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A light show is projected on the facade of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral at night during a repetition on the eve of its reopening to the public on December 6, 2024, in Paris, FrancePhoto by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Notre-Dame de Paris

(LifeSiteNews) — What if classic original materials are proven best not only for cathedral restoration, but also for repair of human health?

This month as we celebrate Christ’s birth and the start of a new year, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris reopened in classic beauty as a wondrous place to put first things first, after five years of reconstruction. During the same month, offices key to the presidential “Make America Healthy Again” pledge were being filled with nominees in the United States dedicated to healing the crash of well-being in the nation.

While the repair of a nearly destroyed beloved French place of prayer may seem distant from Americans’ crisis of health, both of these historic developments share a cratering devastation from “inflammation” – and the necessity of using original, unadulterated, and long time-honored restoration methods to return to an acceptable and flourishing state.

Americans’ health surely has been in a collapse no less dramatic, but slower, than a roof conflagration. The cause is not lack of modern material uptake, any more than that could be the cause of fire at the nearly millennium-old Cathedral of Notre Dame.

Overwhelming research, as reported by Harvard Health, indicates that U.S. health is under attack by inflammation “like a fire in your body that you cannot see… The damage might show up as arthritis, heart disease, stroke, and even Alzheimer’s disease.”

“It’s a smoldering process that injures your tissues, joints, and blood vessels, and you often do not notice it until significant damage is done,” says Dr. Andrew Luster of the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, describing the fire faced by the body.

The scientifically supported realization is that we are scorched by toxic material inputs – soil, food, water, air, clothing, touch surfaces, and misused medicines. The more adulterated the building block materials are, the more of a firestarter is held up to our bodies.

The human being is God’s most intricate and beloved creation, more precious, even, then 12th century cathedrals. The Bible calls our body our temple, one that constantly tries to reconstruct a state of physical well-being from the materials it obtains.

When in need of fire repair, the people of France chose for Notre Dame pure stone and real oak forest wood, just as was the original. They tolerated no injections of experimental new materials nor modifications to the medieval building’s basic heritage or “DNA.”How much more so, then, should timeless pure materials from the natural world be the way followed for the repair of the ailing human body in need of healing from fire?

With God’s grace to clear the way, it looks like we may have elected an administration that will help rebuild that for us – and, more to the point, with us. The nation at last confronts its chronic health crisis directly, after decades of Human Health Services (HHS) errors, pointed out by new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chief-nominee Dr. Marty Makary, and embarrassing administrative misadventures. When Americans’ health is burning down, the way is not to look greedily for infusions of newly fabricated substances that have never sustained a human population.

Wide swaths of the American population, rather, are laid low from conditions stemming from inflammatory conditions. Research has uncovered and traced the charring of the American body to the U.S.’s food supply, its consumer toxins, and its medical system. The collusion of government with entrenched interests has allowed the harmful inflammatory factors in Americans’ daily lives to continue unabated without the consent of the American people. How misguided, if not criminal, the administrative state has been is shocking.

The basic rebuilding blueprint is to re-enshrine American citizens’ freedoms to purchase, eat, and live as healthily and naturally as we would like to. We want to feed ourselves natural materials, just as Notre Dame got wood and pure stone, not a laboratory’s ultrathin graphene varnish.

America and France’s connection extends far beyond Paine, Lafayette, and Tocqueville, right to today. As the French rediscovered the value of preserving the timeless church, Americans find themselves in a pitched spiritual and political battle for their health birthright to live with the same foods and basic materials as our ancestors did.

American’s captured system yields the unhealthiest outcomes in the developed world, while U.S. taxpayers spend heftily to prop up a treatment approach as superficial as it is subsidized towards biotech and pharmaceuticals.

The new leaders of HHS enter a fray where the nation’s authorities have long been bought off, but this year the people elected a new avenue: to increase personal health freedom, to invest in less toxic life conditions, and to safeguard natural immunity and thereby soothe the flames of chronic systemic inflammation. There is a simple idea here that life imitates cathedral, one of the greatest and purest arts.

The project to come out from the charred wreckage of the toxic state of American health is now under way. Predictions have been made that Make America Healthy Again will potentially make systemic changes. Certain interests fear and smear those changes, but the people are already chomping at the bureaucratic bit to walk the road from a fire-gutted mess back to the natural splendor of health.

Make America Healthy Again appointees have been nominated. If they serve with honor in firefighting the root causes of inflammation and deeply cleaning up the human body, they might come to deserve “hero call-signs” in the struggle. These include HHS Secretary Robert Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr.), Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (J-Bhatt) for NIH head, Dr. Dave Weldon (D-Well) to lead the CDC, Dr. Makary (Marky-Mak) for head of the FDA, and scores of dedicated staffers who will enact a liberating restoration.

To design a natural restoration of American health inspired by the most captivating of cathedral restorations is to think of the bedrock on which the cathedral of our body rests. Notre Dame took a pass on using cheap imitation materials. Just so, the notion of our government subsidizing or relying on semaglutides (Ozempic, as an example) for weight loss as a preference over lifestyles and reforming toxic policy should be rejected. The risks of SGLs, like all side-effect warnings, are akin to fire alarms, communicating that the living system’s inflammatory smoldering continues, despite the infusion or band-aid of a medication.

The human body is seeking to be treated to pure ingredients from God’s Earth as originally created, treated as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame was in its restorative process. Our mandate going into 2025 includes a re-establishment of the freedom for produce of the earth to be a boon to us, not a poison. We have elected that when we eat the yield of our country, the food must be nourishing, not noxious. We mandate that bathing and drinking waters gathered from reservoirs and the Creator’s lakes, rivers, and ground waters be free of toxic additives. In birth and child raising, we elect that our systems be for our children’s best interests, not for the greed or convenience of any bureaucracy or industry.

World events make it evident that gathering to pray together and the well-being of humans are joined; as one gains or loses strength, so does the other. Notre Dame Cathedral went down in 2019, and within months the world became stuck in years of an unprecedented sense of health insecurity and panic.

Notre Dame kept itself built purely for the purpose of glorifying the Creator Who sustains humanity. We have rebuilding work to do for our health and wellness now. The mandate is to be part of the putting out the burning inflammation, politically and with personal lifestyle intentions.

