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ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) – The following is a letter from pro-life witnesses and rescuers Will Goodman and John Hinshaw, who are currently federal prisoners at the Alexandria, VA, city jail. They encourage fellow pro-lifers around the world to join in the schedule of prayers and scripture readings they have devised.

Followers of Jesus know, better than others, the power of the prayers of the persecuted. Prayers emanating from a jail cell arrive urgently to the Savior’s ear, and He has shown that He will quicken His pace in answer. Knowing this, we, Will and John, raise our united voices to Christ, humbly begging Him to use us and our sacrifice to work His Will in the world. Specifically, we pray: “O Lord over the Storm, in this dark time we beg of You (as our Divine Rescuer) to sanctify a period of DELIVERANCE, wherein Pro-Life efforts are redeemed, babies are rescued, moms are saved and souls of sinners saved. Please cover our incarceration period with your Precious Blood and abundant graces to hide babies from harm and save their parents. In You, Lord Jesus we ask. In You we trust! Amen.”

To all pro-lifers we say, “Get ready for this period of DELIVERANCE.” We call on you to re-double your efforts and let us use this opportunity for unity in our love for God and each other. To this end, we offer an opportunity — so many already helping us and praying for us — to come and pray with us! Christians know that walls cannot separate us from God’s Love, nor from love for one another. Pro-lifers have always known this struggle to be spiritually based — let us get serious in our prayers and preparation. Let us, together, boldly call on Jesus for a time of DELIVERANCE!! Let us together humbly believe He will respond!

RELATED: Jailed pro-lifer Will Goodman: The answer to the abortion holocaust is Jesus’ love on the Cross

Since we believe we have been imprisoned, in part, to cover-up the slaughter and abortion crimes of Cesar Santangelo (see #justiceforthefive): WE HAVE CHOSEN THE TIME OF 5:55 PM EACH DAY WHEN YOU CAN JOIN US IN PRAYER. WE COMMIT TO PRAYERS EVERY DAY FROM OUR CELLS AT THAT TIME. WE WILL BEGIN THE CALL FOR DELIVERANCE ON THE FIRST DAY OF RESPECT LIFE MONTH: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2023.

The choice of 5:55 PM will help enshrine in remembrance #justiceforthefive as the crime of our federal justice system and to lovingly commit these 5 victims and all precious preborn babies to our heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We invite you to be creative, perhaps gathering together, perhaps using commemorative sites, perhaps enhanced by fasting and inviting your churches and pastors to unite with us in prayer. We ask that you start at 5:55 PM with the opening prayer for DELIVERANCE given at the top. From there, we, Will and John, will provide the intentions and prayers that we will praying for on that day.

As you will see, we are fully conscious that many Christians are praying for us and wish to unite in prayer with us, so we will be using different sources for our prayers. Obviously, the opportunity of “taking five for Life” fits Catholic prayer such as the decades of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Eucharistic Adoration, but we will also be including Scripture, such as the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Wisdom, and the Gospels, so that all Christian voices can join. If you have creative ideas for prayer and practice, please send them to us and we will use them. This site can provide you with information on how to reach us. The goal is to unite in intense prayer, intense sacrifice, and desperate pleading for DELIVERANCE for all babies and moms. Whatever prayers you direct for us, we ask that you not use this time. This time is reserved for praying for DELIVERANCE.  Please graciously hear us, O Lord over the Storm.

Friends, the capricious love of God (how can he love sinners like us so much?) has led us to capriciously respond — these prayers, and especially scriptural prayers, have been chosen quite capriciously —we are open to being led by God’s design here, rather than seeking our favorite passages. Please pray the scripture, taking time for meditation. We decided to start with Joyful Mysteries for the joy we feel.

Herewith the first two weeks:

Sunday, October 1, 2023 – Respect Life Sunday – (First Prayer) Jesus, I love You. My service to You is out of love for You. My service to You is to love my unloved neighbors the unborn and their mothers. (Second Prayer) O Lord over the Storm, in this dark time, we beg of You to sanctify a period of Deliverance wherein pro-life efforts are redeemed, babies are rescued, moms are protected, and sinners are saved. Please cover our incarceration period with Your precious Blood and graces to hide the babies from harm and save their mothers. In You, Lord Jesus, we ask. In Jesus we trust. (Please begin each day with these two prayers)

First decade of Rosary – First Joyful Mystery – The Annunciation -The Salvation of mankind, like the Abrahamic Covenant of old, begins with a baby in the womb.

