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(LifeSiteNews) — The following is an open letter by Father Jesusmary Missigbètò. His previous writings can be viewed here.


Cotonou (Benin) – 7 October 2023

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Dear sisters and brothers in Jesus and Mary, 

As we know, since 2016, our Church has been going through a time of great moral and doctrinal confusion. Despite all the filial corrections made to Pope Francis, he has made no rectification of the errors that are the cause of this confusion. What should we do in the face of this situation? We remember the words of Jesus Our Lord: “if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:19). During this month of October, all the children of Jesus and Mary are invited to live unity in prayer, through the recitation of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will pray especially for Pope Francis, Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Society of Jesus, our brothers and sisters who publicly contradict the traditional teaching of the Church, for the enemies of the Church, and for our brothers and sisters who fully accept the traditional teaching of the Church. 

A. Why pray for Pope Francis, Cardinal Kasper, the Society of Jesus, and our brothers and sisters who publicly contradict traditional Church teaching?

Pope Francis is the president of the Synod on Synodality, whose general assemblies in October 2023 and 2024 risk radically changing the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church (cf. my open letter of 15 August 2023): disappearance of the law of celibacy for candidates to the priesthood, marriage of priests, ordination of women to the priesthood, relativism, situation ethics, primacy of individual conscience over divine law, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, “blessing” of homosexual couples, elimination of the text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church defining homosexual acts as intrinsically disordered, etc. For those who usually listen to the Virgin Mary, all this is not surprising. Let’s turn our attention to Our Lady of Anguera (Brazil). Obviously, we are waiting and hoping for the Church authorities to confirm the authenticity of the apparitions, as was the case for Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Lourdes, and Our Lady of Fatima. But it is interesting to note that Anguera’s messages do not contradict traditional Church teaching; on the contrary, they reinforce it. Several of the messages concern Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, Cardinal Kasper, and the Jesuits. 

For example, in the case of John Paul II, Our Lady of Anguera said: “My Church is divided internally and in danger of losing the true faith. Many errors are being spread, and the real culprits are the pastors who do not obey the Vicar of my Son, Pope John Paul II. Many bishops, priests and religious are concerned solely and exclusively with social problems. They forget that Jesus died on the Cross and rose again to give us the great gift of redemption and to save souls. In this way, the teaching of liberation theology is spreading more and more, leading countless of my children down the road to perdition” (115, 17 December 1988). A few days after Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the Petrine ministry (11 February 2013), the Virgin Mary said: “Now the first steps towards Calvary begin … Love and defend the truth” (3.776, 13 February 2013); “Behold, the times foretold by me have arrived. You are heading for a future of great trials. It is a time of great spiritual confusion. Stand firm in your faith. My Jesus is with you … True men and women of faith will bear a heavy cross and know the anguish of a condemned man” (3.780, 23 February 2013).

The following messages are negative and, according to several analysts, apply to Pope Francis: “Vengeance will come on the throne of Peter” (2.600, 10 November 2005); “The day will come when a man of fine appearances will appear and with his false ideology will succeed in deceiving many people, even consecrated persons will be seduced” (2.700, 29 June 2006); “He who could be Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors to the enemies and make men and women of faith suffer” (3.046, 29 August 2008); “The day will come when there will be two thrones, but on only one will the true successor of Peter be found. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I tell you and stand firm in the faith” (3.098, 23 December 2008); “The day will come when a man who looks good and just will appear. He will deceive many people, for he will perform great wonders. He will come from the southern hemisphere and many will see him as a saviour. Be on your guard not to be deceived” (3.276, 6 February 2010); “You are living in a time of great spiritual confusion. When a man appears with three names, there will be great confusion in the House of God. Pray, pray, pray” (3.452, 14 March 2011); “Dangerous birds will bring the seed of evil, but in the Lord’s vineyard only the seed of truth will germinate” (3.789, 12 March 2013); “The poison is in the tree, not in the fruit” (3.790, 16 March 2013); “Dear children, the poison is in the tree, not in the fruit” (5.260, 24 March 2022); “Peter is not Peter; Peter will not be Peter. You cannot understand what I am telling you now, but all will be revealed to you” (5.304, 29 June 2022).

