(Campaign Life Coalition) — We have some exciting news about the upcoming Roe Canada documentary from DunnMedia & Entertainment.
Private screenings for the highly-anticipated new film by director Kevin Dunn will start soon across the country, but first, there is something else I want to share with you.
As Jim Hughes would say, he is “busier than all get-out” these days, but he still managed to make an appearance in this new film.
Campaign Life Coalition’s president emeritus is one of the prominent pro-life champions in DunnMedia’s independent documentary, Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World, and Kevin gave us this exclusive behind-the-scenes clip of Jim telling a story about a single conversation he had that saved a life, and brought hope to a distressed mother and insurmountable joy to an extended family.
READ: New documentary to examine how Canada can achieve a pro-life victory like Dobbs
Kevin, a long-time friend of the National March for Life, and EWTN broadcaster, has done an outstanding job of producing and directing the film, which had an early screening in Ottawa during this year’s National March for Life Week, and the pro-lifers who were there had some glowing reviews.
Jim shares the screen with notable names like Abby Johnson, Kristan Hawkins, Seth Dillon, Stephanie Gray Connors, Jonathon Van Maren, and Canadian Members of Parliament Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall.
The documentary’s principal investigators, Josie Luetke and Ruth Robert, do a magnificent job of uncovering Canada’s path to a Dobbs-like victory in Canada.
Host a screening
We are encouraging all our supporters, churches, and fellow pro-life organizations to HOST A SCREENING of this powerful film in your area, beginning in November. Fill out this form to start a conversation with the team at DunnMedia.
They also need your help to ensure the completion of this project, which includes an educational version of the film for schools and organizations.
Producers are still short of reaching their funding goal of $150,000, but continue to press on, knowing people will come forward once they have seen the film.
Please donate to their LifeFunder campaign.
If you are looking to invest more substantially in the film, please email the DunnMedia team directly at [email protected].
If you prefer to send a check, you can do so through the Campaign Life Coalition head office. Please make the check payable to DunnMedia & Entertainment, and include a memo at the bottom of the check indicating: Roe Canada Donation. Please mail it to: Roe Canada c/o 157 Catharine St N, 2nd Floor, Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4. Please note that you will not get a charitable tax receipt.
I have seen the film twice now, at the first screening in Ottawa and more recently, at a screening in Hamilton, and I cannot praise it enough.
Kevin and his team have produced a top-notch, high-quality film that is on par with the multi-million-dollar budget documentaries that usually come from south of the border.
This is a made-in-Canada movie, addressing the issue of abortion from a Canadian perspective, featuring Canadian voices, and I think it is the kind of cultural moment the Canadian pro-life movement can use to inspire a new wave of pro-life activism.
The producers tell us this film is being created specifically for you – a pro-life audience – for the chance to answer the question, What would it take for Canada to experience a victory like Dobbs? You can be the first to screen it in your area.
Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition.