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2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.YouTube/Screenshot

(Tradition, Family, Property) — This week, two separate marches in Washington, D.C., highlighted the deep divide within America.

The national March for Life held on January 24, 2025, affirmed the right to life, the vital importance of the traditional family, and the need for moral values.

In stark contrast, a smaller People’s March took place only days before, gathering a hodge-podge of leftist causes, which demanded unlimited abortion, more socialism, and transgenderism.

In the TFP video above contrasting both marches, you will hear abortion advocates struggle to answer simple questions, such as:

Can you define the word fetus?

The same question put to pro-lifers, however, received swift answers.

There’s a battle for the soul of America, a battle between good and evil, truth and falsehood, the right to life and the culture of death.

Will we become a socialist nation under Planned Parenthood?

Or will we fight to remain one nation under God?

TFP Student Action invites you to join the noble crusade against the culture of death in all its forms: impurity, abortion, unnatural vice, socialism, and gender ideology.

With God’s grace, let’s fight to restore the moral fabric of the red, white and blue.

Reprinted with permission from Tradition, Family, Property.