Scripture: Isaiah 55 – pray all of it. Meditate: 55:1; 55:5 and 6; 55:5 – end. 55:5 – We do summon a nation we do not know anymore, a nation that knows us not. 55:11 – God’s Word for THIS time in history is the Gospel of Life, which was being lived before St. John Paul wrote it. Attacked by powers and ignored by His Church, He raised up pro-lifers to achieve the end.

Monday, October 2, 2023 – Two Opening prayers. Second Decade of the Rosary -Second Joyful Mystery – The Visitation – The first leap for joy on the arrival of the Savior is from a babe in the womb – FOR a babe in the womb. Please pray all of Isaiah 52. Meditate: 52:6 – 9 52:11 52:13 –52:8 – We are His sentinels – together let’s shout for joy —52:15 – So many who have not been told will see in the time of DELIVERANCE. “For those who have not been told, shall see.”

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 – Two Opening prayers. Third Decade of the Rosary – Third Joyful Mystery – The Nativity — He came in that time – the fullness of DELIVERANCE, in a time of child-killing. Pray all of Isaiah 59. Meditate: 59:1 – 15 59:20-21 59:18 –59:1-15 – Why we need a savior –59:18 – (He) “was appalled there was no one to intervene.” Does this answer why we intervene? ” My Spirit which is upon you and My words which I have put in your mouth.”

Wednesday October 4, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Fourth Decade of the Rosary – Fourth Joyful Mystery – Presentation in the Temple — Many have gone on, while, like Simeon and Anna, those of us wait for the DELIVERANCE of our Lord. Please pray Isaiah 50. Meditate: 50:4 50:7-8 50:11 — 50:7 – end. Yes, let us set our faces like flint, appear together with God as our help, kindle flames, and set flares alight. That we may lie in peace in a place of torment. DELIVER them O Lord. “Therefore, I have set my face like flint.”

Thursday, October 5, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Fifth Decade of the Rosary – Fifth Joyful Mystery – Finding in the Temple — Wherein the finding of Jesus is paramount, and the house of His Father is where we look. Pray all of Isaiah 56. Meditate: 56:1-2 56:5 56:7 — Rejoice in God’s DELIVERANCE and embrace His “name better than sons and daughters.” “I will give them in my house, and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters”…. “From our watchtower we have watched for a nation unable to save”. –56:1 – All this surrounding us, Lord, is for what? What great pyre are You arranging here? Is Your Justice about to be revealed? Show us Your Will as we commit to see it through. DELIVER us, O Lord.

Friday, October 6, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. Pray all of Isaiah 57. Meditate: 57:1-2 57:5-6 57:11-13 57:14-15 57:18-19 –57:5. – The reason we cry for a period of DELIVERANCE: “the immolation of children in the wadies [Isaiah 57:5]”. But the lowliness of the contrite and crushed of heart will revive in a Period of DELIVERANCE. So we pray, Lord Jesus. ” To revive the Spirit of the lowly.”

First Saturday October 7, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. Pray all of Isaiah 53. Meditate: all of Isaiah 53, especially 53:12. — 53:12 – Can we, indeed, bear the sins of others? And intercede for the transgressors? Let’s find out! “Because He surrendered Himself to death, was counted among the transgressors, bore the sins of many and interceded for the transgressors.”

Sunday, October 8, 2023 – First Decade of The Rosary – First Sorrowful Mystery- Agony in the Garden — O what can we say O Lord? You were never more our brother than when You faced the end of Your earthly life. Facing the torments required for the Salvation of Man, you set the example for us who see the necessary suffering demanded of us if we truly wish to save moms and babies. Please pray all of Lamentations 1. Meditate: Lam 1:7 Lam. 1:14 Lam. 1:16 Lam 1:21 — Here is our condition – “into the grip of those we cannot resist. My coat of arms has ever been ‘post tenebras spero lucem’.” We lift our eyes, Lord. “All the precious things she once had in days gone by, but when her people fell into the hands of the foe, and she had no help.”

