(Campaign Life Coalition) — You’ve heard the story of the mayor of Emo, Ontario, Mr. Harold McQuaker. I wrote just before Christmas about the travesty of justice he faced at the hands of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. That kangaroo court fined him $5,000 personally, and the township $10,000 collectively, for simply voting against proclaiming a homosexual “pride month” celebration.
The pro-LGBT activist-lawyer who filed the Ontario Human Rights complaint against Mayor McQuaker and the township then used the tribunal’s ruling to garnish the Mayor’s personal bank account – taking out a total of $5,300.65! Can you believe that?

One of the most astonishing aspects of this mafia-style shakedown of elected municipal politicians is that the township never said a single negative word about homosexual or transgender-identifying people! They merely voted against elevating LGBT lifestyles above everything else. And, for that, the tribunal cast the mayor and his fellow councillors as haters and bigots!
As I thought more about that tyrannical decision – overruling democratically elected councillors in small town Ontario – I began to wonder how the tribunal might treat other more prominent elected officials if they were to vote against LGBT pride. Would they treat a premier or prime minister the same? And what about some of our famous leaders from the past? What would they say to them?
In particular, I wondered what they would say to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, former prime minister of Canada (1968-1979 and 1980-1984), regarding some of his choice words on homosexuality that few Canadians today know about.

Would Pierre Trudeau be found guilty of discrimination? Would the acclaimed father of our modern liberal Canada be fined for anti-LGBT speech and treated as a “hater” if he were serving today as an elected member of Parliament?
Why do I ask that question? Well, Mr. Trudeau and Mr. McQuaker have a lot more in common than you might think. While Mr. McQuaker merely questioned the fairness of celebrating homosexual pride when there is no equivalent celebration of “straight pride,” Mr. Trudeau was much more critical in his commentary on the subject.
While it is well known that the government of Pierre Trudeau first legalized homosexuality in Canada in 1969, the purpose behind that legalization is often obscured. Mr. Trudeau did not set out to create a new sexual identity class. Nor was it his plan to legitimize homosexual behaviors and attitudes, though it could be argued that he ultimately did just that. His purpose, expressed at the time, was to give individual adults the freedom to do as they please in the privacy of their own homes (and bedrooms).
Listen to what Mr. Trudeau had to say in his own words: “Take this thing on homosexuality. I think the view we take here is that there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation. I think that what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code. When it becomes public this is a different matter, or when it relates to minors this is a different matter.” (Emphasis added.)
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In other words, Mr. Trudeau was merely saying: ‘Let adults do what they want in private.’ But, then, did you notice Mr. Trudeau’s last statement? What people do in private is one thing, he noted, but that doesn’t mean we want to see homosexual behavior in public – or influencing our children!
That was the position of Pierre Elliott Trudeau – the touted “liberator” of homosexuals. Do you think this icon of the left was actually a hateful bigot? The Liberals don’t think so. And yet, for making a much milder, more neutral statement, Mayor McQuaker and the Emo Township Council has been fined and defamed!
One unelected pseudo-judge is trying to override democracy and force local elected representatives to deny their duty to their constituents – to advocate something Pierre Trudeau rejected – that homosexuality should be celebrated in public – in front of everyone, including children!
That is not only absurd, it is immoral and unconscionable!
We can’t allow this out-of-control tribunal to dictate to elected officials what they should say or how they should vote. For if they can get away with this type of control in one area, it won’t be long before they start dictating public policy in all kinds of areas. This should be recognized for the danger it poses to everyone – both on the political right and on the political left.
It is the demolition of democracy!
Previously, I asked you to sign our petition to Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Doug Downey, to urge them to review this egregious case and enact meaningful changes to the tribunal. Today, I would ask you to take an additional step by sending an Action Alert Email to your local MPP on this issue. This will help us put extra pressure on Premier Ford to act. It will also help us make every provincial representative aware of this issue and the threat the Human Rights Tribunal even poses to them personally.
The fact is, no elected MPP, MP, premier, prime minister, or town or city councillor is immune to the encroaching tyranny of human rights tribunals. Every elected official has an interest in preserving their freedom of speech and democracy from unelected dictators.
Please take a minute to send an Action Alert Email. We have a number of pre-scripted messages prepared to make it quick and easy for you.
We were glad to recently hear that Mayor McQuaker was given a check by supporters to cover the cost of his fine, and we are also greatly encouraged by the decision of the Township of Emo to appeal the tribunal’s dreadful ruling and seek a judicial review.
However, we can’t count on the Ontario courts to do the right thing. We need to urge the elected representatives at Queen’s Park to listen to the voice of their constituents and take legislative action to rein in the power of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. This kangaroo court’s powers must be restrained. Help us make that happen by sending an Action Alert Email today!
Lord willing, we will stop the tyranny of the tribunal in its tracks!
As the famous Scottish theologian John Knox said, “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”
Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition.