
January 9, 2013 (Bound4Life.com) – On Monday I woke up anxiously checking my Facebook to see if any of my four friends, all at 40 weeks or more of pregnancy, had had their babies.  My face lit up when I saw little Baylor in my newsfeed: Happy, healthy and alive.

My face darkened when I saw that Planned Parenthood had released its new annual report showing that 333, 964 babies had died at its hand.

Buried in statistics and colorful reports lies a muted statistic, not bolded in blue or red, but hidden in a pale color, like the pallor of death…the truth about this organization: It kills more than it helps. It destroys more than it builds up. Planned Parenthood is the center of death in our nation and its own reports are the sources of truth.

It makes me wonder how deceived we are as a nation, that a place like Planned Parenthood can produce beautiful annual reports that show how they legally killed hundreds of thousands, followed by its funding reports which show 45% of its funding comes from taxpayer money, and hardly anyone bats an eye.

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When most Americans hear that someone is getting 45% of their money from the government, they ask when they are going to get a job and stop living off of Uncle Sam. Welfare is an appropriate help for a difficult season, not a lifelong crutch. Instead, Planned Parenthood obtains 45% of its finances from Uncle Sam, but in this case it’s not living off the government, but helping people die off the government.

A whopping 333,964 people died and Planned Parenthood reported a surplus of revenue of $87.4 million. Our government, which can’t seem to find a way to balance a budget or keep our taxes down, funds this death daily at right around $1 million. A movie with a scenarios such as these would be dismissed as unbelievable. But this is real life in a nation that has shed the blood of its innocent for 40 years this month. And we, the people, last year alone, gave them almost half the money they needed to carry out these hits.


And we still worry about the economy apart from abortion as our biggest issue? Perhaps if we worried more about the 333,964 babies that died last year, our economic problems would be more easily fixed. God will not bless a nation who profits off killing its innocent.

“Behold, therefore, I beat My fists at the dishonest profit which you have made, and at the bloodshed which has been in your midst. Can your heart endure, or can your hands remain strong, in the days when I shall deal with you? I, the Lord, have spoken, and will do it.- Ezekiel 22:13-14.

Here’s a look at Planned Parenthood’s own reporting of its profit and assets:

We must take the outrage we feel at this latest report and channel it into prayer and to action. James tells us faith without works is dead. What will you do today, tomorrow, and in months to come to help save the lives of these little ones?

Reprinted with permission from Bound4Life.com