November 6, 2013 (STOPP) – Planned Parenthood Federation of America has just announced a new insidious Internet presence referred to as “mobile interactive tools to help teens make healthy decisions.”
STOPP’s national director, Rita Diller, joined ALL’s Jim Sedlak on his Radio Maria “Armed for Battle” broadcast November 1 to warn about what lurks within the many webpages of this new “tool” for indoctrinating both children and parents.
“By ‘mobile interactive tools,’ Planned Parenthood means it is on its website so that kids can access this stuff from their smart phones or their computers when their parents aren’t looking,” Diller said. “And by ‘helping teens make healthy decisions,’ that’s Planned Parenthood speak for teaching kids to use condoms and birth control to avoid pregnancy at all cost, while having lots of fun with sex.”
“And while Planned Parenthood says that the ‘tools’ are focused on teens—which many of them are—much of it addresses younger children—elementary and even preschool,” she continued. “And what I found when I started looking through the website was absolutely shocking, even by Planned Parenthood’s standards.”
On the Tools for Parents page of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America website are specific answers to questions that Planned Parenthood says preschoolers ask about sex.
It is here that Planned Parenthood coaches parents on exactly how to respond to preschoolers whom they say are asking questions about sex. advises parents that when a preschooler asks, “How do babies get in your tummy?” that parents answer in graphic detail, naming the anatomical parts of the body involved and the mechanics of sexual intercourse.
PPFA then suggests to parents that they respond to a little boy who asks why his private body parts are different from his mother’s by describing his outer genitalia and hers using anatomical names.
“This is some horrifying stuff,” Diller said. “These are preschoolers. This is the sex education Planned Parenthood wants them to have—is fighting for them to have.”
Jim Sedlak followed up with the scientific facts about how early sex education harms children by disturbing their sexual latency period or, as the Church says, violating the age of innocence.
The broadcast of the entire interview is online at
The Planned Parenthood website also features videos of very young children who were obviously coached to ask a series of questions that were well beyond what children their age would be thinking about normally or even aware of for the most part—even involving a little bitty girl shouting out really inappropriate questions. This little girl is three or four years old. And Planned Parenthood continues to exploit her.
As usual, Planned Parenthood gives terrible advice about how to answer children’s questions, making parents look like babbling idiots—except when they answer a young teen girl asking for birth control with “No, No, No, No, No!” This is the right answer, after all, and should be expanded on, but according to Planned Parenthood it is a babbling idiot answer.
All of this takes us to the heart of Planned Parenthood’s sex education philosophy.
The theme that runs throughout PP sex ed—the message kids are getting loud and clear—is that babies are the enemy—something that falls out of the sky and ruins everything. This was the explanation given by ex-atheist turned Catholic, Jennifer Fulwiler, in a National Catholic Register blog post based on what she learned in sex education and from society.
Students come to understand, through their indoctrination, that sex is a right for all and is green-lighted as long as the young people protect themselves against the two enemies of sex—STDs and babies.
This kind of sex indoctrination leads directly to the abortion mill for young people who are bombarded with this message from their earliest years. According to Fulwiler, because of years of indoctrination in Planned Parenthood-style sex education, she and her friends would have done anything to get rid of an unplanned baby—deprived as they were of the beautiful teaching of the Catholic Church on the truth and meaning of human sexuality.
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This culture must be converted. But it won’t be converted until we stop government-funded, Planned Parenthood-sanctioned, so-called “comprehensive, evidence-based” sex education.
Stopping Planned Parenthood sex education is a very doable task. Parents have been successful on many fronts in rooting it out of the schools.
Here is a list of resources parents need to have at their fingertips to fight Planned Parenthood-style “comprehensive sex education”:
– Jim Sedlak’s Parent Power!!
– STOPP’s report on the National Sexuality Education Standards
– Jim Sedlak on how early sex education harms children
– “A Psychoanalytic Look at Today’s Sex Education,”
By Melvin Anchell, M.D., A.S.P.P., Mission Viejo, California, 1985.
– State policies on sex education
– Dr. Miriam Grossman makes the case against comprehensive sex ed
– Dr. Judith Reisman on the sordid history behind comprehensive sex education
– Wednesday STOPP Report archives (Search for “sex ed” to find the articles we have written about fighting PP sex ed)
– To find details on the specific curriculum that you are fighting locally:
Google the name of the curriculum.
Go to the school and ask to see the curriculum.
Photograph or copy objectionable pages.
For help in getting sex education out of your school and out of your community, e-mail us at [email protected].
Reprinted with permission from STOPP