The message about Cardinal Walter Kasper is clear but unfortunately negative: “Walter Kasper: behold, because of him many will die” (2.570, 3 September 2005). This certainly refers to the fact that Kasper is the great promoter of the Amoris laetitia reform, which consists of giving the Holy Eucharist to “remarried” divorcees who do not want to fight to avoid undue sexual cohabitation. With regard to the Society of Jesus, several analysts apply the following message to him: “The Church will find a great stumbling block in the revolt of a famous congregation” (3.260, 1 January 2010).

In this month of October, let us therefore pray especially for the fidelity of Jesuits to the traditional teaching of the Church, as several of them are taking part in the Synod on Synodality, which risks changing this teaching. Let us also pray for the conversion of all those who publicly contradict the Church’s traditional teaching (cf. my open letter of 16 July 2023). For example, Pope Francis, Pietro Parolin, Walter Kasper, Francesco Coccopalmerio, Lorenzo Baldisseri, Josef de Kesel, Christoph Schönborn, Agostino Vallini, Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SJ, Matteo Maria Zuppi, Marcello Semeraro, Blase Cupich, Reinhard Marx, Óscar Maradiaga, Georg Bätzing, Helmut Dieser, Dieter Geerlings, Franz-Josef Bode, Peter Kohlgraf, Heinrich Timmerevers, Joseph Tobin CSsR, Wilton Gregory, Robert McElroy, José Tolentino de Mendonça, Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ, Peter Turkson, Mario Grech, Cristóbal López Romero, Víctor Manuel Fernández, Américo Aguiar, Charles Scicluna, Giacomo Morandi, Michael Jackels, John Wester, Paul Dempsey, Johann Bonny, Franz-Joseph Overbeck, Bruno Forte, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Sergio Alfredo Fenoy, Vincenzo Paglia, Felix Gmür, Zbignev Stankevics, Mario Delpini, John Stowe, Heiner Koch, Geremias Steinmetz, Joseph Maria Bonnemain, Ramón Alfredo de la Cruz, Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, Stephen Chow, SJ, Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Arturo Sosa, SJ, Antonio Spadaro, SJ, Thomas Reese, SJ, James Martin, SJ, Gilfredo Marengo, Maurizio Chiodi, Philippe Bordeyne, Adriano Oliva, Roy Donovan, Gerry O’Connor, Tim Hazelwood, John Collins, Guilherme Peixoto, Lucia Caram, Xiskya Lucia Valladares, Austen Ivereigh, Cynthia Bailey Manns, Rafael Luciani, Helena Jeppesen-Spuhler, etc.

B. Why pray for the enemies of the Church?

In 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ, became Pope. From the top of the Church, he has used relativism and situation ethics to cunningly change Christian morality and doctrine (cf. my filial correction of 29 June 2023). To perpetuate himself in time, he appointed his friends bishops and cardinals and opened the doors wide to the enemies of the Church (cf. my open letter of 15 August 2023). Let us never forget the clever strategy of the enemies of the Church: the continuity over time of the destructive action of the Church, despite the succession of individuals. In fact, the beast is perpetuated in time through those who continue the unfinished work of their predecessors (cf. Revelation 13:11-18). The enemies have been planning the infiltration of the Church for many years and have carried it out progressively until they now have their Pope, who has placed in important positions several wolves disguised as sheep (cf. Matthew 7:15-20 on the false prophets; Infiltration: the plot to destroy the Church from within, Dr. Taylor Marshall, Crisis Publications, 2019). As Jesus said, “the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light” (Luke 16:8).