Monday, October 9, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Second Decade of the Rosary – Second Sorrowful Mystery – Scourging at the Pillar — The cowardice of officials is ever thus, and the righteous must suffer for Justice. Pray all of Lamentations 2. Meditate: Lam. 2:3-4 Lam. 2:7 Lam. 2:10 Lam. 2:11-12 — Lam. 2:11. The footnotes read that the emotional breakdown for the poet occurs, as in Lam. 1:16, when the suffering deaths of children are recounted. For this, are we hunted by a society who shuts out and averts their eyes to the suffering of children. “Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children.”

Tuesday October 10, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Third Decade of the Rosary – Third Sorrowful Mystery – Crowning with Thorns — How cruelty and man’s penchant for it, highlights the need for a Redeemer. Ordinary men, soldiers, see One abandoned by the officials sworn to protect the innocent, and so they use the license to torture and maim. Pray all of Lamentations 3. Meditate: Lam. 3:1 Lam. 3:6 Lam. 3:14 Lam. 3:19-21 Lam. 3:22-24 Lam. 3:41 Lam. 3:55 — Lam. 3:55 – Post tenebras spero lucem – the pro-lifer’s motto. From the pit we cry for a period of DELIVERANCE for moms and babies. “The Lord is my portion, I tell myself, therefore I will hope in Him.”

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Fourth Decade of the Rosary – Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – Taking up the Cross — From the cradle we hear of taking up our cross. Jesus’ greatest wound was in the shoulder, lifting every sin of man. We have identified our place beside Him like the Cyrenian. Can we carry others’ sins? We are your followers. Please tell us if we are called to carry sins as well as sinners. The cross of a frightened mother pressured from everywhere, we will carry. Pray all of Lamentations 4 Meditate: Lam. 4:2 Lam. 4:3 Lam. 4:4 Lam. 4:17 –Lam.4:6-11 Lam. 4:13-16 – The trials of our women, documented, and our priests insensible to the suffering. “From our watchtower we have watched for a nation unable to save.”

Thursday, October 12, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Fifth Decade of the Rosary – Fifth Sorrowful Mystery – Crucifixion unto Death –The ultimate DELIVERANCE – Every knee must bow before Jesus our Lord and Savior! Pray all of Lamentations 5. Meditate: Lam. 5:2-3 Lam. 5:11 Lam. 5:19-21 — Lord, we, the imprisoned, stand in mute supplication before You for the sins and crimes of our nation. We make no pleas for our nation based on any past greatness, for that past is choked with the blood of 70 million babies. We plead for mercy, yes, but we recognize Your Sovereignty over the nations. We beg DELIVERANCE for the moms and babies. “Bring us back to you, O Lord, that we may return, renew our days of old.”

Friday, October 13, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Please pray the day’s Gospel – Luke 11:15-26 — While absorbing the massive insult of being treated as a “violent felon” by a corrupt federal court, I will remember that Jesus himself was accused of driving out demons using the devil’s power. DELIVER us from evil, Lord. Pray the Memorare and the Magnificat. Pray Isaiah 38:17-20. Meditate: Isaiah 38:1-8 Isaiah 38:17-20. — Isaiah 38:19-20 – I declare to my children the faithfulness of the Lord, and we shall sing His praise all the days of our life. Let my children shine their faith in Your sight. DELIVERANCE.

Saturday, October 14, 2023 – Two Opening Prayers. Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. Pray day’s Gospel – Luke 11:27-28. Meditate: Luke 8:19-21 — While you point heavenward in your answer to this woman, left unspoken is the Biblical blessedness of every womb that bore a child and every breast that nursed. DELIVER them, O Lord. “My Mother and brothers are those who heed the word and act on it.”

RELATED: Pro-life rescuers immediately incarcerated following jury’s guilty verdict in DC FACE Act trial

