
Kristol is one of the most influential intellectuals of his time. He is as much an antisemite as anyone who does not, as Colonel Douglas Macgregor says, “give unconditional support” to Israel and its lobby – which is shielded from any scrutiny by the charge of “antisemite.”
As for the “Socreds” which Musk’s grandfather defended, their position on usury is directly inspired by Catholic teaching. The social credit movement survives in Canada to this day, and reported on a legal case brought by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform in 2015 to “reinstate” the Bank of Canada. As COMER say on their website, “We are dedicated to understanding the connection between the debt-money system and critical social issues.”
There is hope for a similar understanding in America today – as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has indicated, when he described the Federal Reserve’s partnership with Wall Street as a “literal strip mine which pumps wealth out of the American middle class”:
HOLY SH*T 🚨 Robert F. Kennedy Jr exposed the Federal Reserve. It is time to end the FED 🔥 👏
Protect RFK Jr. at all costs, the Deep State won’t like this
— MAGA Voice (@MAGAVoice) September 28, 2024
Granddad Musk – account suspended?
Would Musk ban his own granddad from X for his views? Perhaps. If he didn’t get banned, his freedom of speech may survive, but his freedom of reach would probably not.
As LifeSiteNews has also reported, Musk’s X is policed in part by “former” Israeli intelligence agents.
A curious policy for an antisemite, partnered with a Trump administration that is thunderously pro-Israel.
Elon Musk is a billionaire, said to be the world’s richest, with a freedom of reach like no other man on earth. His power to put pictures into the minds of the public is almost peerless. The picture he has presented is powerful, emotional, with strong connotations across the political spectrum.
That anyone can do this and survive is news in itself. Musk stunned the world with his “heart-throwing” hand-off on the same day the headlines announced there were only “two genders – man and woman.”
It’s a measure of how far Western culture has fallen that a reality taken as fact since the dawn of human history, now amounts to breaking news. https://t.co/2zWIZ146hn
— Colin Brazier (@ColinBrazierTV) January 20, 2025
Whether Musk meant to do the Roman salute or not, pause for a second and consider that a man throwing his arm out is one of the biggest stories in the world.
Trump spends the day signing a series of momentous executive orders while the media spends it looking for momentous significance in how Elon Musk moved his arm. These imbeciles really don’t see that voters’ exhaustion with this kind of silliness is a big part of why Trump won
— Edward Feser (@FeserEdward) January 21, 2025
Musk’s gesture and his politics also symbolize the detransition of our national and international political culture. Catholic philosopher Edward Feser said the announcement about men and women was the most important of Trump’s Day 1 decrees – because it returned the basis of reality to politics.
This was the most important thing Trump said, because it recommits the state to policy that acknowledges the most fundamental fact about social reality, widespread denial of which reflects extreme decadence to the point of mass psychosis https://t.co/HzM44naG0b
— Edward Feser (@FeserEdward) January 20, 2025
The argument is now about what is there – and about what some people tell you to see. Or not.
Gestures and smears aside, these look like interesting times for the reality-based community.