In fact, Pope Francis (and those who put him in charge of the Church to lead it towards moral and doctrinal progressivism) has already prepared his succession. And even if, by God’s grace, a pope faithful to Jesus is elected after Francis, he will have a difficult work ahead of him to purify the Church of all the evil Francis has done by appointing several unworthy bishops and cardinals and distorting the traditional Christian teaching given in seminaries around the world. The isolated action of faithful bishops will never be able to break the hold of the enemies on the Church. To free the Church from the negative influence of the enemies, it is absolutely necessary for several faithful popes and bishops to take united and continuous action over time. These popes will either have to succeed in converting the heretics appointed by Francis or remove them from the management of power in the Church and seminaries. In so doing, they will be obeying the desire of the Lord Jesus as recalled by St. Catherine of Siena: “When the time comes to choose pastors and cardinals, let them not be chosen for flattery, money and simony; but pray him as far as possible to stop only at the virtue and good and holy reputation of persons … virtue is the only thing that makes a man noble and pleasing to God” (Letter to the Apostolic Nuncio Gérard du Puy, relative of Pope Gregory XI; Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, Libro 2, Lettera 109, Casa Editrice Barbèra, 1860).

But what should be the attitude of Catholics towards enemies? The heart that Jesus gave to his children is not one of hatred or resentment, but one filled with love: “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:44-45). We must pray for the conversion of enemies. The Rosary for this month of October is therefore also a great work of charity towards all those who persecute the Church and all those who do not love Christians.

C. Why pray for our brothers and sisters who fully accept the Church’s traditional teaching?

Jesus and Mary today need faithful and courageous bishops who are prepared to sacrifice everything to take the Catholic Church out of the hands of the enemies who control it. By a mystery of divine providence, the Lord has willed that the Virgin Mary should be the Commander of the peaceful army of God’s children who wish to put the Catholic Church back on the path of truth and love. How beautiful and magnificent it would be, in this month of October, to see all the cardinals and bishops and all the laity, in person or by internet, all over the world, gathered around the Commander, praying her Rosary!

In this month of October, let us pray especially for all those who fully accept traditional Christian morality and doctrine (cf. my open letter of 15 August 2023). For example, Joseph Zen, Francis Arinze, Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Leo Burke, Robert Sarah, Péter Erdö, Gerhard Müller, Théodore-Adrien Sarr, Angelo Amato, Wim Eijk, Malcolm Ranjith, Mauro Piacenza, Philipe Ouédraogo, Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, Carlo Maria Viganò, Athanasius Schneider, Héctor Rubén Aguer, Charles Chaput, Salvatore Cordileone, Robert Mutsaerts, Joseph Strickland, Vitus Huonder, Marian Eleganti, Daniel Fernández Torres, Bernard Fellay, Stefan Oster, José Ignacio Munilla, Philippe Kpodzro, Marcellin Yao Kouadio, Barthélemy Adoukonou, Marc Aillet, Roger Houngbédji, Aristide Gonsallo, Samuel Aquila, Stanislaw Gadecki, Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Robert Reed, Aidan Nichols, OP, Thomas Weinandy, José Luis Aberasturi, Juan de Dios Olvera Delgadillo, Robert McTeigue, SJ, Gerald Murray, Santiago Martín, FM, Roberto de Mattei, Josef Seifert, Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña, Luisella Scrosati, Stefano Fontana, Scott Hahn, Elizabeth Yore, Peter Kwasniewski, Pilar Calva Mercado, Lila Rose, Obianuju Ekeocha, Philip Lawler, etc.

Personally, I will be taking part in the World Rosary Prayer (Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries) for Pope Francis, organised by the CathoLaïcTV channel and myself via the internet (www.RosarioFrancis.org). All Facebook and YouTube channels are invited to take part in this prayer, which will take place on Friday 13 October 2023 at 3pm (Rome time). At the end of the Rosary, a prayer will be read consecrating to the Sacred and Merciful Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the one hand, Pope Francis with the cardinals, bishops, priests, and lay people who publicly contradict the traditional teaching of the Church (so that Jesus and Mary may give them the humility to recognise their errors and the strength to correct them publicly), and on the other hand, cardinals, bishops, priests, and lay people who fully accept the traditional teaching of the Church (so that Jesus and Mary may give them the strength to live this teaching ever better and the charity to help those who are in error). O Jesus Christ! O Virgin Mary! We ask you for a special grace for the conversion of Pope Francis to the true Christian faith. Amen! Amen! Amen! 

Your brother, 

Father Janvier Gbénou (pen name: Father Jesusmary Missigbètò) 

[email protected] / Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok : @fatherjesusmary 

