October 12, 2011 (40DaysforLife.com) – Yesterday I prayed at the 40 Days for Life campaign at a Planned Parenthood facility in Dover, Delaware.
You will see frequent references to Planned Parenthood in these daily updates — after all, of the 301 vigil locations for this 40 Days for Life campaign, 133 of them are outside Planned Parenthood facilities.
That’s because Planned Parenthood is America’s leading abortion chain — 332,278 abortions in one year alone!
Now Planned Parenthood is trying to spruce up its image. It has to; its financial stability is at stake.
According to their own annual report, this organization took in $1.1 BILLION during that year. Of that total, $363 MILLION came directly from YOU through federal, state and local taxes.
The bible warns of those who would call good “evil” and evil “good.” As you will see, that’s exactly what Planned Parenthood does.
Today’s title refers to a banner hanging from Planned Parenthood’s Virginia Beach building. It reads: “Planning for parenthood is sacred work.”
If “planning for parenthood” means a husband and wife prayerfully cooperating with God’s will within holy matrimony, then that can be sacred.
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But that isn’t what they’re talking about — not at an abortion center.
40 Days for Life volunteers in Virginia Beach gathered last Friday, as Deacon Robert Durel of Holy Spirit Catholic Church led about 75 people in prayer.
Some of the participants brought a banner of their own: “Planning to kill babies is NOT sacred work.” And they prayed — diligently — that God will overcome this darkness.
You may have been told that Planned Parenthood provides healthcare for poor women and prevents abortions — and that abortion accounts for only 3% of its services.
That is hardly the case.
Nearly every Planned Parenthood “service” may be obtained from a county health department, community clinic or private physician. All except one — abortion.
How can an organization that, by its own admission, carried out 332,278 abortions (the annual total increases EVERY YEAR), claim to prevent them?
Planned Parenthood says abortion comprises only 3% of its services. That’s true — IF you use a definition of “service” that treats abortions, birth control prescriptions and STD tests as equal.
However, when you look at clinic income, you get a much clearer picture regarding the importance of abortion to Planned Parenthood.
According to their own annual report, Planned Parenthood’s clinic income was $405 million. As noted, they performed 332,278 abortions. Assuming an average cost of $500 per abortion, that means abortion brought in $166 million.
That figure represents 41% of Planned Parenthood’s total clinic income. As always, follow the money.
I could say much more about Planned Parenthood. But for today, I would just ask you to please PRAY.
- PRAY that the light of truth shines on this organization and its activities.
- PRAY that the people who work there will see that light — and seek honorable work elsewhere.
- PRAY that the women seeking abortions there will understand — and choose life for their babies.
Reprinted with permission from 40DaysforLife.org